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<br /> Lvan N�: '[�1���375 {�c��3�i�7u�d} Page 9
<br /> Annual Reports. I� �h� Property is used for purpases ��ther than Trustor's r�sidence, Trustar sha�l �urnish to
<br /> Lender, upon request, a cer�ified sta�ement �f net �perating income received �ram the Property during Trus�or's
<br /> previous fiscal ysar in su�h �orm and detai] as Lender shall require, "N�� operating incame`r shalf inean a!j cash
<br /> receipts from the Property less a1l �ash expenditures made in cannection wi�h�he operati�n o��he Property.
<br /> Gaption H�adings. Captifln headings in �his Deed of Trust ar� �or con�en�ence purpases �nly and are nat to be
<br /> used�o int�rpre�ar de�ine the pra�isians of this Deed ❑�Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall b� na merger��the in�erest or es-�a#� c�eated by�h�� De�d of Trus� wi�h any o�her interest or
<br /> esta�e in the Property a� any time held by or for the benef�t of Lender in any capacity, without ths wri�ten consen�
<br /> �f Lender.
<br /> Governing Law. This Deed of Trus� wi[1 be gaverned by federal law applica�aie tv Lender and, �o fhe exten� not
<br /> preempted by federal �aw,the Iaws of the Stat� of Nebraslrta wi�houf regard fio�fis conflic�s ❑�law pro�isians, This
<br /> Deed of Trus�nas been a��epfed by Lender in the State of Nebraslca.
<br /> Chvice vf 1lenue. I�F there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's reques� �❑ submit to the jurisdiction �f the
<br /> courts �f HALL C�unty, State of Nebraska.
<br /> lVo Waiver by Lender. Lender shalf nat be deemed to ha�re waiWed any rights under this Deed af Trus� unless such
<br /> � - wai�er is given in r�vritin� and s�gned by Le:nder. No delay or omission on the part�f L�nder in exercising any�-ight
<br /> shall operate as a wai�er�# such right ar any o�her right, A wai�er by Lender of a provision af this Deed of Trust
<br /> shaEl na� prejudi�e or cansti�ute a wai�er a� Lender`s right otherwise to demand st�ic� comp�iance with �hafi
<br /> pro�ision or any other provision o� �his Deed af Trus�. No priar waiWer by Lender, nor any course of dealing
<br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall �onstitute a waiver of any o� Lender's rights or o� any o-�Trustor's obligations
<br /> as to any�uture transactions. Vllhene�er the Gonsen� vf Lender is required under this De�d of Trust, �he granting
<br /> of such cansent by Lender in any instan�e sha[i not cons�i�ute continuing c�nsen� �❑ subsequent instances where
<br /> su�h consen�is required ancf in ali cases such c�nsent may be granted or withheld in the sole discretian af Lender.
<br /> 5everabitifiy, I�F a cQurt �f compe�ent jurisdic�i�n finds any pra�ision af this Deed flf Trust to be illegal, in�alid, �r
<br /> unenfor��able as �o any circums�ance, that �inding shall n�t malce the o�fend�ng pra�ision illegal, invalid, or
<br /> unenfar�eable as to any other circums�ance. [� feasi�le, the offending pro�ision shall be considered madi�ied so
<br /> �ha� it becomes �egal, �alid and enfarceable. I� the offendin� pr��ision cannot be so m�dified, it shall be
<br /> consider�d deI�t�d �rom this Deed of Trus�. lJnless otherwise required by lavtir, the illegality, in�a[idity, or
<br /> unenforceabi[ity �f any pro�ision of �his Deed o�Trust shalf nofi aff�ct �he legal�ty, validi�y or enforceabiIity af any
<br /> other pra�ision of�hEs ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> Su�cessors and Ass�gns. 5ub�ect to any �im�tations stat�d in thEs Deed of Trus� on transfer ofi TrustQ�-`s interest,
<br /> this Deed of Trus� shali b� bind�ng upan and inure to the bene�it of fihe parties, their succ�ssors and assigns. If
<br /> ownership ❑f�h� Property b�comes ��sted in a persan Qther�han Trustor, Lender, withou� natic� �o Trus�or, may
<br /> deal with Trusto�'s succ�ssors wi�h re�erence t❑this Deed of Trus�and the ln�e�tedness by way af forbearan�e or
<br /> ex�ension With�ut re�easing Trustor from the ohliga�ions of this aeed Q�F Trust or liabili�y under�he indebtedness.
<br /> Time is of�he Essence, Time is of�he essen�e in the performance of this De�d o�Trust.
<br /> Wai�er af Hvmest�ad Exempfiian. Trustor her�by releases and wai�res afl righ�s and benef�ts af �he hom�stead
<br /> exemption laws of the 5ta�re ��Nebraska as to a11 Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �3EFINITI(]NS. Th� foflowin� capitafized words and terms shall ha�e the following meanings when used in �his ❑eed af
<br /> Trust. Unless spe�ifEcally stated to th� contrary, all ra�erences ta dollar amounts shalE mean amounts in lawful maney
<br /> of �he Uni�ed Sta�es of Am�rica. Words and terms used in the singular shaff in�lude the plurai, anc� the plural shail
<br /> include the singular, as �h� confiex�h may require. W�rds and t�rms no� oth�rwise de�ined in this Deed flf Trus�k shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms in�he Uniform �omm�rcial �ode:
<br /> geneficiary. Th�word "Beneficiary" m�ans Fiv� Points Banlc, and its successo�s and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "Borrow�r" means CLtFF P NIEMQTH and includes all co-signers and co-makers signing the
<br /> Nofie and all thei�successors and assigns,
<br /> Qeed a� Trus�. Th� words "Deed o� Trust" mean �rhis Deec� o� Trust among Trustvr, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> includes without limitation al! assignment and security �nt�res� proW�sians relating t� the Personal Proper�y and
<br /> F�ents.
<br /> De�ault. The w�rd "DefauEt" means�h� Default set for�h in this Deed af Trust in the s�ction t��led "De�ault".
<br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. The wards "Environmental Laws" mean any and all s�ra�e, federal and IQcal s�a�u�es,
<br /> r�gulations and ❑rdinances relating to the pra��c�ion �f human heal�h or the en�ironment, �ncluding withaut
<br /> fimi�ation the Comprehensive En�ironmenta� Respanse, Compensatian, and Liability Act ❑f 198�, as amended, 4�
<br /> �.S.C. 5ecti�n 96�1, et seq. �"CERCLA"y, the Superfund Amendments and R�autharization Act of 1986, Pu�. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 {"SARA"y, �he Hazardous Ma�erials Transpo�tation Ac�c, 49 �.5.�. Secti�n �8��, �t seq,, �he Res�urce
<br /> Conser�a�ion and R�c��ery Ac�, 42 U.S.�. Section 5��1, e� s�q., ar o�h�r applicable s�a�e ar federal laws, rules,
<br /> or regulafions adopt�d pursuant�here�o.
<br /> E�en�o�Default. Th�words "'E�ent af❑efaul�" mean any❑�the e�en�s of default se��or�h in�his ❑eed of Trus�in
<br /> the events Q�default sec�i�n of this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br />