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2� 1 �� 1 �8� <br /> A�St�NIV�ENT �F RENTS <br /> Loan N�: 1�'��9�4�7 �C�ntinued} Page � <br /> the Prop�rty. ��rrower waives any d��Fenses that may arise because vf any actian flr inaction nf Lender, including <br /> without limi�a�ian any �Failure of Lender �o realize upon the Praperty, or any delay by Lender in reali�ing upon the <br /> Prop�rty. Borrawer agre�s �o remain lia�le under the Note with Lender no ma��er what ac�i�n Lender fakes or �ails to <br /> take under this Assignment. <br /> PAYi111ENT ANG PERFDl�MANCE. Excep� as o�herwise provided in this Assignment or any Rela�ed Do�uments, Grantor <br /> sha�l pay �� Lend�r all amounts secured hy this Assignment as �hey became du�, and shall sfirictly p�rfarm ali of <br /> Grantor's o�ligations under this Assi�nmen�. Unless and untii Lender ex�rcises its right to coilec�the Ren�s as provided <br /> belaw and sa ��ng as there is no dafault under this Assignment, Grantor may r�main in poss�ssion and con�rol af and <br /> operate and manage the Property and collecfi�he Rents, proWided tha�the granting o�the righ�t� c�lle�t the Rents shall <br /> no�canstitut� Lender's consent to the use❑f cash�al�a�keral in a bankrupt�y proceeding. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND V1IARRANTIES. �rantvr warrants that: <br /> �wnership. Grantor is en�titied to receive th� Rents �re� and clear �f all righ�s, Ioans, fiens, encum�rances, an�1 <br /> ciaims�xc�pt as disc[osed t� and accepted by Lender in writin�. <br /> Right tfl A�sign. Grantor has the �Full righ�, power and authority to enter into this Assignment and to assign and <br /> con�ey�he Rents t� L�nder. <br /> N❑ Prior �ssignment. Grantor has nat previous[y assign�d or can�eyed the Rents to any ather persan !�y any <br /> instrument now in forc�. <br /> No Fur�her Transfer. Grantor wilf nat sell, assign, encumber, vr o�kh�rwise dispose of any o�F Gran�or's rights in the <br /> Ren�s �xcept as pra�ided in this Assignment. <br /> LENDER'S RIGf�T TD RECEIVE AND CflLLECT RENTS. Lender shall have the right a� any time, and e�en �haugh no <br /> �fefault shall have❑ccurred under this Assignment, to cvlle�t and recei�e the Ren�s. Fvr this purpose, Lender is hereby <br /> gi�en and granted the follnw�ng rights, p�w�rs and au�thority: <br /> Notice to Tenants. Lender may send nvtices fi❑ any and all tenants of �he Proper�y ad�ising them of this <br /> Assignment and directin� ail Rents to b� paid direc�ly to Lend�r or L�nder's agent. <br /> En�er tne Pruperty. Lender may enter upvn and take possessian of the Property; demand, coll�ct and recei�e fram <br /> th� tenant� ar frvm any ❑ther persvns �iable ther�for, all �f the Rents; ins�itu�e and carry on all legal proceedings <br /> n��essary for the pratection �f the Propert}r, incfuding such proce�dings as may be necessary to rec�Wer <br /> possession�f�h� Property; callect the Rents and remove any tenant or t�nan�ts or other persons from fihe Prop�rty. <br /> ltil�a�n#ain the Property. Lender may enter upan the PrQper�y�o maintain the Praperty and keep the same in repair; <br /> to �ay�he costs th�r�o�and �f a!I ser�ices o� all emp�oyees, including th�ir equipment, and of all G�ntinuing casts <br /> and expenses of maintaining the Property in p�-aper repair and candition, and a�s❑t❑ pay al1 taxes, assessments and <br /> waxer utili�ies, and the premiums�n fiire and other insurance effected by Lender on th� Prop�r�y. <br /> Gompliance with Laws. Lende� may d� any and alC �hings ta execute and comply rn►ith the laws of the State of <br /> Nehraslca and also all vth�r �aws, rul�s, �rders, ordinanc�s and requirem�nts of all other go�ernmenfial agencies <br /> affec�ing fihe Prap�rty. <br /> L�ase fihe Prop�r�ty. Lender may ren�t or lease �he whale or any par�of�hs Property�For such term or terms and on <br /> such conditions as Lender may deem appr�pria�e. <br /> Emplvy Agents. Lender may en�ag� such agent ar ag�n�s as L�nder may deem apprvpria�e, either in Lender's <br /> name or in Grant�r's name, to rent and manage fihe Praperty, includ�ng the co�lec�ion and application o�Rents. <br /> ather Ac�s, Lender may do a11 such ather things ar�d ac�s wi�h respect to �he Property as L�nder may deem <br /> appropriate and may ac� exclusively and snlely in �he pla�s and steacl of Gran�ar and ta ha�e all of the powers af <br /> Gran�or�for the purposes s�ated above. <br /> No Requir�ment fiv Ac�. Lender shall not be required ta da any af the foregoing acts or th�ngs, and th� �fac� that <br /> Lender shall have performed on� or more of the foregoing acts or things shall not require Lender t� da any other <br /> specific act ar thin�. <br /> APPLICATIDN �F RENTS. All �asts and expenses incurred by Lender in �annecti�n with the Prap�r�y shall be for <br /> Gran�ar's account and Lender may pay such cos�s and expenses fram the Rents. Lender, in its soie discretion, sha�l <br /> detarmine the applicatian of any and a�l Rents recei�ed by it; h�we�er, any su�h Rents recei��d by L�nder which are <br /> not applied to such cos�s and expenses shali be applied ta the Indebt�dness. All expendi�ures mad� by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and not r�imbursed fr�m the R�n�s shal� b�came a part of �he Indebtedness secured by �his <br /> Assignment, and sha�l be payable�n demand, wifh inter�st a�the Note rate from date of expenditure until paid. <br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. lf Grantor pays al� o� the Indeb�edness when due and o�h�rwise p�rforms al� the abligativns <br /> imposed upon Grantar under this Assignment, th� No�e, and th� Related Documents, Lender shall execute and deli�er to <br /> Grantor a suitab�e satisfa�tion �f this Assignmenfi and sui�abie sta�ements of terminativn a� any�inancing statement on <br /> �ile e�idencin� Lender's se�urity interest in the Ren�ts and the Property. Any terminatian �e� required by law sha�l be <br /> paid by Granfior, if permitfied by applicable law. <br /> LENDER'S E3CPELVDITURES. 1f any actian or proce�ding is commenced that wouid materially a�F�e�t L�nder`s interest in <br /> �he Property ti�if�rantor faifs�o comply wi�h any provision of this Assi�nmen�or any Related Dacuments, includin� but <br />