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2� 1 �� 1134 <br /> C��SS ��]L,LAT�RAL��AT��I�. �t is the expr�ssed int�nt of �ran�or �o cross co�Ia�era�iz� al� of i�s <br /> �ndebtedness and obligations to Lender, hov��oever arising and whensoeve� incurred, except any ob�igatian <br /> exis�ing flr arising agains�t�e principal dw�i�ing of any�rantar. <br /> WA�RANTIES. Granta�, for itself, i�s heirs, personal representatives, su�Gessors, and assigns, r�presents, <br /> warran�s,covenants and agrees�vith Lender, its succ�ssors and assigns,as faiiows: <br /> Performance of ���igations. �rantor promises �o �erform aI� terms, condi�ions, and cavenan�s of th�s <br /> Security�nstrument and Related D�cumerits in accordance with the fierms con�ained therein. <br /> Defense and Ti�le�o Praperfy. A�the tirn�of execu�ion and delivery of fhis instrument,Gran�or is �awfully <br /> seised �f the es�ate hereby con�eyed and has the �xclus��e righ��o mortgag�, grant, cfln�ey and assign the <br /> Praper�y. Grantnr�ovenants that the Properry is unencum�bered and free of al� �iens, except for encumbrances <br /> of rec�rd ac�eptable �� Lender. Further, Grantor co��nants that �rant�r will �rarran� and defend generally <br /> the ti��e to the Property aga�ns� any and alI clairns and demands �rha�soever, �ub�e�t to the easements, <br /> re�trictzons, �r �ther encumbran�es af r�ca�•d a��epta�le to L�nder, as may be �isted �n the schedule of <br /> exc�pti�ns �o caverage in any abstrac� of ti�I� flr �i�l� insurance policy rnsuring Lender's interest in the <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> Condition of Praperty. �rantor pr�mises at al� tim�s ta pr�ser�e and to maintain the Property and every <br /> par� there�f in �aod repair-, working order, and condi�ion and will fron� time ta �ime, make ali needful and <br /> proper r�pairs sa that th��alue of�he Praper�y shall na�in any way be impaired. <br /> Remova� �f any Part of the Prvperty. Grantor pramises not �o remo�e any par� of�he Property from i�s <br /> present loca�ion, exc�p�for replacemenfi,rnaintenance and reI�ca�ian in the ordinar�caurse�f business. <br /> Al�erat�ons to the Pr�per�y. Gran�or pr�mises t� �.bs�ain fr�m �he commission of an� waste an flr �n <br /> �onnectian w�th�he Praperfiy. Fur�her, �rantor shall make no ma�er�al a�terafions, addi�ions ar improvernen�s <br /> of any type wha�soever �o �h� Property, regardless �f whether su�h al�erations, additions or impravemen�s <br /> would incr�ase the value of�he Proper�, nor permit anyone to do so except far tenan� i�nprovemen�s and <br /> complet�on of��e�m� pursuan� to appro��d plans and sp�cif ca�i�ns, wi�hou� Lender's pr�or v�-�tten cansents <br /> u�hich con�ent may be w�thh�ld by Lender in its saie d��cretion. �ra.ntor wi�l comply wifih a�I ia�vs and <br /> regu�ations �f ai� publi� autharities ha�ir�g jur�sdi��ion o�er t�e Praper�y in�Iud�ng, wi�hou� I�mi�a�ion, �hase <br /> reia�ing to the use, o�cupa�cy and main�ena�.ce there�f and sha�l upon reques� pramptiy submit �o Lend�r <br /> ��idence of sueh cornp�iance, <br /> �]ue on Sa�e-Lender's Consen�. �ran�or sha�l no�s�i�,fur�her encumb�r or�ther�v�se dispase af,except as <br /> h�rein pravided, any or al� of i�s in�eres� �n any par� of or a�� of the Pr�perry without firs� �btaining �he <br /> written cansent of Lender. �f any er�curnbrance, Iien, �ransfer or sale �r agreement far these is created, <br /> L�nder may dec�are immediately due and pa��.b�e,�he�ntir�balance of the Indebtedness. <br /> �nsurance. Grantar pr�m�ses to keep�h�Proper�y insured against such risks and in su�h f�rm as may vvithin <br /> the s��e discreti�n af Lender be acceptable, causing Lender to be named as IQss payee ar if requested by <br /> Lender, as martgag��. The insurance company shal� be chasen by Gran�or subj e�� t� Lender's appro�al, <br /> which sha�� not be unreasonably withheld, All �nsurance poli�ies must proWide that Lender wil� aet a <br /> minimum of�.�days na��c�pr�ar�o�ancellation. A�Lender's discre�ion, �rantor may be r�quir�d to produce <br /> r�ceipts of paid premiums and renewal pa�i�ies. �f Grantar fai�s to ab�ain�he re�uired covera�e, Lender may <br /> do so at Grantor's expense. Grantar hereby dire��s each and e�ery insurer af�he Proper�y�o make paymen�of <br /> �ass to L�nd�r with the proceeds�o be ap�lied, only a�Len�.er's opt�on, �o the repa�r and repla�ement of the <br /> damag�or I�ss ar to b�applied�o the ��debtedness w��h�he surplus, if a�y,to be paid b�Lender�o Grantor. <br /> Payment of Taxes and ��her App�ieabie Charges. Gran�or promises tfl pay and to discharge �iens, <br /> en�umbranc�s,�axes, assessments, lease paym�ri�s and any other charges re�ating t4 the Pr�perty when levi�d <br /> �r assessed aga�nst Gran�or or the Pr�pert}�, <br /> Env�ronmental Laws and IIazardou5 or Toxic Material�. �rran�or and e�ery �enant have been, are <br /> presen��y and shall �an�inue to be in strict c�mpiian�e with any app��cable Iacal, sta�e and federal <br /> en�ironmentai laws and regulations. Fur�her, ne��h�r�►ra��ar n�r any�enant shall manufa�ture, store,handle, <br /> discharge or dispase �f ha2ardous or �oxi� mater�a�s as may �e def�ned by any state or federal lav� an �he <br /> Froper�y, excep� to th� ex�ent �he exis�ence of such materia�s has been present�y dis�Iosed in wri��ng ta <br /> L�nder. Grantor will imxn.ediately not�fy Ler�der in�vriting of any ass�r�ion or claim rr�ade by any parry as�o <br /> the possible vialation �f applica�le state a�d federal en��ranmental laws �nc�uding the I�cation of any <br /> hazardous or tox�c materia�s or��r abou��h.e Property. Grantor indemnifi�s and holds Lender hanm�ess fram, <br /> wifhaut Iimitatian, any �iability �r expense �f�rhatsoe��r nature i.ncurred dir�c�ly or indirec�Iy nut af or in <br /> connection with: (a}any envzronmen�al �a�s affecting a��or any part of�he Property�r�ran�ar; �b}�he past, <br /> present �r future existence of an}� hazardous �naterial� in, on, under, a�bou�, or emanatang fr�m ar passing <br /> �hrough the Properry or any par� th�reflf or any proper�y ad�acent there��; �c} any pas�, present or fu�ure <br /> hazardous activity at or in connectian wzth �he Prope�-ty or any par� thereof; and �d� �he non�ompl�ance by <br /> Gran�or�r�rantor's failure tv compiy futly and time�y wifih envir�nm�n�a� laws. <br /> Finane�al �nfarmation. Gran�ar agrees to supply Lender such financial and a�her information c�ncerning its <br /> affairs and the status af any of its assets as Lender, from time �o tim�, may reasanabiy request. Grantor <br /> further agrees to permit Lender to verify a�eounts as �el� a� to inspec�, copy and to examine the books, <br /> records and files of�rantor. <br /> �2004-2�]5 CompIiar�ce Systems,Tnc.68F9-BSF�-2Q l�Z5 <br /> C�mmerciai Rca�Estate Se�urity Instrument-DL4�47 Page 2 of 5 �wrw.camp3iar� <br />