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<br /> DEED [3F TRUST
<br /> ���ntinued} Page 5
<br /> term, vbligati�n, co��nant or�andition can�ained in any o�her agreement between Lender and Borr�wer or Trustor.
<br /> Compliance Defaul�. Faiiure �o �omply wi�h any other term, ohliga�ion, co�enant or ��ndition contained in this
<br /> D�ed�f Trust, the Note or in any af the Rela�ed �ocuments.
<br /> Default on ath�r Payments. Failure ❑f Trus�or within the time required hy this Deed af Trust to make any payment
<br /> for taxes vr insurance, �r any ather payment necessary to pre�ent filing ❑f or to effe�t discharge o�any lien.
<br /> Defaul# in Fa�or of Third Par�ies. Should Borr�we� vr any Grantvr d�fau[t under any �oan, ex#ension af cred�t,
<br /> secur�ty agreemen�, purchas� or safes agreement, or any other agreemen#, in fa�or of any other cred�tor or p�rson
<br /> that may materially affect any of Borrower's or any �rantor's prvperty or Borrvwer's ability ta repay the
<br /> lnd�btedness o� Borrawer's or Grantor's ability to perfvrm their respe�#i�e obliga�ions under�his Deed of Trust ❑r
<br /> any vf the R�lated Documents.
<br /> False Statements. Any warranty, representat�on ar s�atemenfi made �r�urnished to L�nder by Borrawer�r Trustor
<br /> or on Borrower`s or Trustar's hehalf under this Deed of Trust or the Related Dvcuments is fa�se or misleading in
<br /> any material respect, either nvw or a� the time mad� or fu�nished ar hecomes false or mis��ading at any �ime
<br /> �hereafiter.
<br /> Defecti�� Collate�a�iza#ivn. This Deed of Trust vr any of the Rela#�d Documents ceases to be in �uI! force and
<br /> effect �including failure of any cvllateral d�cument to create a �alid and perfected security int�rest or lien} at any
<br /> time and f�r any reason.
<br /> Dea�h or lnsol�en�y. The d�ssolutivn af Trustor's 4r�gardless o�f whether electian �o cont�nue is made}, any
<br /> memb�r withdraws from the fimited liabili�y company, or any o�her termination o�gorrower's or Trusto�'s exis�ence
<br /> as a gaing business or the death of any member, the insol�ency of Borrawe� vr Trust�r, the appoin�ment o� a
<br /> rece��er #or any part of Borr�wer's �r Trustor`s property, any assignment f�r the benefit of Gredit�rs, any type ❑�
<br /> creditor workout, or the commencement of any proceeding und�r any bankruptcy or ins�i�en�y laws t�y or aga�nst
<br /> Borrvwer ar Trustor.
<br /> Credi�vr vr Forfeiture Praceedings. Commencement af fore��osure or �o�feiture pr�c�edings, wh�ther by judiGial
<br /> praceeding, self�help, rep�ssession vr any other methvd, by any creditor Qf Borrawer or Trustor or by any
<br /> go�ernm�ntal agency against any property securing the [nd�btedness. This inc�udes a �arnishment o� any of
<br /> Sorrower's or Trust�r's accounts, includin� deposit accvunts, with L�nder. Howe�er, this E�ent vf Defauit shall
<br /> not apply i�there is a gaod �aith dispu�e �y Borrower vr Trustor as to �h� �alidity or reasonab�eness of the claim
<br /> which is�he hasis o�the credit�r vr forfeiture proceeding and i�F Borrower o�Trus�or gives Lender writ�en notice❑f
<br /> the creditor vr�orfeiture proceeding and deposits wi�h Lender monies ar a surety bond for the creditor or for#eifiure
<br /> proceeding, in an am�un�determined by Lender, in i�s sole discre�ion, as �eing an adequate reser�e or hond for the
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Breach of�ther Agreemen�t. Any breach by Barrowe�or Trustor under the terms vf any other agreement betw��n
<br /> Ba�rower ar Trustor and Lender that is not remed�ed wi�hin any gra�e period pro�ided �herein, including w�thout
<br /> limitativn any agreement concerning any indebtedness ❑r other obligation of Bor�ower or Trustvr to Lender,
<br /> whether existing now or la�er.
<br /> EWents Affec�ing Guarantor. Any of the preceding e�ents accurs with respect t❑ any Guarantor of any of the
<br /> Indebt�dn�ss vr any Guarantor dies or becames ineomp�tent, ar re�okes or disputes the �alidi�y o�, or fiabil'€ty
<br /> unde�, any Guaranty of the Indeb�edness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in Borr�wer's or Trustar's financ�al condition, ❑r Lender
<br /> �elie�es�he prospect of paymen#ar pe�fvrmance Q�the [ndebtedness is impa�red.
<br /> Insecu�ity, Lender in g�od fai�h be[�e�es i�self insecure.
<br /> Righ�ta Cure, ff any de�faul�, other than a de�ault in payment, is curable and �f Trustor has not b�en gi�en a no�ice
<br /> of a breach of the same pro�ision o#this C]eed of Trust within the preceding�wel�e �12} months, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, af�er L�nder sends wri��en notice tv Borrow�r d�manding �ure of such default: t 1} cures the defau�t
<br /> within twenty {Z�3 days; or ��� if the cure requires more than twenty t2�� days, immed�ate�y ini�iates steps which
<br /> Lender d�ems in Lender's sole discret�on �o be suf�icient t� cure �he de�ault and thereaft�r �ontinues and
<br /> comple�es af� reasonab�e and necessary steps suf��c�ent to produce �ompliance as soon as reasona�ly practicai.
<br /> RIGHTS AND RENIED�ES DN DEFAULT. If an E�ent o� ❑efault occu�s under th�s ❑eed ot T�ust, at any #ime therea�ter,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any ane or more o�the following rights and remedies:
<br /> A��elerativn Upon De�Fau�#: Addi�ionat Remed�es. If any E�ent o� �e�aul��ccurs as per�he terms o�the Note
<br /> secured her�hy, Lender may de�lare a�� Indeb�edness secured by th�s Deed ��Trus�to be due and payable and
<br /> �he same shall thereupon be�ome due and payabfe withou�any presen�m�nt, demand, p�otes�vr notice of any
<br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may:
<br /> �a} Ei�her in psrsan or by agent, w�th or without bringing any action or proceeding, ar by a r�c�i�er
<br /> appoin�ed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of i#s security, enter upon and take possessifln
<br /> o�the Praperty, �r any par�thereo�, in its own name ar�n the name of Trustee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable to pr�ser�e the�a�ue, marketabi�ity❑r rentahil�ty�f the Property, or part of
<br /> the Property or inte�est in the Property; �ncrease the income from the Proper�y or protect the securi�y vf
<br /> the Property; and, with or v►ri�hout taking possession of �he Praperty, su� tor or �therwise co��e�� the
<br /> rents, issues and pro�its of the Property, inc�ud�ng those past due and unpaid, and apply �th� same, less
<br /> cos�ts and expenses vf operati�n and collect�on attorneys' fees, �v any indebtedness secured hy this De�d
<br /> of Trust, all in su�h order as Lender may dete�mine. The entering upon and taking possession vf �h�
<br /> Prop�rty, fihe collectivn of such ren�s, issues and profits, and the application the�eof shal� nvt cure �r
<br /> wai�e any default or notice o�default und�r this Deed o�Trust or in�alida�e any act done in response to
<br /> such default or pursuant to such nvtice of default; and, natwithstanding the�antinuance in possession o#
<br /> the Property or the callect�on, receipt and applicati�n o� rents, issu�s ar prof�ts, Trustee ar Lender shall
<br /> be enti�led to exercise e��ry righ� pro�ided fvr in the Note ar the Related Dacuments or hy [aw upan the
<br /> ❑ccurrence o�any e�ent af defaul�, inc�uding the right to exercise the pvwer o�sale;
<br /> �b� Commence an action ta�oreclose this Deed o�T�ust as a mortgag�, appoint a recei�er or sp�ci#ically
<br /> enforce any af�he�o�enants hereQ�; and
<br /> �c� Deli�er tv Trustee a written dec�aration ❑f d�fault and demand fvr sale and a writt�n nfltice o�default
<br /> and election to cause Trustvr`s interest in the Property to be sald, whi�h n�tice Trustee shall cause t❑ be
<br /> duly filed �or�ecvrd in the appropriate of�fices vf the �aun�y in which the Pr�p�rty is located; and
<br /> �d� With respect to alf ar any part o�th� Persona� Property, Lender shall ha�e all the rights and rem�dies
<br /> o�a secur�d party under the Nebrasl�a lJni�vrm Commercial Code.
<br /> Fvre�losure by Power af 5a1e. �f Lender elects to fore�lose by exer�ise v�the Power of 5ale herein cantained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this ❑eed o�Trus� and the Note and such receip�s
<br /> and e�id�nce o�expenditur�s made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� Upon receip�of such nv�ice �fr�m Lender, Trustee shall caus�to be re��rd�d, published and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustor such Noti�e af Default and Notice of Sa�e as �hen required by �aw and by this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> . Q�
<br />