2� 1 �� 1325
<br /> o.�-#his 5ecurity Instrume��t is re�urned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require�hat any or all subsequent payments du�
<br /> under the Note and this Security ;Instrumen�b�made in one ar mare af the following forms, as s��ected by Ler�der:
<br /> �a}cash; �b} mone� order; �c}certi�ed check, bat�k check, treasurer's check ar�ash�er's check, pr�v�ded any such
<br /> �heck is dra�n upon a�1 insti�ut�an �vhose depasi�s are insu�ed by a federal agency, instrumen�ality, or enti�; or�d}
<br /> Electr�nic Funds Transfer.
<br /> Paymen�s ar�deemed recei�ed by Lender w]�en receiwed a�the location designated in�he Na�e or at such other
<br /> locatian 2�s may be desi�nated by Lende.r in accordance wi�h�he notice pra�isions �n Section 14. Lender may return
<br /> any paym�r�t tir partial paymen�if the pay.m�����r partia� payrnents are insuffic�ent t��ring�he Loan current. Lender
<br /> may aGcept ar�y payment ��- partial pa}�ment insuf�'icien� �o bring �he Laan current, withou� waiver of an}� rights
<br /> hereunder ar prejudic� to i�s rights to refuse such payment ar partial payments in the future, but L�nder is not
<br /> obligated ta app�y such paymen�s a���ae time such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is applied as af
<br /> i�s scheduled due d�te, then L�nder need nat pay interest on unapplied funds. Lender rnay hold such u�iapplied fu�ds
<br /> until Bor�ower makes payrne��t to bring the Loa�1 current. �f Borrower does not da so within a reasonable periad �f
<br /> tiine, Lender s�aall ei�her apply such funds or ret.u�-n thel�n to B�rrv�ver. �f n�t applied earlier, such funds will be
<br /> ap�Iied t��h�autstanding prir�cipa[balance under the Na�e immediately prior to foreclasure.No offse��r claim which
<br /> Barro�ver migh�ha�e now or in the future against Lender shall relie�e Borrower from making payments due under
<br /> �the Note and this Security Instrument or perforrning the c�uerian�s and ag�-eements secured by this Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> 2. App�ica�ifln of P�yments or Praceeds. Except as �therwise described in this �ectian �, all pa�rnei�ts
<br /> accepted and applied by Lender shal� b�applied ir�the following order of priority:
<br /> Fi�st, to the Marfigage Insura�nce pr�miums to be paid by Lender�o the Secretary or the manthly charge by the
<br /> Secre�.ary instead of the monthl�mortgage insu�a��ce premiums;
<br /> Second,to any taxes, sp�cial assessrnents, �easehold payments or ground rents, and fire, flo�d and oth�r haarard
<br /> insurance premiutns, as re�uired;
<br /> T�ird, to interes�due under the Ivote;
<br /> Faurth, to amortiza�iora of the principal �f the N��e; and, Fif�h, �a late Gharge�due under the I�ote.
<br /> Any appl�catian�f paymen�s, i��surance proce�ds, or �M.isce�la�eous Proc��ds to principal due under the Note
<br /> shal� not extend or p�s�pane the due date, or change fhe amount of the Peri�dic Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds far Escrow ��ems. Borrower sha�l pay to Lender an the day Periadic Payments are due under the
<br /> Note, un�il the No�e is paid .in ful�, a sum�the "Funds"}to pro�ide for payment af amounts due far: �a}taxes and
<br /> assessments and ather items which can at�ain priority av�r this Secu�ity Instruinent as a lien flr encumbrance on the
<br /> Pr�pert}�; �b� �easehald paylnents ar ground rents on the Property, if any; �c} premiums for any and all insurance
<br /> required by Lender under Secfiar� 5; ar�d�d}Mor�gage.lnsurance premiums�o be paid by Lender t�t��e Secre�ary or
<br /> the month�y charge by the Secr�tary instead of the n�onthl}� Martgage Itisurance premiums. These items are called
<br /> "Es�ro�v Items." A# arigination ar at any tiri�e during �he term of�he Laan, Lender ma}� require that �oxnmuni�y
<br /> Assoc�ation Dues,Fees,and Assessments, if any, be escrawed by.Barrower,and such dues, fees and assessments shal�
<br /> be an Escrovv Item. Barrower shail promp�ly furnish�o L��zder al� no�ices af amounts to be pa�d unde�-this Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items un�ess Lender wai�es Barraw�r's abliga�io�a ta pay the Funds
<br /> fo�r any or al[Es�r�w Items. Lender may waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Furids for any o.r a�l Escr�w
<br /> Iterns a�any ti�ne. Ar�y such waiWer may�nly be in vvriting. Ii�the er�en��f such waiuer, B�.rrower shall pay direc�ly,
<br /> �vhen and whe�e payable, th�amaunts due for any .Escrovw Items for which payment of Funds has been vuai�ed �}�
<br /> Lender and, if Lender requ�res, s��al!furn�sh to Lender rec�ipts e�idencing su�h payment wit�lir� such fii�n�period as
<br /> Lender rnay require. Borror�ver's obligation to make such payments and ta prar�ide receipts s��a�� for aI� purposes be
<br /> deemed to be a co�enant and agreement Gantained in this Security Instrume���, as the phrase"c��enant and ag�-eement"
<br /> is used in S�ction 9. If Bor.rower is obligated ta pay Escraw Items dir�ctl}�, pursuant to a wai�e�•, and Borrower fai is
<br /> to pa}�t��e amount due for an Escrow It�m, L�nder rnay exercise i�s righ�s ur�der Sectian 9 and pay such arnount and
<br /> Borrower shal�tihe�be obligat�d under S�c�ior�9 to repay�o�.ender any such am�unf. Lender may reWoke�he waf�er
<br /> as to any or all Escro�Items at an�t�me by a notic.e gi�en in ac�ordance with Sec�ion 14 and, upan such re�ocat�on,
<br /> Borrower shall pay�o��nd�r al� Fur�ds, and in such am�un�s, that are t��en required under this Section 3.
<br /> N EDQT�2.FHA 09��4��5 Pag e 4 af 13 www,docmagre.com
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