2� 1 �� 1325
<br /> Ins�rument. MERS is organized a�1d existing under the laws ofDe�aware, and has an address and�elephone number
<br /> of F.�. Box 2�26, Flint, M� 455��-2��d, �e�. �888} d79-MERS.
<br /> �F} "Note"means the promissory nflte signed by Borrawer and dated FEBRLTARY �7 , ��16 .
<br /> The Note states that Borrower owes Lender �NE HUNDRED S IXTY-F�UR TH�USAND THREE
<br /> HUNDRED TWENTY-S I� AND ��/1�D Dallars �U.S. $ l�4 , 3�� . �� }
<br /> plus interest. Borrflwer has prornrsed to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and�o pay the debt in full n�t later
<br /> than MAR�H 1, 2�4 6 .
<br /> �G} "Property"means the property that is described bel�w under the heading"Transfer of Rights in the Proper�y."
<br /> �H} "Loan"means�he debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, late charges due under the Note, and all sums due
<br /> under�his Se�u�-ity �nstrument, plus interest.
<br /> �I} "Riders"means all R�ders to this Securi�y Ins�rument that are executed by Borrower. Th�fallowing R�ders are
<br /> to be exe�uted by Barrower [check box as applicable�:
<br /> � Adjustable Rate Rider [� Planned Unit De�elopment Rider
<br /> � C ondomin i um Ri der ❑ �ther�s} �speci fy�
<br /> �J} "Applicahle Law"means a��control�ing applicable federal, sta�e and local statutes, regulat�ons, ordinances and
<br /> administrati�e rules and orders�that ha�e the effec�of law} as we�l as all app�icable final, non-appealable�udiciai
<br /> vpini�ns.
<br /> �K} "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments"means all dues, fees, assessmen�s and ather charges
<br /> that are imposed �n Borrower �r the Property by a condominium association, homeowners assaciation or simi lar
<br /> organization.
<br /> �L} "Electrflnic Funds Transfer"m�ans any transfe�-of funds, other than a#ransacti�n originated by check, draft,
<br /> or simYlar paper instrumen#, which is initia�ed�hr�ugh an electronic termir�al, tel�phonic instrument, computer, or
<br /> magnetic tape sa as to order, instruct, or au�horize a finan�ial ir�s��tu�ion to debit ❑r credit an account. 5uch term
<br /> inc�udes, but is not limited to, point-of-sale transfers, automated tel�er machine transactions, transfers initiated by
<br /> telephane, wire transfers, and automated c�earin�house transfers.
<br /> �M) "Escrow Ttems"means those items that are described in Section 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneous Proc�eds"means any compensafi�n, settiement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by any
<br /> third party �o�her than insurance proceeds paid under the ca��rages described in Section 5} for: �i} damage��, �r
<br /> destruc�ion�f, the Property; �ii�condemnation or�ther taking of a�I or any part of#he Property; (iii� con�eyance in
<br /> lieu af candemnation; or�iv}misrepresenta#ions of, ar nmissions as to, the Walue andlor condition of the Property.
<br /> �[�} "Mortgage Insurance"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, nr defau�t on, the Laan.
<br /> (P} "Periodic Payment"means the regularly scheduled amount due for �i}principa� and interest under the Note,
<br /> plus�ii}any amounts und�r Se�tion 3 af this Security�nstrument.
<br /> �Q} "RESPA" means the Real Esta�e Settlement Pracedures Act �12 U.S.C. �Z6�1 et seq.} and its irnplementing
<br /> regulation, R�gulation X�12�.F.R. Part 1�24}, as they might be amended from time to time, or any additianal or
<br /> successor legislati�n or regulation tha�ga�erns the same subject matter. As used in this Security In��rument, "RESPA"
<br /> refers ta all re�uirements and r�strictions�hat are imposed in regard to a"federally related mortgage�oan" e�en if the
<br /> Loan does not�uatify as a"federalty related mortgage loan" under RESPA.
<br /> �R} "Secretary"means the Secretary of the Un�ted States Department of Housing and Urban De�e�opmen�ar his
<br /> designee.
<br /> (S} "Successor in Interest of Borrower"means any party that has taken title to the Property, wheth�r or nat tha�
<br /> party has assumed Borrower's obligati�ns under the Note andlor this Security Instrument.
<br /> N EBRAS KA FHA DEED�F TRU ST- MERS ❑o�1Nag►i�
<br /> N E��TZ Z.FHA �91�41�5 Pag e � af 13 ww�v.docmagic.�om -
<br />