2� 1 �� 1134
<br /> to execute a�d �e�iver t� �he purchaser+�r purc�asers a� such sale any d�eds af cQnveyance gaod and suffic�en�at
<br /> Iaw, pursuant to the ��atu�e in such case n�a�e an�prflvided. The Truste� sha�I app�y�he proc�eds of�he Trus�e�'s
<br /> sa�e, first, �fl the �osts and expenses of exer�ising the povver of sale and of the s�.�e, includinb the payment of�he
<br /> Trustee's fees aGtuaily �ncurred; se�ond, �o paymenfi af�he ob�iga�ion secured �y t�e �rust deed; third, to the
<br /> paymenfi of�unior trus� deeds, mor�gag�s, or other Iienho�ders and the balance, �f any, to the person ar persons
<br /> Iega�Iy en�itled �hereto. The recita�s i� �he Trustee's deed sha�1 be prirna fac�e eviden�e of the tru�h of the
<br /> s�a�ements made in i�. �f Lender choose�to invok�e�he p�wer of sale, Lender or Trustee will pro�ide notice of sal�
<br /> pursuan� �o applica�le la�v. Any su�h s�I� or a sale made pursuant to a j udgment or a d�cree for �he fnreclosure
<br /> �ereof may, at the aptian of Lender, �e made en masse. The c�mmencement of proc�edings �a fareclase this
<br /> Security�nstrumen��n any manner au�harized by�aw shall�e deemed as exercise of the a�Q�e�ption.
<br /> Upon th� �ccurr�nce of. ar� Even� of D�fault, Lende� shal� immediately �e entitled to make application f�r and
<br /> ob�ain the appointmen� af a receiver far�he Pr�perry anc��f�he earn�n�s, �n�ame, issue and prof ts �f it, v�ith the
<br /> powers as the c�urt ma�ing the app�in�ments c�nfers. Grant�r hereby irrevocably �onsents �o such appointm�n�
<br /> and�ai��s noti�e of any application theMefor.
<br /> N� WAIVER. No de�ay ar failure of�ender to exercise any right, remedy, power or pri�i�e�e h�reunder shall
<br /> affect that r�ght,rem�dy, power ar pri�ilege nor sha�l a�y single or par�ial ex�rcis�thereaf preclude the exercise af
<br /> any r�ght, remedy, power or privilege, ��a Lend�r delay or failure �o demand strict adherence to the terms of this
<br /> Security Ins�rument shall be deem�d ta �:or�s��tute a c�urs� of canduct inconsis�ent�vith Lender's right at any��me,
<br /> b�for� or after an even� of default, to demarid s�i�� adherence �o fhe terms af this Se�urity Instrument and �he
<br /> Rela�ed Documen�s,
<br /> SU.BSTITUTE TRUSTEE. Lender, at its optian, r�ay from time�o�ime r��nave Trus�ee and appoin�a suc�es�or
<br /> �rustee �o any Trus�ee appointed hereunder by an instrur�en� rec�rded in ��e coun�y in which �h�s Securi�y
<br /> Instrument is recorded. Wi�hout cfln��}Yar��e of the Praperty, �he su�cessor trus��e shal� �ucceed �o al� �he ti�le,
<br /> power and du�zes conferred upfln Trus�ee herein and by�.pp�i�able�aw,
<br /> J�INT AND SEVERAI.t LIAB�LITY� �f thi� Security Instrument sho�Id be signed by mor��han one pers�ri, a��
<br /> persons ex�cu�ing this Security Ins�rume��agree tha��hey�ha�l�be j ointly and se�erally b�und,where perm��ted by
<br /> I aw.
<br /> SURVIVAL. Lender's rights in�his S��urity �nstru�nent wi11 can�inue in i�s succ�ss�rs and assigns. This Security
<br /> Ins�rument is binding an al�he�rs, exe�ut�rs,administra�ors,assigns and successors of Gran�or,
<br /> N�TI�ES AND '�VAIVER QF �C)TI��, Un�ess a�herwise required by app�icabl� law, any notice or dem.and
<br /> given by L�nd�r�o an}� par�y is �onsid�red �ffectiWe: �i� wh�n �� is �eposited zn the United StateS Mail v�,�ith the
<br /> appropriate postage; �ii� vvhen it is ser�t via electroni� rnail; �iii� when i� is �en� �ia faGsimile; ���} when i� is
<br /> deposited w�th a natiana�ly r�cognized overnigh� courier ser�ice; �v� on�he day of personal deli�ery; ar �vi} any
<br /> other comm�rcial�y reasanable m�ans. p copy of any no�ice sh��l be sent to ea�h party a�th� address af the party
<br /> ;��en at the begir�x��ng af this Securi�y Instrume�t uniess an alterna�i�e address has been provided ta Lender in
<br /> vtirriting. To the ex�en�permitted b� lavv, �xrari�ar v�aives no�ice of Lender's ac�eptance gf th�s Security Instrument,
<br /> defens�s based on sure�yship, any defens�e arising from any�iec�ion by Lender under the Unit�d 5ta�es Bankruptcy
<br /> �ade, Unifarm Commercial �ode, as e�ac�ed in the state where L�nder is loGa�ed or other appl�cabie Iaw or in
<br /> e�uit}r, d�mand, n��i�e af acce�era�ion, not�ce of nor�payment, pr�sentmen�, prates�, notice of dishonor and any
<br /> o�her not�ce.
<br /> RE�UEST F�R N�TICES: �ran�or r�qu�s�s that co��es of�he no��ce of defau�t and n�tic�of sale be sen�to the
<br /> address of�ach par�y given af fhe b�ginni�g of the Se�urYty Ins�rumen�.
<br /> 'V�AIVER (7� APPRAISEM�NT RI�HTS. Grantor �aives aIi appraisemen� righ�s reiating to �he P��perfiy to
<br /> the extent permit�ed by law.
<br /> LEND�R'S EXPENSES. Gran�or agre�s�a pay ali expenses ir�curred by Lender in canne�t�on wi�h enforcemen�
<br /> af��s righ�s under the �ndebtedness, th�s Secur��y�nstru�ent or �n�he�v�nt Lender is rnade party t� any litigation
<br /> be�aus� of�he existence �f the �ndebted�ess �r this Securifiy Ins�rumen�, as weli as cour�cqs�s, colle�tion charges
<br /> and reasona�Ie attarneys'fees and di�bur�ements,
<br /> ASSIGNABILITY. Lender may ass�gn or oth�rwi�e transfer this Security �ns�rurn�n� or any af Lender's righfs
<br /> und�r this S��urity �nstrument withou�n��ice �� �ran�or. Grantor may n�t assign�his Se�urity Instrument ar any
<br /> par�of the Security Instrurnen��vi�haut t�e express writ�en c4nsent of�,�nde�.
<br /> ��VERNZNG LAV�. Th�s Security �ns�run�ent wi�� be governed by�he la�s of the 5tate of Nebraska inc�uding
<br /> ail proceedings arising from�his Se�urity�ns�rum�n�.
<br /> SE�ERABILITY. If a caurt af campetent jur�sd�ctit�n det�r�nines any term or pr�visi�n of this 5ecurity
<br /> �nstrurnen� is in�a�id ar proh�bited by applicabl� law, tha� �erm or pr��ision will be ineffect�ve to �he ex�ent
<br /> re�uired. Any term ar pr��ision that has been determined to be inval�d ar prohibited wil�be severed from the rest
<br /> of the S�curi�y �nstrument �ithou� in�alidat�ng the remain�er of either the affected pro�isian or this Seeuri�y
<br /> �ns�rumen�.
<br /> �2�D4-2�]S�omplian�e Systems,inc.G8F9-B5F0-2�t 5.3 l.3.]��5
<br /> Cvmmercia!Real Estace Security Instnament-nL4047 Fage�of 5 ti��vr.comp�iancesyster�ss,cam
<br />