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2� 1 �� 1 �25 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan N�: 'i U'I 293�86 �Contxnu�d� Page � <br /> Addresses. The mail�ng addresses �f Trustor �debtarf and Lender �secured par�y} �rom which informa�ion <br /> concerning the security inter�st granted by �his Deed afi Trus� may be ❑htained �each as required by the Uni�orm <br /> Gommercial Code} are as s�afied on the#irs�page v�thEs Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTC3RNEY-iN-FA�T. The �allowing pro�isions relating to further assurances and <br /> a��orney-in-�act are a part of this Deed a�Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and �rom �ime tv time, upon requ�s'� of Lender, T�-ustar will make, execute and <br /> deli��r� ar wi�l cause ta be mad�, executed or deli�e�ed, to Lender❑r ta Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, re�i�ed, �r rerecvrded, as the Case may be, a� su�h times and in such o��ices <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropr�a�e, any and a!� such mortgages, deeds af�rus#, security deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing statements, cvn�inuation statements, �nstrumen'ts af fur�her assurance, certifica�es, and <br /> ❑�her dncum�nts as may, in the so[e apinivn o�Lender, be necessary or desirah[e in ❑rder tv effiectuate, cvmple�te, <br /> perfec#, �ontinue, or preser�e ��} Barrawer's and Trus#ar's obf�gativns under the N�te, #his ❑eed ❑#Trust, and <br /> the Re�ated ❑ocuments� and �2� �he liens and se�uri�y interests c�ea�ed by �his Deed ❑f Trust as tirst and pri�r <br /> liens on the Prop�rty, whe�her now owned or herea�ter acquired by Trustor. Un[ess prahibited by iaw ar Lender <br /> agrees to the contrary in writing, Trustor sha[l reimburs� Lender for a[[ cvsts and expenses incurred in �onnec�ion <br /> with the matters referred t� in this paragraph. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fact. �f Trust�r fails �o do any a#the things re�erred to in the preceding para�raph, Lender may d❑ so <br /> far and in the name vf Trusto� and at Trusto�-'s expense. For su�h pu�-poses, Trustor hereby irreWocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustor's atto�ney-in--�act�or the purpose v�making, exe�ut�ng, de[i�ering, filing, re�vrding, and doing all <br /> vther things as may be necessa�y or desirable, in Lender`s sole opinian, to accvmp[ish the ma�ters r��erred t❑ in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. 1f B�rrower and T�usfior pay all the lndebt�dness, including wi�haut [imitativn all fu�ure <br /> ad�ances, when due, and Trus�ar a�herwise performs a��the vb[igations imposed up�n Trustor under this ❑eed o#Trust, <br /> Lender shall execute and defEve� �v Trus�ee a request for full rec�n��yanc� and shali execu�e and deli�er tn Trus�or <br /> suitabie sta#ements of�erminafi�on of any financing statement on file e�idencing Lender's security �nteres� in �he Rents <br /> and th� Personal Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee required by [aw sha�l be paid by Trus�ar� i� permitted by appliCable <br /> law. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT, Each o�F�he follvwing� at Lender's option, shall constitu�e an E�ent of ❑efault under this Deed <br /> af Trust: <br /> Payment Default. Borr�wer fails tv make any payment when due unde�the �ndeb�edness. <br /> Dther Defaults. Bo��ower or Trustor fa�ls to cvmp[y w�th or to perform any �ther �erm, ❑bligation, coWenan# ar <br /> �anditian confiained in#his Deed ❑t Trust❑r in any ❑f the Rela#ed Dacuments ❑r to comp[y wi�h o�-�a per�arm any <br /> term, ab[igatEan, co�enant or conditivn c�ntained in any other agreement between Lender and Bvrrowsr ar Trus�or. <br /> Cvmp�iance De�auIt. Failure to comp[y wi�h any v�her term, obl�gation, co�enant or candi#ivn contained in �his <br /> Deed of Trust,the Note or En any of the R��ated Dacuments. <br /> Default on�thQr Paymen#s. Failure af Trus�or within the time requir�d by th�s Deed of Trus�to make any payment <br /> for taxes or insurance, vr any ather paym�nt necessary�o pre�ent filing of or t�e��ect discharge of any i�en. <br /> False 5#a#ements. Any warranty, represen�ation or statement made or furnished ta Lender by garrower or Trust�r <br /> �r on Borrower's �r T�us�or's behalf under this Deed o# Trust vr �he Re[ated Dacuments is false or misleading in <br /> any materiaE respect, �ither now or at the time made ar �urnished or becom�s false or mis�eading at any time <br /> thereafrer. <br /> Defective Collateralizat�on. This Deed of Trust or any �fi the Related Documents ceases tv be in full to�-ce and <br /> ef�ect �inc�uding �ailure o� any collatera� document to create a �alid and perfected security in�erest vr lien� at any <br /> time and�or any reasvn. <br /> Death or Insolvency. The dea�h af Bar�vwer or Trustvr, the insol�ency❑f Barrower❑r Trustor, the appointment ot <br /> a r�ceiver for any par#a�B�rrower's vr Trustor's praperty, any assignment for the benefi�of creditors, any type of <br /> creditar workvut, ar the cvmm�ncement of any proceeding und�r any bankruptcy or inso���n�y [aws by ar against <br /> Borrawer or Trusfior. <br /> Cred��or or Forfei#ure Proceedings. Cammencement of forec[osur� or �o��eifiure proGeedings, whether �y judicEal <br /> pro�eeding� seif-help, repossession or any other me�hvd. by any creditor a� Borr�wer or Trustor ar by any <br /> gavernmenta[ ager�cy agains� any praperfiy securing fi�e Indebtedness. This includes a garnishmen� of any ❑� <br /> Borrawer's vr Trus�or's accounts, including deposit a�coun#s, with Lender. Hawever, #his E�en� ot D�fault sha[� <br /> na� app[y �#there is a govd taith dispu�e hy gorrower or Trustor as �v th� �alid��y or reasonabieness af the �[aim <br /> whi�h is the basis of�he creditor or forfeiture proceeding and if gorrower or Trustor gi�es Lender written n�tice ❑f <br /> the creditar vr farfeiture praceeding and deposits wi�h Lender monies or a su�e�y band for the creditor or forfeiture <br /> proceeding, in an amvun't det�rmined by Lender, in its s�i�discret�on, as being an adequate reser�e ar bond far#he <br /> dispu�e. <br /> Breach of Dther Agreement. Any breach by Barrvwer ar Trustor under the�erms of any o�her agreement between <br /> Borrawer ar Trustor and Lender that is not remedied within any g�-a�e perivd p�o�ided �herein, inc[udEng withau� <br /> limi�ation any agreement concerning any indebtedness ❑r nther �bligativn ❑f Borrawer or Trus#or to Lende�, <br />