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2� 1 �� 1 �79 <br /> DEE[] �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 1 a'l�9�427 ��ontinued� Page � <br /> DEED�F T�UST IS G1VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LL�WING TERIVIS: <br /> TRUST�R`� REPRESENTATIaNS AND VIlARFfANTlES. Trustor warrants that: �a} this D�ed af Trust is executed at <br /> Borrower's r�quest and nv� at ths reques� of Lender; �b} Trustor has the full power, right, and authority to en�er into <br /> this Deed ��Trust and to hypathecate the Property; tc} �he pro�isians a� �h�s D�ed of Trust da nat canflic� with, �r <br /> result in a �efau�t under any agre�ment vr other instrument �inding up�n Trus�ar and do nvt r�sul�t in a Wiolation of any <br /> law, regulatian, court decr�e or order applicable to.Trustar; �d} Trustor has es�a�lished adequate means af obtaining <br /> �rom Borrawer on a continuing basis information about gorrawer's finan�ial condition; and {e} L�nd�r has rnade nv <br /> representation t❑Trustar about Borrow�r �in�fuding withou� limitatian the creditworthiness of Barrower}. <br /> TRUSTaR'�WA�VERS. Trustor waiWes alf rights or defens�s arising by reason af any "one actian" or "anti-deficiency" <br /> law, or any ��her law which may pre��n� Lender from �ring�ng any ac�ion against Trus�or, in�lu�ling a claim f�r <br /> deficiency�o the extent L�nder is otherwise entitle� to a claim f�r d��iciency, before vr afi�er Lender's commencement <br /> or complet�vn of any foreCl�sure a��ion, �ither�udicial[y ar by exercise of a p�wer of sale. <br /> PAYIVIENT AN� PERFaRMANCE. Except as atherwise provided in �khis Deed of Trust, Borrower shall pay to Lender afl <br /> Indebtedness s�cured by this Deed o� Trust as it becomes due, and Borrow�r and Trust�r shall perform al1 �heir <br /> respecti�e abligatians under the Note, this ❑eed of Trust, and the Related ❑ocumen�s. <br /> P�SSESSf�N AND MAiNTENANCE DF THE PR�PERTY. B�rrower and Trustar agree that B�rrower's and Trust�r's <br /> possessi�n and use of the Proper�y shall be���ern�d by the follo�nring provisions: <br /> Posse�sion and Use. Until the Qccurren�e o� an E�ent of Default, Trus�or may �1� remain in possessivn and <br /> cvntrof 4f th� Prop�rty; �2� use, operate ar manag�the Pr�perty; and 43} collect the Rents�rom the Property. <br /> Duty t� Il!la�nfiain. Trustnr shall main�ain the Property in t�nantab�e �ondition and prvmptly perform all repairs. <br /> replacements, and maint�nan�e necessary tv preser�e its value. <br /> Comp�iance Vllifih En�iranmental Laws. Trus�ar r�pr�sents and warrants to Lender�hat: {1} During the periad vf <br /> Trusto�'s ownership of�he Property, ther� has b�en no use, generafiian, manufacture, s�orage, treatm�nt, dispasal, <br /> release ar threatened release af any Hazardaus Subs�ance �y any persan an, under, ab�uf �r �rom the Property; <br /> {�� Trustnr has no knawledge af, �r reas�n to belie�e that there has �een, except as pre�iausly discbsed to and <br /> acknvwledged hy L�nder in wri�ing, {a� any k�reach Qr �ivlation of any En�iranmental Laws, �by any use, <br /> g�nera�ivn, rnanufac�ure, starage, trea�ment, dispflsa�, re[ease ❑r threatened release af any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, ur�der, ahQut ar from the Prop�rfiy by any prior own�rs ar �ccupants o� the Property, ar �c} any a�tual or <br /> threa��ned litigatian or claims of any kind by any person rela�ing t❑ such matters; and t3� Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed ta and acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a} neither TrustQr nor any tenant, contrac�or, agent or oth�r <br /> authorized user❑f th� Proper�y shall use, �enerate, manufacture, store, trea�, dispose of or rel�ase any Hazard�us <br /> Subs��nce on� under, about�r fr�m the Praperty; and �b} any such acti�ity shalf he cvnduc�ed �n�omp�iance with <br /> al� app�icab[e federal, state, and 1oca1 laws, r��ulati�ns and ordinances, including wiYhout limita�ian all <br /> Envir�nm�ntal Laws. Trustor authori�ss Lender and its agents to enter upon the Prop�rty �a make such <br /> inspe�tions and tests, at Trust�r's expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate to det�rrnine cvmpliance of the <br /> PrQperty with this sectian �f the �eed of Trust. Any inspectians or ��sts made by Lender shall be �For Lender's <br /> purp�ses �nly and shall not �e �ons�rued to create any r�spansibility or liab�lity�n�he part of L�nder ta Trus�tvr ar <br /> to any other persan. The represen�ations and warranties con�azned herein ar� based vn Trustor's du� dil�genc� in <br /> inv�stigating the Prope�ty �or Ha�ardaus Substances. Trustar hereby ��� releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against Lender fa� in�emnity or contr�bu�i�n in the �Went Trustor b��omes liabl� �or cl�anup ar ather �asts under <br /> any such laws; and {2} agrees t� indemnify, d�f�nd. and hold harmless L�nder agains�any and all claims, Iosses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses whi�h Lender may direc�ly or indirectly sus�ain or sutf�r resultEng from <br /> a breaGh af this ssction of th� Deed of Trust or as a cvnsequence af any use, gen�ration, manufacture, starag�, <br /> dispasal, releas�ar threatened release accurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property, whe�her vr <br /> not the same was or sh�uld have been known to Trustore Th� pr�visions of this section of the Deed of Trust, <br /> including the�bligation t� indemnify and def�nd, shall sur�ive the payment ot the �nd�bt�dness and the satisfa�tion <br /> and r�con�eyance ❑f�he li�n of�his ❑eed afi Trus�and sha11 no� be a�Ffected by Lend�r's a��uisition of any in�erest <br /> in the Pr�per�y, wh�ther by fiare�losure nr�therwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vllaste. Trustor sha�� not caus�, conduct ar permit any nuisanc� nor cammit, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping ❑f or waste nn ❑r �❑ �he Property or any parti�n of �he Property. VVithout limiting the generali#y �f the <br /> foreg�in�, Trustor wilC no�t remaWe, or grant ta any other party the right to remo�e, any timb�r, minerals {includin� <br /> oi[and�as}, coal, ciay, scoria, soil, gra�ef nr rock produc�s wi�khaut Lender's prior wr�tt�n consent, <br /> R�moWal ❑�Improvements. Trustor shall not demolish or rema�e any lmpro�ements fr�m �h� Real Proper�y without <br /> Lender's priar written consent. As a c�nditian to the remo�al of any Improv�men�s, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> . make arrangements satisfactory to Lender tv repla�e such Impro�ements wi-�h Imprv�emenfis of at least equa� <br /> value. <br /> L�nder�5 Righ�to En�er. Lender and Lender's agen�s and repr�sentat��es may enter upon the Real Praperty at all <br /> reasanabl� times ta attend to Lender's Enterests and to inspect ths Real Property for purpases of Trustor's <br /> c�mpiiance with the terms and can�litions of tnEs Qeed of Trus�. <br /> �ompliance with Go�ernmen�a[ Requiremen#s. Trustar shall promptly cornply with all laws, ordinancesf and <br /> regufa�ions, now or hereafter in ef�ect, af all governrnen�al authvrities app�icable to �h� use or oc�upancy o# the <br />