� 2� 1 �� 1231
<br /> �I) That A�1� 1�. M�lam and R�beca K. 1V.�i�aam, a�husband ana�vife, as �`rust�rs, fa��ed�o p�.�
<br /> the �enef c�ary payr�.ents v�h��h vvere cor�tra�tua�l� due, and the �l�.A.N�'�1�, at the request �f the
<br /> �ene�erary, e�ected t� declare the ent�re u�pard �r�n��p�.� ba�ance, �agether �vv�th i�te�est therean, at once
<br /> �mmediate��due and payable.
<br /> �2} Th�.t a No��ce �f�3efault�as recarded b� Ca�1�T�� ��. �ece�ber 9, �D�5, as Ir�.s�m�r�t
<br /> Na. ���5��334, �n the reco�ds �f the �eg�ster �� I�eeds, I�a�� ���n�, �eb�raska. �Ti�hi�. te� ���} d�.ys
<br /> therzaft�r, a copy af the rec�rded I�atice �f�ef�.�a�t ��.s r�al�ed b� c��i.f�ed ma�I, postage prepaid, to a��
<br /> par�7es ent�tl�d t�xz�t�ce,purs�ant to sa�d�J�ed�f��s��.n.d�r�c�m����nc��v�th Neb. �ev. Stat. � 7�-I���.
<br /> �3� 7Chat Tru.st�rs,l�l�a.n�. M���.and Rebeca I�. ���am, as h�sb�.�d a�.d w�fe,fa�l�d to cure t�e
<br /> �efault referenced in the N�tice of I]ef�.u�t�r�th��3�d�.�s�.�e�-the��cord�ng of the�otice�f I3�fau�t.
<br /> �4) That a�Iat�ce�f Trustee�s Sa��tivas e�ecuted b��R.�I��C3R. A��e�.st�e�.ty��D}d�.ys pr�or
<br /> t�the date ��'sa�e, a c�py�f th�Not�ce of t��n��.nd��ac� �f���Trus�ee's 5�.����.s�.a�lec� by ce��f�ed n�a��,
<br /> pastage�repaic�, t� a�� part�es e�t�t��d to�o��ce9 pursu��t� said I�eed of�`rust and �n cox�a.p���ce with Neb.
<br /> Re�. Sta�. � 75-�DDS.
<br /> [S j �Y�A.NT�R�ub��shed t�e N�t�ce �f T�ste�'s Sai�,t�be hel��r��eb�.ary�5,2�1� a� I�:��
<br /> 1�.NN�., �.t the At t�.e ��tive� lobby of th� I�a�� �ou�ty �ourth�us�, ��.� �est ���st St., �n the ��ty �f Crand
<br /> IsXax�d, I�a11 �o��ty, N�braska., �-�and Island, �a�� ��u�t�, I�Tebr�.ska., w���h ��t��� was pub��sh�d �� �ie
<br /> ���ac� Island .�nc�e�e�c�e�at �� ���.r�.d Is�a.�.d, Nebrask�.., �nc� �. �e�k �or ��e �5} �ons�cut�ve �reeks,
<br /> con�men��n�an Janu�.ry 15, 2�16, and e�d�nb Feb�u�y 1�,��16. �`�e last p�.b��c�.t�o�.o�N�t��e�as�.t least
<br /> ter� ��€�} da�s pri�r t� the �'r�stee's Sa�e, held on �eb�.�y 25, 2fl 1 f, �.�.d sa�d sale �as ��t �ater than th�r�y
<br /> (3�)d�.�s after the�ast pub�icat�on of I�ot��e.
<br /> (d� Gl�ANT�R cond��ted the sa�e of t�e real�ro�ert��.t pub�i��.u�tio�.��.Febr�ary 25, ��1� at
<br /> or about ��:��A.�., at the�t the��wer�obb�of t���Iall��u�ty��u�h�use, �I I ��st�Fi�st�t., ��.th���ty
<br /> of Cgrand Island,I�a�I�oun�y,Nebraska, C�rar�d Is��.�d,�a����un�y,ltirebraska. �-�.I�TT�R a�ce�ted t�ie b�d
<br /> �f�Y����T�leT SAVING� ��J�TI� ���I�'I'Y, F'��, d.oi�g �bus����� as �I�I��I�� ��iTS�', m��
<br /> �� �ts �.a�c���.�ua� ��.p�.��� lbut so���� �s "I'�.�t�e for ��A.T �D14-4T7C, i� the surri a� ��.� �u�c�r��
<br /> S���n���a�e '�'h�usan� �''����Iu�dr�d. �ifty��Ilars a�d�� ���t� (�171,�5�.40� �.s th��.ighest b�d�.pon
<br /> sa�d ��a� pr�per�y. �-RAN��l�h�.s comp��ed�v�t��he �equire�e�ts �f Neb. �ev. Stat. �� ��-���� t�r�ugh
<br /> 7�--���S, i� the e��rcise �f t�ie ��.�� of the re�.l proper� desc��bed here�� a.t the Trus�ee's 5�.�� helc� �n
<br /> Feb�.a.ry�5,��1�. �
<br /> Thi� I�eed sha�1 �perate t� c�nvey �� t�e C��l�T��, ��� �]E�.1�.N��1�°S titl� a�d a�l right, title,
<br /> int�rest and �Ia�r� of�he 7�rust�rs, a�d�he�r�uc��ss��s �� ��.teres�and of�.�� p�rs��s ��a�rn.�ng�by, thr�uglh o�-
<br /> undex�hem, in �.�d to t�� ab��e-desc�-ibed�-�a� pro�erty, �nc��d�ng aII such r��h.�, t���e, ��.terest ar�� clair� �n
<br /> and t� such praperry a�qu�red by the Tr�stoxs ���ei� suc�ess��s g� i�te�-�s� subsequ��t to �the �x�cut�on of
<br /> the�eed of 7'�st.
<br /> T]his ]Deed �s s�.bj�ct to a�l ea��ra�e�ts, rest�cti��s ar �ov�nants �������d wh�ch �R1�NT�� is r�ot
<br /> ent�t�ed to c�nvey pursua�.t t�Neb. ]E�ev. Sta.t. � 76-�.�����).
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> I]��C`EI]th�s day of Feb�u.a�-y,2D��
<br /> ���I�e kt.Ha�vk,�. �ey�.�Law, S�c��ssor�'r€�.s�ee
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> ��:
<br /> �a.����e l�. �-I�.vvk��#2D3 95�
<br /> �'or �LT�.���.t�ne, �'�'�€��e,�Vlc�u�l��.r���ord�r�,Le�..P.
<br /> �I�4�D�.���.po��treet,l'.�.��x 54�125
<br /> ��a.ha,�T�E���54-fl�25
<br /> �4��)3 3�-�3 O�
<br /> � S5.
<br /> cou���o���u�r��s �
<br /> .
<br /> �n th.zs �` day of Fe�brua�y, �a�6, bef�re me �the ur�.ders�g�.ec�, a No�a�y �u���c du�� coxm.m�ss�one�. and
<br /> q�xa�if ed far saYd cou��y,personal�y carrie�am�1�e 1�..I�av��,��t�rne�r a�L�.u�, Successfl�Trustee,a�.d pe�-sonally known
<br /> to me �� be �he �dentical pers�n w�ose nar�e �s af�ed�� the f��-ego�ng �stt�un3ent, and acknotivledged�the executxon
<br /> thereaf��be her va�untary ac�and deed.
<br /> WZ�`NESS my hand and�.ota�a�sea��he date Iast a.faresaid.
<br /> ����-����e�as� �- r
<br /> �����.�� otary�'�ub���
<br /> ...�.... ���.�b,�,��
<br />