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2� 1 �� 1133 <br /> paym�nt af junior trust deeds, mor�gages, ��- o�h�r Iienholder� an� the ba�ance, if any, �a �he pers�n ar persons <br /> I�ga�ly entitled ther�t�. The recita�s in the Trus�ee`s de�d shalI be prima facie erridence of �h� �ru�h �f �he <br /> statements made in i�. �f Lender choflses to in��k�the pflwer�f sale, Lender or Trus�ee wili pro�ide no�ice of sale <br /> pursuanf�❑ applicab�e law. Any such sale or a sale made pursuan� ta a jud�nent or a decree for the ftireclosure <br /> hereof may, at the opt�on of Lender, be rnade en m�sse. Th� c�mmencement �f praceedin�s to fareclose this <br /> Securi�y rns�rumen�in any manner authorized by Iaw shall he de�med as exercise�f the abo�re�ptian, <br /> Upon the occurrence af an Even� of D�faul�, �end�r shall immediately be entitled to make application f�r and <br /> o�tain th� appointment nf a receiv�r far�he Prape�-�y and �f th� �arnings, income, issue an�profits of it, with�he <br /> powers as the cnur� making the appaintments confers. Cxran�or hereby irrevaca�ly consen�s to su�h appain�nent <br /> and wa��es notice of any app�ica�ion therefor, <br /> N� �AIVER. N� delay or fa�lure �f Lender �fl ex�rcise any righ�, r�medy, pawer ar privilege hereunder sha�� <br /> affec��hat righ�,remedy,povver or pri�i�ege nor sha�I any single�r partial exercise�her�of preclude�he exercise of <br /> any ri�ht, re�medy, pow�r�r pri��lege, No Lend�r delay or faiiure �a dema�d s�ric� adherence�a the terms of�his <br /> Securi�y Ins�rume��shall be deemed t� cansti�u�e a c�urse of�onduc� incons�s�ent�ith Lender's righ�a� any tim�, <br /> before or after an ev�nt of defaul�, to demand stric� adherenc� �� the �erms af�his Se�urity Instrument and �h� <br /> Re�a��d Do�umen�s. <br /> SCJ�STITUTE TRUSTE�. Lender, at its op�ian, may from�im�to�ime remove Trustee and appoin�a successor <br /> trustee �o any Trus�ee appai.n�ed hereunder ]�y an ins�rument rec�rded in the county in which �his Seeuri�y <br /> �nstrument is recorded. Wi�hou� �anveyance of th�e Prope�-�y, �he su�c�ssor �rustee sha11 su�ceed to ai� the �i�ie, <br /> po�rer and duties conferred upon Trustee h�rein and hy appli�abl��aw. <br /> JOINT AND SEVERAL LZA�ILITY. I�'���is Security Ins�rum�n�sh�uld be signed by more�han one p�rson, alI <br /> persons�xecuting this Securi�y �nstrumen�a�;r�e tha�they shali be��ir�tly and se�erally bound,where permitted by <br /> 1 aw. <br /> SURVIVAL. Lender's righ�s in�his Securifiy �ns�rument wil� con�inue in i�s successars and assigns. This S�curit� <br /> Instrum�nt�s bindir�g on aI�heirs, c�e�u��rs, administrators,assigns and su�cessQrs of�ran�or. <br /> N�TICES AND WAIVER �F �VD�`I�E. U��ess o�herwise r�quired by a�plicable lav�r, any natice or den�and <br /> gi�en by Lender �o any party is c��sidered ef�'ec�i�r�: �i} when it is dep�sit�d in �he United S�a�es Mail with th� <br /> - appropriat� postage; �ii� wh�n �� is sen� via elec�roni� �ail; �ii�} when it is sent Wia facsimi�e; �iv� when i� is <br /> deposit�d with a na�ionally recognized o�ernigh� cour�er service; �v} �n �he day of persanal d�livery; or ���� any <br /> �ther commerc�ally reasonable means. A ���y of any nfl�i�e shall �e sent to each par�y a�th� address of the parCy <br /> g�rren at the b�ginn�ng of this Security �nstrum�nt unless a� a��ernati�e address has �een proWided �o Lender �n <br /> wri�ing. To �he exten�perrn��ted by Iaw, Crantor wa��es no�iee af Lender's�cceptanee of�his S�curi�y�nstrumen�, <br /> def�ns�s based on surefiyship, any defen5e aris�ng fr�m any el�ction by�,ender und�r th�United S�ates Bankrup�cy <br /> �ode, t]n�form �om.�mercial ��de, as enacted in �he sta�e vrrhere �ender is �ocat�d or other app�icab�e �aw or in <br /> equity, demand, no�i�e of ac��ierat�on, notice of nanpayment, pr�sentm�nt, protest, no�ic� of dishonor and any <br /> ,; <br /> o�her notice. <br /> R�QUEST���t N�TIC�S: Gran�or requ�sts�hat copies of the notice of d�fault and no�ice af sa�e be sent ta�he <br /> address af each parry g��en at the begznning of�he Se�urity Instrument. <br /> T� THE EXTENT PERMITTED �3Y LAW, GRANT�R 'V'�AYVES AN'Y RIGHT T� NQTIC�, C)THE�t <br /> T�AN THE N�T�CE PR�VIDE� AB�VE, A.NU 'WAIVES ANY RIGHT T� ANY I-��ARIN�, <br /> JUDIC�AL QR �THERV4�IS�, PR��R T� LENDER E�ER��SING ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS <br /> SECURYTY INSTRUMENT. . <br /> tiVAIVER �F APPRA�SEMENT RIGIITS. �rantor wairres all apprais�ment rights rela�ing to �he Praperry �o <br /> the ext�nt p�rmitted�y law. <br /> LENDER'S EXPEN'SES. �ran�or agrees�o pay aIl expenses incurred by L�nder�r� connec�ian wi�h enforcemen� <br /> of its r�gh�s under the Indeb�edness, this Security Ins�rument or in �he e�ent L�nder is made party to any Ii�iga�ion <br /> be�ause of the e�ist�nce of�he �ndeb�edness or�his Securiry Ir�strum�nt, as Wvell as cour�cos�s, collection�harges <br /> and reasonabie a�torneys'fees and disburs�men�s. <br /> ASSIGNABILITY. Lender may assign or other�vise transfe� ��is Secur��y Ins�rurx�ent or any of Lender's righ�s <br /> und�r this S ecuri�y �ns�rutn�n� wi�hou�no�ice t� Grantor, �ran�or n�a� nQt assign this Security Ynstrument or any <br /> par�of�he Security�ns�rument wi��out�he express writt�n�or�s���of L�nder. <br /> G�VERNIN� LA'V'�. Th�s Se�uri�y �ns�rum.ent wi�I be gover�ed �y the Iaws �f�he Stat� �f Nebraska including <br /> ai�pr�ceedings arising from�h�s Security Insfirument. <br /> S�VERABILZTY, �f a �our� of c�mpe�en� �uri�di�ti�n d�t�rmin�s any term �r provisi�n of this Securi� <br /> Ins�rument is in�al�d or prohibi�ed by app�i�abl� �aw, �hat term or provisi�n wi1� be ineffe��i�e �o the ex�ent <br /> required. Any�erm or pravision�ha�has been determined�o be in�alid or prohi�ited��I�be se�ered from the res� <br /> of�he Security Instrumen� wi�h�ut invalidating �he r�mainder �f �ither the affec�ed pr��isian or �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrument. <br /> 'WA�VER aF ;TURY TRxA�, AI� partie5 �o �his Securi�y Instrumen� hereby know�ngZy and �o�un�ari�y <br /> wai�e, to the fullest exten� ��rmit�ed by la�v, any right to trzal by�ury flf any dispu�e, whe�her �n contract, � <br /> �flrt, or a#herwise, arising out of, �n connectinn with, rela�ed �o, or in�identa��o�he rela�ionship esfiablished <br /> b��w�en �hem in �h�s Security Ins�rument ar any oth�r �ns�rument, documen� or agreement exe�uted �r <br /> deliv�red in connection wi�h this S�curity Instrument�r�he Related Do�uments. <br /> ��444-2��5 Compliancc Syst�izis,Inc.b8F9-2�38-2�l S,i 1.3.1025 <br /> Commercial Rcal Estate Security�nstr-um�r�t-DL4007 Page 4 0€'S www,cvmp[iancesystems.cvm <br />