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2� 1 �� 1 ��9 <br /> Payment of Prin�ipai and In�er�st; �ther�harges.�or�rotivEfr shal�pr�mpt�y pay vcrhen due�he pr�nc�pal of and <br /> �n�erest on the deb�ou�ed under the Con�rac�and Iate�harg�s a�an�r other fees and charges due under the�ontract. <br /> Applicable Law. As used �.n �his 5ecurity Ins�rument, the tPrm "Applicab�e Lativ" sha�� mean aI� c�n�rolling <br /> applicable federa�, state a.nd �aca1 sta�utes, regulatians, ord�.nar�ces and adm�nis�ra�ive rules and orders �that have <br /> �he�ffec�of�aw� as W�11,as aI1 applicable final,noriwappeal�.ble�udicial�p�nians. <br /> �harges; Litens. ��rraw�r shall pay a1� �axes, assessments, cha.rges, �nes and impos��ions at�ribu�able �a the <br /> Property which may a�tain priority over this Securi�y Instr�.�men�, and �easeho�d paymen�s or gr�und rernts, if any. <br /> At�he reques�of Lend�er,BorroW�r sha1l pramptly fia.z�z�sh�a Lender receipts ev�dencing th.e payments. <br /> �3orrawer sha1�promptly discharge any lie��which has prior�ty ov�r��is 5ecurity�nstrument un�ess Barr�ower: �a} <br /> agrees in wri�ing �a the paymen� �f the ob��gation secured by the Iien in a manner acceptab�� ta L�nder; �b} <br /> contests in good faith the �ien by, or defends against enfarcenn�r�t of�he �ien in, Iega1 praceedings wh;ich �n �he <br /> Lender's op�.x�ion apera�e �o prev�nt �he enforcement of��e Iien; or �c� secures fram the ho�der af�he �ien an <br /> agreement satxsfactory ta Lender subordinating the lien to �;,his Security Instrument. If Lender de�ern�une��ha�any <br /> par�of�he Proper�y is subJe���o a lien vtrhich may a�tain�rior�� over � Securi�.y Instrument, Lender may gxve <br /> �3orr�wer a notice iden�ifying the I�en. Borr��ver shall sat��fy�lze Iien�r take�ne ar mor� of the actions se�forth <br /> abave with�n 1.4 days af the giving of na�ice. <br /> Hazard or Propert�In�urance. Barro�vver sha1l k�ep �he imp�c�vements now existing or hereafter erecte�an the <br /> Proper�y insured agairst loss by f re,ha�ards included with�n the term"extended caverage" and any��her hazards, <br /> in�luding floods or flooding, far vvhich Lender requires insUxan�e. This insurance sh�ll be ma�ntain�ed i� the <br /> amounts and for the periods�hat Lender re�uires. The insuranc�:ca.rri�r pro�iding�he�nsurance shall be ch�sen by <br /> Borrawer subject �o Lender's appr�val wh�ch sha�� not be unr�eas�nably vvithheld. If Borrower fai�s to ma�n�ta�n <br /> coverage described ab�ve, Lender may, at Lender's opt���n, abtain �overage t� protect Lender's righ�s �n f.he <br /> Pr�perty in accordance vvith section��itled Protec�i�n of Le;nde�r�s R�ghts in the Property. <br /> Al� insurance policies and renewals sha�i be acceptable to Ler.�der and sha�� include a standard m�rtgage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha��have �he right to ho�d�he polic�es and rer�ewa:Is. I;�'Lender requ�res,Borr��wer shall prornpt�y gxve tn <br /> Lender alI rece�p�s of pa�d pren�ums and renev�a�no�ices. :In t�le even�of 1oss, BorraWer sha�1 give prompt notice <br /> �o the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make pr����flf:�oss if not made prflmp�Iy by Borro�ver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrotiver otherwis� agree in wri�ing, insL�ran�e pr�ceeds shall be app�ied to restc�ration or <br /> repair of the Prap�rty damaged, if, �n L�nder's sole d�scre��on, the rest�ra�ion �r r�pair is economica��� feas�ble <br /> and Lender's security is not lessened. �f, in Lender's sale�r�ti�n, the restora�ion o.r repair is not econami�ally <br /> feasib�e or Lender's se�.ur�ty�vould be Iessene�l,the insuranc�e p�-oceeds sha��be applied�a�he secur��by this <br /> Secur�� Instrumen�, �vhether or not �hen due, vvith any exec�ss paid to Barro�ver. If Borra�ver abarndons the <br /> Praper�y, ar does no�ans�t7ver v�i�hin the r�umber of days pre��cribed by Applicable Law as se�forth in a na��ic�from <br /> Lender�o Borrower�iat the insurance carrier has affered t�� se��t�e a claim, then Lender may coll�c��he �nsurance <br /> prQ�eeds. Lender may use the proceeds t� repair a�restar�; �h�; Pr�perty or to pay sums secured�by�his Security <br /> �nstrumen�,vvh�ther ar not th�n due.The periad of�xme for Bor:��wer ta ansv�rer as se�fort�i in�he notice yvill begin <br /> when�he natice is gi�en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borro�ver o�herv�r�se agree in writ�ng, any a��p�ica�zon of praceeds to principa� shall no�extend <br /> or p�stp�ne the due da�e of�he payment� due under the �c�n�ra.ct�r change the amount of th.e payments. Zf under <br /> the sectzon tit�ed A��eleration; Remedi�s, the�roper�y�s acqi.�ired by Lender, Borrower's right to any�nsurance <br /> policies and pr�ce�ds resul�ing from �.amage �o �.ie Prape�-ty x�rior�o the acquisi�ion sha1l pass to L�ncler ta �he <br /> ex�ent af the sums secur�d by�his S�curi�y�ns�rument imme�dia���y prior�a the acquisitior�. <br /> Preservation, �Vla�n�enance and Protec��on �f the Proper��y; Barrower's Loan Appl�cation; LeasehoYds. <br /> Boz-rovver shall not des�roy, damage or impair the Praperty, al�c�v�r the Fr�per�y to deteriora�e, or Commit vvas�e on <br /> �he Praperry. Borrower shall be ir�default if any farfeiture ac�io}�or proceeding,whether civ�l or crimxnal,is begun <br /> that in Lender's good fai�.i judgmen� cou�d resul�in forfeiture �f the Praperty or othe�-w�se ma�eria�l� impair the <br /> lien crea�ed by th�s �ecurity Instrument ar Lender's security int�res�. Borrower rnay �ure such a defaul� and <br /> re�nstate, as provided�n se��ian�itled Bflrrower's Righ�tt�R��ins�ate,by causing�he ac�ion or proceeding to be <br /> d�srnissed tivith a ruling that,in Lender's goad faith de�errnintiation,precludes farfei�ure of the Borrovver's interes�in <br /> the Pr�perty or a�her rna�erxal impairment of�he lien erea�ed by this Securiry �nstrumen� or Lender's security <br /> interes�.Borrawer sha��alsa�e in default if Borr�vver,durir.�g the l�an application process,gave ma�eriall�r fa�se or <br /> inaccura�e �nformati�ri ar s�a�ements to Lender �ar failed �o ��r�vide Lender with any material inforrr�ation} zn <br /> �annection wi�h�he loan ev�denced by �he �ontract. If this Se�:urity Ix�s�rument is an a 1�asehold, Barro�urer sha�� <br /> comply w��h a�1 the provis�ons flf the�ease. �f Borrower acq�u�re,�fee ti��e ta the Praperty,�he leasehflld and�he fee <br /> ti�le sha11 na�merge unless Lender agrees ta the merger i.n.�rvri�irng. <br /> Pratec�ion �f Lende�'� R�ights in the Pr�perty, �f Borx�au�e.r fai�s to perf�rm �he c���nants and agreemen�s <br /> �an�ained in this 5ecuri�y Instrumen�, or�here �s a Iegal pr�cee��ing tha�may signif cant�y affect Lender's rights in <br /> �he Praperty �such as �proceeding in bankruptcy, pr�bate, far condemnation or farfeit�ure or�� enforce �av�rs ar <br /> regu�a�ions}, then Lender ma� do and pay for vvha�ever �s n�.cessary ta prot�c� �he value �f the Property and <br /> Lender's rights in the Proper�y. Lender's ac�ions may includ��pa;�ring any sums secured by a lien vvh�ch ha�prior�ty <br /> �v�r this 5ecu.rzty�nstrument, appearing a.n cour�,paying re��son�.ble at�orneys'fees and en�ering fln the Proper�y�� <br /> �nake repa�rs.Although Lender may�ake ac�ion under this s��ctic=n,Lender daes no�have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbu.rsed by Lender unde�- �hzs sect�on shall be�.�m� add�tionaX deb� of Borrower secured by �his <br /> 5ecuri�y �ns�rumen�. Un�ess B�rrav�rer and Lender agree �:fl o�her terms of paymen�, these amounts s�al� bear <br /> �2�Q4-2flI5 Campliance 5ystems,Tnc.8C54-2F1 C-2a15.11.3,I098 <br /> Co�suFner Real Estate-Security Instr�ment DL243d Page 2 of 5 www.compliancesys#ems.corn <br />