2� 1 �� 1277
<br /> ���� �F �TC�C�ST
<br /> ���ritil�u��} �a�e�
<br /> Trustor�rvhi��Ti r��t��is�uthari����r requ���d tv al�du�t fr�rr����rr�►��ts��the Ind��t��nes���c�ar���y t1�i�t�r��
<br /> �f a�����7rr��tt ��� a t��c��thi�t�pe af Dee���r`�ru�t�t��r����R����i�st th�Lender�r th�h��d����##��{��t�;
<br /> �nd {�� ��������t��€�n af1 �r an�r porti�n��th�I�������ir��ss�r a�p�yrr�ents�f prir��i�af ar��ir�#���s# r����by
<br /> T�rr��t�r,
<br /> �u���q���� T����. !f a�r�y #a� t� w�i�� #l�is s��ti�t� appli�s i� �n�ct��l su�sequ�nt t� th� ��t� �f tt�i� D�d �f
<br /> T��tr tnis e�en# shall f�av� th� �rr� �ff��t �,� an Ev�nt �f aefauttr and ��nd�r rr�y ��c��'�is� �r��► ��'�1� �f its
<br /> �v�i��t��� r�rr�lie� f�r an Ev�nt �� �����I� �� ��vid�c� E��1�v� �tnle�s Tr�.r�#�r ei�h�r ��� I��+s tf�� t��c ��f�r� it
<br /> �c��ryes delinq�r�nt, �r ��� ��r����t�th�t�x��pr��rided ab�v�in the`E`�t�����1 L1�r�s���ti�n a�d dep�sits v�rith
<br /> L�n��r r�a�h�r a s�ffi�ient�r�ra��s�r�t�E�t�d�r�fh�r s�Gurlty satis�a�#�ry#������r,
<br /> �E�#JRITY �4�F���I�JENTr F��A���I�I� ���TE�JE�fT�. TE�e follawin� pr��i5i�n� ��I��ir�� �� tl�i� ���d �f T��s� �s �
<br /> ���uri�y��r��mer�t a�e�part�t thi� ����t�f 7r��t;
<br /> �����it� Agr��m�n�, 7i�i� ir��trum�r�t sha�Il c�nsfi tut� a �e��rity Agr��rr��r�� t� th� �xt�r�t any af �h� �r���rt�r
<br /> ��n�titut��fix��r��, �r�� Ler����-�I�al�ha�r��II of th�ri�f�ts �f a s��ur����rk�ur����#I��Ur�i��rm ��r�rr��r�i�� ��de
<br /> �s�m�nd�d�r�rn#im�#�tirr��.
<br /> ���uri#�r I n#�r��t. ���r� r�q���� by Lender� Trust�r�l�all ta�C� �F�at��+�r����an i� r�����ted �� L�r���r ta p$r���t
<br /> and ��ntin�t� I��r����'� ���uri�� in����s� in the F��n�s a�td F��r��nal F�r���r#�+. Ir� ���iti�r� t� r���r�iin� t�is �e�d af
<br /> �'r�tst irr �n� r��l pr��erty x��vrd�� L�r���r ma�� �� �r�� #irr�� ar�� wikh�ut fur#h�r auth�riz�t��r� fr�rr� Tru�tQr� �i��
<br /> ���cut�d ���n�$r��r�s� �opi�� or repr��u��i�n� �f #I�is ���� �� T�ust �s a finan�in� st�t�r�n�nt. T�u�t�r shall
<br /> ��irnbt�rse Lend�r fQr ali �����s�� ir���r����r� p�r��ctir���r��r��ir�utr�� ti�i� ���urity ir�t�r��t. 1.���n��f�t�lt� Tru�t�r
<br /> s�all not r�mo�r�F 5e��r�r ��t��h th� �'�r���al �r�p�rt�+fr�m tE�� �r���rk�+. l�R�n ��fa u[t� Tru�t�r�I��II a���m�#�
<br /> an�Persan�l p����r�r n�t�ff�c�� t�th�P����K�+ir�a rnann�r an�at a pra��r$���n�b�y��nv�t�i�n#t�Trr��t�i and
<br /> �.er�€i�r a�� mak� it avaala�l� t� �.�n��r v�riti�ir� th��� ��� ���rs af��r r�c��pt of�rritt�n ��man� fr�m ��nd�r t� t��
<br /> e�tent petmilt��l 1�y���li��t�#�Iaw.
<br /> �l��r�����. �i'he m�ilin� at��res��s o f �ru sf�r �d��t�r� �r�� l.�r�t��r ����ur�� ��rty� ir�m �►I�i�h i nf�Trn�ti�n
<br /> �on��rni�� th� ���urit�+ ir���r��f �ra nk�d hy fh i� a�ed o f Tru�t r�a� be ��ta in�� ��a�� a� r��uir�� ��+ tl�� U rr�f�r�m
<br /> ��mrr��r���l����}�r��s�t�ted�n khe f�rst pa�e�f��is �����f Tru�t.
<br /> F�JF�"TH�I� A�SL�F�Ahf��S; ATT�f�I��Y-IiV-FA�T. Th� f�ll�u+��r�� �r��ri$i�r�� r���tir�� �� f�trt��r a��ur�n��s artd
<br /> a tt���r��-in-���t�r����rt of th is a����f Tru st:
<br /> �urt��r As�uran��s. �t�r��tirr�� �r��fr�rr��i�'r'�t�tirr�, u�n r�uest�f L�nder�'T'r�st��w1ll mak�� ��€�#�an�
<br /> ��li��r, �r vtiri[1 �aus�#�b�e mad�,e�€�ut��r ct�li��r�ir���.�r�l����r t�L��d�r's c������,and wl-►��req�r�sted by
<br /> Ler�der, cause f� b�fif��� r�n�1�r r�fiC��, �r�'er�rd�dr �tt��c�s�r�ay k�� ���u�h tirr��s �r�d ir��tt�h affi�es
<br /> an�f�la�as L�nder may�t�m���r��ri�t�� �r��ar��i�1� ���h rr�art�ag�s+ c��s�f trust, se�unty�ie�, secu�i�}
<br /> a�r�rr�r�ts� �������� �t�,te�'r�r�ts' �r�t�nuaki�n st�t�rr�n�s, instr�r�r�r�t� �� further assu�no�� ��rtifica#�s, anc�
<br /> �ther c��ur�nts�rrr�y� ir�t#������pir�f�r��f��nci�rt h���s�aEy ar��s�r�b1�in 4�der t4�f���#uat�' c�arnplete,
<br /> ��r���#, �t�tir�u�, �r �r�s�r�� �'I� Tr�rst��'s ��]��ati�n� unde�-tI�� N�t�� this D�d �f Ttu�t� ar�� th� I�l�#�I
<br /> ��u�r���, �r�� ��} �h�[i�r�s�r��se�uri�y ir�t�r�ts�rea#�i b�thi� D�l�f�ru�t a�f r�t ar�d�ri�r li�n��n th�
<br /> P��erty,w�����r n�v�r�wn�l �r��r�aft�r`���ir�k��`f��#�r. l,�r����r��i�it�d i��I��+r a�L�r�d�r a�r�t�th�
<br /> �antr�r� in v�ritin�, Tru�t�r sk�all r�irnbur�e L��d�r`f�r` ��1 �s�� �r�� �r��� ir���r'� ir� �r�t����� vtiritl� th�
<br /> ma�.ers r�f�rr�i t�ir�#[�i���r���aRh.
<br /> �►�tarn�y-ir�-F���. If�rust�r fails t� d�any��th�thir��s r�f�rr��t�in th��r��1in���e��r��i�� l��r��1���y�t��
<br /> f���nd ir�th�r�ame�f i"ru���r and at i'r�st��s ���n��, ��r`���F��t��s��, �ru�t�r C��r���r irr�v���ay����it�t�
<br /> ���der as Trust�r's at#�m��►-in�fa��for tl����arpQ����rna�Cir��,�x���#in�r��li�r�ring, f�li��, r��or�allin�r�r��i��frr��lI
<br /> �th��thin�� �s rr��r�r����s�ry�r��i��#�' ir� ��rr���� �al����r�i�r�, t� �r�c���li�h #�� m�tt�rs r�����d t� ir�
<br /> t���r��iin���ra�raph.
<br /> �#��L F��I����N#Ah���. If�r��t�r��,�rs�li��� Cr,d��t�d����, ir��ludir�g with�ut lir�itat���r�I�f�tur�����nre�,����r�iu�,
<br /> �r��1 �thenru�se p�r��rms all th� �bli�at[�ns trr���s�d up�n Trust�r und�r thi� � ��"i"tus�, L�nder��hall �x�c�rt� and
<br /> ��liv�r t� Trust�� a r�:�u�st f�r f�tll r��an�r���n� anct �ha]I �x��ut� �nd �i�liv�r t� Ti rustar �uit�hl� �t�t�m�nts �f
<br /> t�rmir��ti�n �f an� financjng sta��mer�t �r� fi�e �vi��n�ing Len�er's security interest in #he Ren#s and �I�� F'�r�na[
<br /> Pr�per�. �r��r r�o�r�ve�ran�fe�r�quir�d b�r I a�r�I�all t�e pai�b�Tru�#�rt if��rmit#�d b�►���iica�le law.
<br /> �IIEt��S �F 1����4�J�.T. ���Y� �f tf�� f�Il��r�rir��, �t l.�r����'� ���i�r�, �C��II ��r��kitu�� �r� �v�nt �f��i�u 1��r�d�r'tF�is ����
<br /> �f Tr�st:
<br /> ���r��rrt�����r�t. �r�.,st�r f�il�t�rr��k��n�►���rr��r,��I��r��u��r����tf�������t������,
<br /> �t�r�� ��f�t���s. Tr�t�t�� ��,ils f� c�r��a�r witl� �r ta ��r���m �r��r �th�r #�rm, Q�Ii�atiQr�, ���ena nt �� ��n�i#i�n
<br /> ��nt�in�� ir� t�is ���� �f Trust �r in ar��af tl�e F��I���d ��cur��r�t� �r t� ��rr��I�r wi#h Q�#� ��r�Qr�n �r��r#�rm�
<br /> ob[iga#ian,c�v�n�nt�r candi#��n�ant��ned�n�ny�ther��r��ment��fw�����r�d�r�n�Tr��t�r.
<br /> CQm�l��n�� ��f�ul#� ���I�tr� t� �Qmpl� �nri##� any �t��r t�rm� �l�li�a#�an� �o��n�nt ar �ar�diti�r� c�r�tair��d in thi�
<br /> ���d�f�'ru�t,#h�l��t���irt any���th��€�lat����c�ments.
<br /> ��fa��t�n�#her Fayrn����. Fa�lur��f Tr�st�r wi�hln the��m� requir�����hi� �����f Tr�s�t� m�k��r�����rr���t
<br /> f�r tax���r in�ur�r���,�r an�+�fh�r��yment r�ec���ar�r to �r�v�nt fili�����r t���f��t����l�a����f�r��+]i�r�.
<br /> ��fa�al#�n Fav�r�f Th�r�l Par���s. �h�uld �r�c�t�r d�fau�k Ur�tl�r�ny laan� ext�r��i�t� �f����i�� ����rit�+a����m�nt,
<br /> �ur������r�a��s�����rr��r�t, �r�r��r�tF��r��r��m�ntt in f�v�r vf an�+�ther cr�ditor�r p�r��n th��m��m�t�ri�l[y
<br /> ��f��t �n� �f ��r�#�r'� �r�R�r#� �� �r�n#�r�s a�i��t�r t� repa� the �r�d��t�dn��s �r �ra�t�r'� ��rlit�r t� ��r���rrri
<br /> ���nt�r'��blig��io�s un��r this a����f�'ru�t�r ar��af t���i�l�t�d p��r�ment�.
<br /> Fafse �tat�m�r�ts. 1�r��+ �r��rant�+, r�pr���nta�ti�n �r �tat�r��nt m��� �r fu�r�i�F��d �� l�en�er b�► Ti rus#�r- �r an
<br /> �`rr�sto�� ��ha1f un��r thi� ����!�f Trust or th� Re�at�d���urn�nts is�al���r m��1���ir�� i� an�+mat�rial r��p��#,
<br /> ��t�i�����+v�r a#th�tim�rn���vr f�rrnish��or b��rne�f�l�e ar mi���adrr�����n�ti�n�th�r�a��r.
<br /> �����t�w� �QIlat�r�l��at���. Thi� a�ed �f Trust ar a�r,y ��th� F��f���� ����m�n�� ��a��� tQ �e �n f�I I f�r�� and
<br /> �ff��t �in�#udir,� i�il�r�af���r�a�l�t�r�l�1��u�n�nt�v cr�ate a�a1id an���rf��t�d s���rit�r ir�t�r�st�r li�n} ���ny
<br /> t�rrM��r��f�r�r�������r�.
<br /> a��tF���r�r�s�I�r�rr�y� �'�����#h�f Tiu�t�r, f�� insaIven��af Tru�tar,th�����ir�#rrr��rt�f�r���i�►�r f�r any p�rt�f
<br /> Tr�t�t��'� �r����#�, �r�y ���i�n�n�nt f�r �h� ��n�fit �i �redi��r�, �r��r t��� �f �r��it�r w�r�C�utr �r fh�
<br /> ��mrn�n�em�nt�f�r���r�c��dir��������r����r��tr��t��+�r i ns�l�r�n��+lav�s b�❑�aga�r��t Tr�rst�r.
<br /> ��e��#�r �r F�rfeftur� Pr��e�dings. ��mm�n��m��� �f��r����s��� �r f�rf�i��r� �r����t�in�s� wh�t��r I�y ju�ici�x
<br /> pr��eed�n�F self-h�lp r r��a����si�n ar an��t��r rn��l���r��r�n�cr�����r�t Trustor�r by an���v�rr�m�ntal���r���r
<br /> ����r��t �n�r pr���rty ���urang th e �nd�bt�dn�s�. This ir��lud�s � ��rr�i�i�r��r�t v� any �f �"ru�tar's ac�au�t�,
<br /> ir��l��in� ���asit acca�r�ts, with l�er�der. F����w�r, thi� Ev�r�� �f ��f�ult �hall n�t �ppiy if t��r� i� � �a�d �ai�h
<br /> �f1���t� ��r�r�s#�r�� tQ tF���rali�it}��r re�sona�ler��ss��th� �la�im�rh��l� i� tf�� �a�i��f th� �r��it�r�r f�rfeiture
<br /> �r�c���i►rg ar�� i� T�t��#�r �i�r�� L����r wri���n n�t��e �f ti�e cr�di�or ar far��i��r� �r�����i�� �n�l �t��Q�its w ith
<br /> L�nder rnoni��ar�sure��+bond i�r th��r��i��r�r���f�itu re RrQ�����n�r ir�an�m�unt d�t�rtnin�� ��L����r, ir�i��
<br /> sale�i���eti�n,a�b�in�an�d���a������r��Qr��n���r t���lisp�t�.
<br /> Hr�a�l��f�th�������m�r�t. ��y I�r�a��b�T�rustor und�r tf��terrns af�r�y�t��r��r��m�n�I��tw��r�Tru�#ar�n�
<br />