2� 1 �� 1 �7�
<br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAL LA,WS AND HAZARD[]US SUBSTANCES. As used in �his section,
<br /> �1} Environmental Law means, w�th�ut limitati�n, the �omprehensive Environmen�al Respans�,
<br /> �ampensation and Liability Act �CERCLA, 4� U.S.C. 96�1 et seq.}, and a11 ather federal, state and local
<br /> laws, regulatians, ordinances, court arders, attarney genera� opinions vr interpreti�e letters conc�rning the
<br /> public health, safety, welfare, en�ironmen� or a hazardaus substanc�; and �2} Hazardous 5ubstance means any
<br /> toxic, radioactive ar hazardau� material, waste, po��u�an� ar contaminanC which has characteristics whi�h
<br /> render the substance dangeraus ar poten�ia�ly da.ngerous �a the public health, �afety, welfare or environmen�.
<br /> Th� term includes, withaut limitatian, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substances,"
<br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substance" under any En�ironrnental Law.
<br /> Trustor represents, warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A.ExCep� as pre�iously disclvsed and acknowledged in writing to B�neficiary, no Hazardaus Substance is
<br /> or will �e located, stor�d or released on or in the Pr�per�y. This restrictian does not apply to small
<br /> quantities �f Hazardous SubS�ances that ar� generally rec�gnized to b� appropriat� for Che nonnal use
<br /> and maintenance of�h� Proper�y.
<br /> B. Except as pre�ivusly disclas�d and acknawl�dged in writing to Beneficiary, Trus�or and ��ery tenant
<br /> ha�e been, are, and shall remain in full �omp�iance wiCh any applica��e En�ironmental Law.
<br /> C.Trus�ar shall immediately natify Beneficiary if a release or threa�ened releas� of a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> occurs an, under or abaut the Prap�rty �r there is a vio�atian af any Enviranmen�a� Law c�ncerning th�
<br /> Property. In such an e�ent, Trustor sha�l take all necessary r�medial actian in accardance with any
<br /> En�iranmental Law.
<br /> D.Trustar shall immediately na�ify Ben�fi�iary in writing as sQan as Trustor ha� reason �o b�lie�e there is
<br /> any pending ar threatened in�esCigati�n, claim, or pr�ceeding relating t4 the re�ease or threatened
<br /> release of any Hazardous Subs�an�e or the�iolation�f any Environmental Law.
<br /> 1Z. ES�RUW FUR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless a�herwise pravided in a separate agre�ment, Trustar
<br /> will not be required to pay to Beneficiary funds f�r taxes and insurance in escro�v.
<br /> du�ies under this Security Instrumen� ar�joint and individual. �f Trustor signs this Security instrument but
<br /> d��s not sign an ev�dence of debt, Trustor does sa �nly to mortgage Trus�or's interest in �h� Pr�perty to
<br /> secure payment af the Se�ured D�bfi and Trus��r does n�t a�ree to be personally liable on the S��ur�d D�bt. If
<br /> this Security Instrument secures a guaran�y between B�neficiary and Trustar, Trus�or agrees to wai�e any
<br /> rights that may pre�ent Benef�ciary from t�ringing any action ❑r claim against Tru.stor or any party in�iehted
<br /> under the obiigation. These rights may include, but are nat limited ta, any anti-defi�iency vr on�-ac�ion laws.
<br /> The duties and b�nef�ts of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Trust�r
<br /> and Benefi�iary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTER.PRETATIUN. This Security �nstrument is camplete and fu11y int�grated. This _
<br /> Security Ynstrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any secti�n in this S��urity
<br /> Instrument, attachments, flr any agreement re�ated tv the Secured Debt that �onflicts with applica�le 1aw will
<br /> nat be effecti�e, unless that law expressly or impliedly permits th� �ariatians �y written agre�ment. If any
<br /> section of�his Security Instrument eannflt h��nfor�ed accarding to its terms, that sec�ion wi11 be s��ered and
<br /> will not affect th� enf�rceability of�he r�mainder of this Se�urit� Instrument. Whenever us�d, the singular
<br /> shall include the plural and the plura� the singu�ar. The captions and headings of the sections �f this S�curity
<br /> Instrument are for con�enience only and are not to be used ta interpret vr define the terms of this Security
<br /> Instrument. Time is of the essence in this Security Ins�rument.
<br /> 15, SU�CESS�R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's opti�n, may fram �ime Co tim� r�mo�e Trustee and
<br /> appaint a successor trust�e without any other formality than the designatian in wriring. The�uccessor trus�ee,
<br /> withaut cflnveyanc� of the Frvper�y, shall succeed t� all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee by
<br /> this Security In�trum�nt and applicable �aw.
<br /> lf. NUTICE. Unless oth�rwise requir�d by 1aw, any natice shall be g��en by d�livering �t or by mailing it by
<br /> first class mail ta the apprflpriate parCy's address on page 1 of this Security �nstrument, or to any oth�r
<br /> address designated in writing. Nvtice to ane trustor will be deemed to �e notice ta al1 trustars, Trustar and
<br /> Benefic�ary hereby request a capy of any notice of default, and a copy of any notice �f sale th�reunder, b�
<br /> mailed ta each par�y at the address for such par�y set forth an page 1 of this Security Ynstrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except ta the extent pr�hibited by �aw, Trustar wai�es a11 appraisement and hamestead
<br /> exemption rights relating ta the Property.
<br /> 18. LINE UF �REDIT. The Secur�d �3ebt inc�udes a revoiving line af credit. Although the 5ecur�d Debt may
<br /> ��reduced t❑ a zero balance, this Security �nstrument will remain in effect until released.
<br /> Security instrument-�pen-�nd-�ansumer-NE , a�P-REDT-NE 7121�0�1
<br /> VMPC�Bankers SystemsTM VMP-C4fia�N�� �1107�.0�
<br /> Wolters Kiuwer Financiai Services @�994,2��"i Page 5 of fi
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