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2� 1 �� 1325 <br /> and restoration in a single pa}��nen�or in a serie�of progr�ss payments as the work is comp�eted. Tf�h�insurance or <br /> condernnation pr�ceeds ar�n�t sufficient to repair ar restore the Praperty, B�rrower is no�rel ie�ed �f�orrawer's <br /> �bliga�ion for the completian af such repair or restoration. <br /> If c4ndemnat��n proceeds are paid in �onnec�ion with �he taki z�g of t�ae property, Lender shall apply such <br /> proceeds xo the reduc��an of the indeb�edness under �he No�e and this Security Instrument, first to any del�nquent <br /> arflounts, and then to payment of principa�. A�ny applica�ior� of�he praceeds to #he principal sha11 not ex�end or <br /> postpone the due da�e of�he mo�zt��ly payments or chang�the amount of such payments. <br /> Lender or its agent may inake reaso�7able entri�s upor�and inspec�ions of the Proper�y. �f if has reasonable cause, <br /> Lender znay inspec�the ir��erior af the iinproWe�n�nts on t��e Praper�y. Lender shal� giue B�rrorn�er natiGe a�the time <br /> of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. <br /> $. Borrower's Lflan Application. Borrower shall be in default if, dur�rzg �he Laar� applicatian process, <br /> B�rrower ar any persons�r en�ities acting at the d�rectior�of Borrawer o�with Borrower's knowled�e or consent gave <br /> maferially false, tn�slead�ng, or inaccurate iriformation or statemen�s to Lender �or fai�ed �o pra�ide �ender with <br /> materiai information} ir� c�nnection v�ith the Loan. Material repr�sentations �nclude, but are no� lim�t�d to, <br /> repres�ntations concerning Borrower's occupanc}�of�he Froper�y as Bflrrojuer's principaI res€dence. <br /> 9. Pro�ecfion uf Lender's Inferest in t��e Property and Righfs Under thi5 �ecur�ty �ns�rumen#�. If�a} <br /> Borra�wer fai�s�o perfartn the co�enants and agreemen�,s Contained in this Securi�y �nstrumeii�, (b}�her� is a legal <br /> proceeding that migh�signif cant�y affec�Ler�der's in��rest in the Property andlar.r.ights under this Security�nstrurne�at <br /> �such as a praceed�ng in bankruptcy, probate, far ca.ndemnation ar forfeiture, far�nforcement af a lien which may <br /> attain p�iflri� o�er this 5ecurity Instrument or to enforce �aws ar regulatians}, or �c�Borrower has abandoned the <br /> Property, theri.Lender may da and pay far whate�er is:reasonable or appropriate t�protect Lender's in�eresti in the <br /> Property and righ�s under this Security �.nstruinen�, including pratecting andlor assessing the value of the:Prvperty, <br /> and securing andlar r�pairing the Froperty. I�ender's action�can ir�c�ude, but a�-e n�t lirn�ted#o: �a}paying any sums <br /> 5eCur�C�by a�iei7 WhiC�1 ha5 priQr�ty Ove�thi5 S�Cui'��y InStrum�nt, �b}appeari��g i�1 court; and�c}paying reasonable <br /> a�torn�ys' fees ta profiect its i��er�st in�he Praperfy at�dlor righ�s under this Secur�ty�nstrumer�t, �r�clud�ng its secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proc��d�n�. 5ecuring th��'ropert}� includes, but is no�li�nited tfl, entering the Praperty ta <br /> make repairs, �hange lflcks, replace�r board up doors and windows, drain water frorn p�pes, e�iminate building o� <br /> nther code vio�a�ivns or dangerous�ai�dit�ot�s, and ha�e utilities turned or� or off. Althvugh Ler�der ma�take action <br /> under this Section 9, Lender does��ot have to do sa and is r�ot under any duty or ob�igation to da so. It�s agreed that <br /> Lender incurs no �iabzli�y for ��o�taking any or a�l act�ons authoriz�d u��der this Sectian 9, <br /> Any amounfs disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become addi�iona� debt of:Borrnwer secured by�his <br /> 5ecurity instrument. These amouza�s shall bear interest a�the No�e �-a�e f�om�h� date af disbursement and shall be <br /> payable, with such interes�, upon notice from Lender to Borrowe� requesting pa�ment. <br /> �f#his Se�urity Instrumet�t is on a �easeha[d, Borrower shall c�rnp�y with a�i the praWisions of�he �ease. �f <br /> Borrawer a��uires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the f�e title sha�l nofi merge unless Le��der agrees�o the <br /> merger in writing. <br /> ��. Assignment of Miscellane�us Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscel�aneous Proceeds are�ereby assigned to <br /> and shal�be pai d to Lender. <br /> If�he Proper�y is damaged,suc�a M isce�laneaus Froceeds shal l be applied#o.restora�inn or repair of the P.rope�-ty, <br /> �f the res�oratior� or repa�r is econamica�ly feas�ble at�d Lender's security is no� lessened. Dur.iiag such repair and <br /> restorat�an period, L�nder shall ha�e the r�ghti t.o hold such Miscellaneaus Praceeds until Lender has had an <br /> oppartunity ta inspect such Praperty tfl ensure t��e work has been c�rnp�eted to Lender's satisfac�ion, provided t��a� <br /> such inspectior�shall be under�aken prornptly. Lender may pay fo�-the repairs ar�d restoration it�a sil�gle disbursement <br /> or.�n a series tif pr�gress paymen�s as the�v�rk is completed. Unless an agreement�s made in writing or Appl�cable <br /> Law requires inter�st ta be paid on suCh Miscellaneous ProCeeds, L��nder shall not be required to pay Borrawer any <br /> interest or earnings on such Miscellatzeous Proceeds. �f the restoration or repair �s not eco��amically feasible or <br /> Le��der's security wou�d be lesset�ed,�he M�scel[aneaus Proceeds shall be appl ie�to the sums secured b}�this Security <br /> Instrument, whethe� or no�ther� due, with the excess, if ar�y, paid to Borrav►�e�. Such:Miscellaneaus Proceeds shall <br /> be applied in the arder pr�vided for in Section 2. <br /> NE6RA5KA FHA DEED �F TRUST- MERS DocNlagiC <br /> N EDDT�2.FHA �911�115 Pag e 7 af 13 www, <br /> . <br />