2� 1 �� 13� 1
<br /> Z�I. HazardousSubstances.As used in this�ection 21: (a} "�azarc�ous,Suh.sta�ce.s"are thase substances
<br /> defined as taxic or hazardous substances,pollutan�s,or wastes by En�ironmental Law and the fol�owiag
<br /> substanc�s: gaso�ine,kerosene,other flammable ar toxic petroleum products,toxic pe�ticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile sol�ents, materials containin.g asbestos or formaldehyde� and radioacti�e mat�rials; (b}
<br /> "Er��viror�rnerctal Law"means federal laws and 1a�s of the jurisdiction where the Froperty is�ocated that
<br /> relate to health, safety or en�ironmental protectian; (c} "Er�virorc�nerttal Clear���"includes any response
<br /> actionA remedial action, or rerno�al action, as defined i�Envi.ronmental Law; and�d}an "Ercvirorc►ner�tal
<br /> Corcdition"means a condition that can cause,contribute to, or other�ise trigger an Environm�nta.1�leanup.
<br /> Borrower�hal�not cause or permit the presence,use,d�sposal, s�orage,or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten to release any Hazardous Substances,on or in the Property. Borrower sha11 not do,
<br /> nor allo�v anyone else to do,an�thing affecting the Property�a}that is�n violation of any Environmental
<br /> L.ativ,�b}which creates an Environmental Canditior�,or(c}which,due to the presen�e,u�e,or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substa.nce,creates a candition that�d�ersely affects the value af the Property. The preceding two
<br /> sentences sha11 not apply to�he presence,use, or storage on the Property of sma�l quantiti�s of Hazardous
<br /> Substa.nce�that are generally recognized to be appropriate to norma�residential uses an�to maintenance of
<br /> the Property(including,but not limited to,hazardaus substances in con�umer products}.
<br /> Barro�ver sha��promptly give Lender written notice af�a}any investigation,claim,demand, la�suit or other
<br /> action by any governmental or regu�atory agency ar pri�ate party involving the Froper�y and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Environmental Law of�uhich Borrower has actual knowledge,�b}any Environmental
<br /> Condi�ion, including but not�imite�to,any spilling, leaking,discharge,release or threat�f release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and�c}any condition caused by the presence,use or release of a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> which ad�ersely affects the�alue af the Pr��er�y.If Borro�ver Iearns,or is not�fied by any�overn.mental or
<br /> regulatory autharity,or any�rivate party,that any removal or other remediatian of any Ha�ardous Substance
<br /> affecting the Properiy is nec�ssary,Borrovver shall promptly�ake a�l neces�ary remedial ac�ions in
<br /> accordance with Environmental Law.Na�hing herein sha�l create any obligation an Lender for an
<br /> Environmen�l C��anup.
<br /> Non-Uniform Co��nants.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fallows:
<br /> 2�. Acceleration;Remedies.Lender shall give noti�e to B�rrower prior to acceleratinn foi�owing
<br /> Barrvwer's breach vf any Covenant ar agreement in this Security Instrument�but nat pri�r to
<br /> acceleratian under Section 1H un�ess Applicable Law provides othe�wi.se}.The natic�shall specify: �a}
<br /> the default; �b}the act��n required to cure the default; �c}a date,nQ�less than 3U days fram the date
<br /> �he nQtice is gi�en to Barro�er,by which the default must be Cured; �nd�d}that failure to cure the
<br /> default an or before the date specified in the n�ti�e may result in accelerati�n of the sum�secured by
<br /> th�s Se�urity Instrument and sale of the Property.The not�ce shall further inform Borr�wer of the
<br /> right t�reinstate after accelerat�on and the right to bring a�ourt�action to ass�rt the n�n-existence af a
<br /> default or any ather�efense Qf B�rrower tn aeceleratian and sale.If the defauit is not cured on or
<br /> before the date specif ed in the nvtice,L�nder at its option may require immediate payment in full af
<br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument without fur�her demand and may invoke the power af sale
<br /> and any other remedies permitted by Appl�cable Law.Lender sha�l be entitled to collect al�expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing�he remedies pravided in this Section 2�,�nciuding,but nat limited to,reasonable
<br /> attarneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> q�3351954253 �233 328 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJNIFQRM INSTRLIMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 1141
<br /> VMP� VMPfiA�NE}(1342}.44
<br /> Wolters K1�wer Fi�ancial Services Page 14 of 17
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