2� 1 �� 1 �33
<br /> L�►4N�: 'I 8'�6'!9��9'�
<br /> �r����ar��d ����� �� ��e Prop�rt�, if any, ar�d ���muni�y�.ss�c�a�i�n C�ue�, F��s, ��d��s��s�e���, �f
<br /> �r��. T�����x�����ha��hese ��ems a�� ����o� I��nn�, �����o��r shal! p�y�h�� i� ��� r������pr���de�
<br /> �� ����i�� �.
<br /> �o�r��r���h��l pram�fil� di�cha�rge ar�y �i�� �vhi�h h�s p��ori��r ���r�h�s ��c����y ln��r�r�ent ���ess
<br /> � B���o�e�:�a}a�r�e�in��i�����a�h��ayrr��r�����he�blig��ion��c�r�d������ier�ir�a�an��r acc�������
<br /> �o L�r����, b�t o�l�so lang as garr��r�r�s pe��rm�ng�uch a�reern�n�; ��}c�n��s�s�he I�en��g�a�d f����
<br /> ��, or defer�ds aga�ns�enfarcer��n��f the li�n ir�, �e�al prac�ee��ngs�u�i�h in Le�der'�o�i��on�p���fi���
<br /> �r�v�n�����n�or�err����vf�h�li�n vv�i�e fi�o�e p����eding�ar�e pe�dir��, b��ar�l�un�il su�h proceedin��
<br /> �r����cl����;���c�s�cur�s�r�o��he�o�de��f�h�l��n an agr�em�n�sa�is�act�ry t�L�nd��sub��di����r�g
<br /> �h� �i�r����his�ec�r��� Ins�rum�nt. �f L�nd��de�ermir��s�ha�any pa�t of��� F'��pert� �s sub��c����I���
<br /> �hi�h �an a����n p�iori�y o��r�his Se�u��� �r����u��n�, Lend�� ma�r ��ve ��rr��e� a r�����e ���r��i�i��
<br /> �h� l�er�. 111���hin �D ���s af�he d�t��n whi�� tha�noti�ce is�i��n, �3arr��r�er sha[I s���s� �h� �i�t� �r��k�
<br /> ���ar m�r��f����.����n�s��#a�th abo�e �n �hi��e�fi��n 4.
<br /> L.�nde� �ay r�qui�e Bo���w�r �� �a�r a �n���irne ch�rg� f�r � re�� �s�a�e ��� ve��f����i�� a��1�r
<br /> r�p�r���� s��vice �sed by Lend��ir� c�r�n�cfior�v���h� �h�s �.�a�n.
<br /> �. �raperty�r��������.����o��r�����k����h�impr�ve�en������x�sting��her���ter erecfi�d��
<br /> �h�Pr����t�i�s�r��ag�ir�st lo��b���re, ha�ards�ncl�d�d�rith�n�h�fie�r�"ex��nded c�ve�a�e,"�r�d�n�
<br /> �ther ha�ards i�cludir�gf b�fi n��li��ted��,�a��g��k�s�nd fl�ads,f�r����h L�nder r��u���s i�s������.
<br /> ���s�ns���nce s���[ b�rna�r����ned i��h�a�oun����nclud��g d��u��ib�� I���1s�ar�d fa���������ds����
<br /> Le��e� r��uir�s. '��a� L�nd�� requ�res pur�uan� �o �he pre��d�ng s�n�er�c�s �ar� e��n�� d���r�g �i��
<br /> �e�rr����he ����.T�e insuran���a����r p���i�ir�g the�r�s���n���hal[ be�has�n b� �3ar��r�er s�b��c���
<br /> L��d��'s�i�h��a d�sa�pra�e�orr�v�er's c�oice,which �ighfi�hall n��be�xer�is�� unr�as�nab�y. L�n�e�
<br /> rr��� ��q��r� E3o��o�e��o pa�, in �on�ec�i�� �r��h �h�s L�ar�, e�ther: ��} a �ne-fi�me charg�far fl�ad ��r��
<br /> �eterr��n��iar�, ������c����n and�racking s����e�� ���b}a o��-�ir�e c�a���f�r fioad zor��d���r�����f�n
<br /> �.nd��r�ifi�a�ion se�-�r��es and sub�equer��ch��g�s�ach�ime�e�app�ngs ar simiiar cha�ge�����r�h���h
<br /> �����or��b�� �ig��a�fe��such d��errnir�a�i�� ����r�i�ica�i�n. B�o���w�r s�a�� a�so b� r��pfl�s�b�� �r�����
<br /> pa�r��n� �f a�y fe�s impased �y th� Fed�ra� Eme�genc� �ana��men�Agen�y i� �anr�e����r� �vi�h ��e
<br /> r��r����f a��flaad z�r�e de�errr�in�tiar� r�su���ng from �n ob��ct�a� by B�rr�►�n��r.
<br /> ��B�rr���r fa����a rna�nta�� an� �f fi�� ���erag�� d��cri�ed �b���, L�nde� nnay abt��� in������e
<br /> ���r�r�ge, �� L�n�e�'s ������ a�d �3o��av��r'� �xper�s�. Lend�r is �r���� �� ab�igat�an �� p���h�a�� �r��
<br /> p�r�����ar�y�e ar a�n�un��f cove�ag�.T�e�ef��e; such �overage sh��l c�v�r Lender, b����gh��r r�����
<br /> na�p�a��c�B�rra�er, �3��ra��r's equ��y�r��h�Pr�o�er�y, a�th���nt�n��of��e P��p���, �ga�ns��r��r���C,
<br /> �azard ar 6��b��ity and migh�provide�reat�r�r��ss��cn��r�g��han v��s ��e�ious�y �r� e�f���. �3������r
<br /> a��n��vl�d��s fi��fi��� �os��f��� i�sur�n�� c��er��� s� abta���d �i�h�s��r�����an��y �x�ee� ��� ��s�
<br /> ��i�sur�n�e�ha�Borr���er�au�d have �b��ir�ed.An� a�oun�s d�������d b� Le�d�r u�de��h�s ����i�r�
<br /> � s�a�� b��om� �ddi�ianal �eb�of�ar����r�ec���d by fhi� �ec�ri� �ns�r��n�n�. Th��� �rr���r��� s����
<br /> ��a� i���r�������� h�a�e ra�e f��r� �he da�� of d�sb��se�e�� and s���l be payabl�, �ri�h ���h i�����s�,
<br /> upon �afi���fr�rn Lender�� E�vrro�nrer r�q�e���r�g paymenfi.
<br /> ��� ��surar�ce��li�ies r�qu6r�d b� L�nd�r ar�d r�n��v�fs a���c� policies�ha�� ��s��ject�� �.��der'�
<br /> ��gh��a d�s�pp��r�� s�ch pa�ic��s, sh�l! inc�ud� � st�nd�rd mar��a�e �I��a��, a�d s�a�� r���� L����r as
<br /> �a��agee an�1a�as a��d�i�ior�al[as�p�y��e.L�nd�r sh��[hav��he righ���ho�d�he p�li�����nd re�e�a�
<br /> ����f�ca�e�. �f�.���er r�quir�s, �a�r��e������pramp��y gi���o L�nde��I�r������s�f p��d pr�r��t�r�����
<br /> ��r�e�������c�s. �f 8�����v�r����ai���ny fi�rr�af�ns�ra��ce co�rerage, �o����er���e��q���e� ���.��d�r,
<br /> f��d��a�e fio, �or�d�s�r���io���,fhe Prop�r#�, ��ch ������sha��inc1���a s�anda�d r��r���g���a�se���
<br /> sh��� n��� L��d��a� ��rt�age��ndlor a�ar� �ddi�ional IQss p��ee.
<br /> �� fih���en��f�a�s, �o��a�rer�f�al1 �gi�re pr�mp��a�i�ce��th� ��sur���� ���ri����d �e�d�r. Le���r
<br /> ����ake pr�of of lass�f n��ma�e��o�p���b��3o���ou�er. �Un�ess Lende���d �3or�o�re�o��e�����gr�e
<br /> ir� ������g, a�� insuramce �r�a�e�d�; ��e�her �r r�af �h� und�rlyi�g ins�r�n�e �r�s ����ir�� �� Ler��er,
<br /> ������e�p�li�d���es�aratia���r���ir�ffih���ap�r�r, ifthe r�esfi�r��i���r�epa���s econ�orn�cal��f�as����
<br /> a�� Le��e�'s sec�����is na��ess�n�d. D�r�ng su�h ��pa���nd ��s�ara�ion per�ad, L�nd�r sha�� ���re�h��
<br /> ��g���� h��ld s��h �nst�ranc� ���c���s u��El Lender has had �r� op�ortuni� �a insp���su�h F��ape�� ��
<br /> �r�s��� �he �a�k ha� b��n �ompl�te� �� Le�d��'s s��isfac�iar�, ��avid�� �ha� s��h in��e����r� ����� b�
<br /> u���r�ak�� p���p�ly. L�r�der m��dis�u�se pr���eds f�r�h�r�p�i�s�nd r����r���or� i� �.s��g���������
<br /> or in a���i����p�og�ess p�ymen��as�h�v�or��s comp���ed. �nless�n�g���rr�er�t�s m�d����rr���r�g �r
<br /> ��p�ic�b9� Law req�uir�s��teres���b�pai��n such i�s�ra�c�proc�eds, Ler�der�ha�� �af be����ir�d fi�
<br /> ������r��r��an�r��er�st o��ar�ir���on���h pr��e�ds, F��s�or������������er�, ar���e����rd p�r����;
<br /> re���r�ed b� ���ra�e���all n��be��id ���of�he ��s�rance proc��d�a�� �ha�� b��he sa��ob�i�a��on ��
<br /> ��������. ���he�es�orati����r�pa��is�a�eca��m�c�l�yfeas�ble or�.end��'s sec�����r�au�d b��es����d,
<br /> �he �r�s��ar�c� ��oceeds shall �e appl�ed �� ��� su�s s�c�r�� by �his Se�u�i� �r����um�n�, �u��t��er ��
<br /> r�a����� du�, v�r��� ��e exc��s, if ar��, ���d�o Bor�ovuer. Su�� �nsurance�arac��d��ha�� ���pp���� ���h�
<br /> o����pro�id�d��� in Se�t��r� �.
<br /> i� �3�rr���r�ban�ons �he P��per#y, Le�d�r �a� �i��, r�eg���a�� and s�tfi�� a�� ��r����b�e ��s�a�����
<br /> �I�i��nd r�lat�d �na�t�rs. If Barro�er do��r���r�spo�d�i���� 3�da�s�v a �o��c��r�a� �.�n��������h�
<br /> ir���r��c�c�rr�er has offere� �o s�tt�������r�, �h�n L�nd�r ma�r r��go�ia#e�nd s������he�����.�h� 3�-
<br /> d�.� ��er��d���� be�gin�r��n �h� �o�€�e �s give�. �n e�tn�r even�; �r��L�r�de�a��qu�r�s��� �'r� �, � �r�d��
<br /> ��itia�s:
<br /> N1E����A--�in���Fam���--Fan�ie i4��el��ed�li���c�h��F�FtIV��6��TRU�ENT�'or�3a�8�d0�
<br /> El[ie Mae,lnc. Page � af�� NEE����3 �43�5
<br /> NEEC3EED tCLS}
<br /> � .��.
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