2� 1 �� 1 �7�
<br /> Property Condition, AZterations and Inspection. Trustor wil� keep the Prop�rty in ga�d �onditian and
<br /> make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Trusror shall not �amxnit or a11ow any vvaste, impairment, ar
<br /> deteriarat�on of the Pr�perty. Trustor agrees that the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially
<br /> �hange withaut Beneficiary's prior wri�ten consent. Trustor wi11 not permit any �hange in any lrcense,
<br /> restrictive cav�nant �r �asement withau� Beneficiary's prior written cor�sent. Trustor will n�tify B�ne�c�ary
<br /> of all demands, praceedings, claims, and ac�ions against Trustor, and of any loss or damage t�the Prap�r�y.
<br /> Beneficiary or Ben�ficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's aption, enter the Prop�rty at any reasanable time for
<br /> the purp�se af insp�Gting the Property. Beneficiary shall give TruSt�r notice at th� time of or bef�re an
<br /> in5pectifln specifying a reasonable purpos� for the inspe�ti�n. Any inspe�tion of the Prnp�rty shall b� entirely
<br /> far Beneficiary's benefit and Trustor will in no way rely on Beneficiary's insp�c��an.
<br /> Authority to Perfarm. If Trustor fails ta perform any duty nr any�f the ca�enants c�ntained in this Security
<br /> rnstrument, Beneficiary may, withaut notice, perform or �ause them to be performed. Trustor appaints
<br /> Beneficiary as attarney in fact to sign Trustflr's name or pay any amaun� n�cessary for performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's right tv perform for Trustor shall nat create an obligation to perform, and Ben�ficiary's failure
<br /> to perfarm wi11 nat preclude Beneficiary fram exercising any of Beneficiary's other righ�s under the law ar
<br /> thi s Security Instrument.
<br /> Leaseholds; �andominiums; Planned Unit De�elopment5. Trustor agrees to camply wi�h the grovisions of
<br /> any lease �f this Security Instrum�nt is �n a ieasehold. If the Praper�y includes a unit in a�ondnminium �r a
<br /> pianned unit d�velapmen�, Trustor wi11 perform all �f Trustor's duties und�r the covenants, by-laws, or
<br /> regulations of the condominium or plann�d unit de�el�pm�n�.
<br /> Condemnation. Trustor will gi�e B�neficiary pramp� nfltice of any pending vr threatened actian, t�y pri�ate
<br /> or public entities to pur�hase or �ake any or all of the Praperty thraugh condemna�ion, eminent domain, or
<br /> any ath�r means. Trust�r au�harizes Beneficiar� to intervene in Trustor's name in any �f the ab�v� d�scrib�d
<br /> actians or claims. Trustar assign5 ta Beneficiary the pra�e�ds of any award ar ciaim for damag�s conn�Gted
<br /> with a condemnation ar other taking af a1l or any part of the Praper�y. Such pra�eeds shall be considered
<br /> payments and wi11 be applied as pro�ided in this Security �nstrument. This assignm�nt af proceeds is �ubject
<br /> to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed�f trust, �ecurity agreement or other lien dacument,
<br /> Insurance. Trustar 'sha�� keep Property insured against lass �y fire, flavd, theft and ather hazards and risks
<br /> reasanably associated with the Property due ta its type and�acatian. This insurance shal� be maintained in th�
<br /> amounts and for the periods that Beneficiary requires. �Vlaat Beneficiary requires pursuant to the prec�ding
<br /> two sentences can change during the term of the Secured Debt. The insuranc� carrier pro�iding th� insuranc�
<br /> sha11 be chosen Uy Trus�or subject t❑ Benefi�iary's appro�al, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If
<br /> Trustor fails to maintain the co�erage described abo�e, Benefi�iary may, at Beneficiary's option, obtain
<br /> coverag�t�prote�t B�n�fi�iary's rights in the Property accarding to the terms of�his Security Instrument.
<br /> All in�urance policies and renewals sha�� be acceptabie to Ben��ciary and sha11 inciud� a standard "martgage
<br /> clause" and, where applicat�le, "lass payee �lause." Trustor sha�l immediately notify Beneficiary of
<br /> cancellatian or termination of �he insurance. Benefi�iary sha11 have the right t� hold the p�l���es an�
<br /> renewals. rf Beneficiary requires, Trust�r shall immediately give to Beneficiary all receip�s of paid premiums
<br /> and renewal notices. Upon lass, Trustor sha11 gi�e immediate natice to the insurance carrier and Seneficiary.
<br /> Benef�ciary may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trustor.
<br /> Unless other�vise agreed in writing, all insurance proceeds shall b� applied to th� r�st�ration or repair of the
<br /> Praperty or tv the Secured I]�bt, whe�her or not th�n due, at Bene��iary's aption. Any application af
<br /> proceeds ta principal sha11 nat extend or postpone the due date nf the scheduled paymen� nvr change the
<br /> amount af any payment. Any �xcess wi11 t�e pa�d ta �he Trus�or. If�he Fraperty is acquired by Beneficiary,
<br /> Trustor's right to any insurance po�icies and pro�ee�s r�su�ting from damage to th� Prnper�y before the
<br /> acquisiti�n shall pass to Beneficiary�o the�xten�af the S�cur�d Debt immediately before the ac�uisition.
<br /> Financial Reparts and Addit�onal Da�umen#s. '�`rustor will provid� to B�neficiary upon request, any
<br /> fina.ncial stat�ment ❑r information Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees ta sign,
<br /> deli�er, and file any additi�nal dacuments or cer�ifi�ations that Beneficiary may consider necessary to perfect,
<br /> cantinue, and preser�e Trustor's obligativns under this Secur�ty Ynstrument and Beneficiary's Iien status on
<br /> the Property.
<br /> �. WARRANTY UF TITLE, Trustor warrants that Trustor is or w�11 be lawfully seized of the �s�ate��nveyed
<br /> by th�s Security Instrumen�and has the right ta irrevacab�y grant, con�ey, and se�� the Praperty ta Trustee, in
<br /> trust, with power af sal�. Trustor als❑ warrants that the Property is unencumbered, exc�pt far encumbrances
<br /> ❑f record.
<br /> 7. I�UE �N SALE. B�neficiary may, at its option, �eclare the en�ire balan�e of the Se�ured D�bt to be
<br /> immediately due and payable upon the creati�n of, or contract for the creation of, a transf�r ar sale of a11 or
<br /> any part of the Prvper�y. This right is subject to the restri�Cions impvsed by federal law �1� �.F.R. 591), as
<br /> applicable.
<br /> Security Instrument-Open-End-Cansumer-N� ��P-REDT-NE 71212�1�
<br /> VMP�Banicers 5ystemsT"" VMP-C4B5�NEf =11Q7}.Qp
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices C�31994,2Q11 F'age 3 oi 6
<br />