2� 1 �� 1 �21
<br /> fu11 of aIl sums s�cured by this Security �nstrument. However, �his optxon sha�l not be e�erc�sed by Lender if
<br /> exer�ise�s prohibi�ed by federallaw as af the d�.��af th�s S��urity�nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises th�s option, L�nder sha�� g��e �arrov�er no�i�e of acc�leration. The n�tice sha�l pravide a
<br /> periad of r�o� less �han �he minimum nu��nber of days es�ablished by .�ppl�cab�e Law fram �he date the n��ice is
<br /> deli�ered or mailed �i�h�n which Borr��ver must pay a�l sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty Zns�rumen�. �f. Barr�wer
<br /> fai�s �o pay these sums priar to �he exp�ra�ion of�:�Yis periad, Lender may �n�oke any remed�es permit�ed by this
<br /> S��urity Ins�rument�vithout further no�ice�r de�nand on Barr��rer.
<br /> Borrower's Right �� l�einstate. �f B�rr�wer mee�s cer�ain condi��ans, B�rrawer shall haWe the right t� have
<br /> enforcernen� of�his S.ecuri�y �nstrument discan�inued a�any time pr��r ta�he earlier of (a� 5 days �or such ather
<br /> per�od as Appl�cable Lav�r rnay specify for reins�atement}�efore sale of the Pro�erty pursuan�to any power�f sale
<br /> �ontained in this Seeur�ty �nstrumen�; or �b� ent�y of a �udgmen� enforc�ng th�s Securi�y �nstrument. T'hose
<br /> condi�ians are �hat B�rr�we�r: �a} pays Lender all sums �vhich �hen v�rould be due u��der�his Securi�y instru.ment
<br /> and�he�an�ract as�f na acce�era�ion had occurred;�b}cures a�y defau�t of any other�ovenants or agreemen�s;�c3
<br /> pays all expenses incurred�n enforc�ng fh�s Secur��Ins�:rumen�, inc�uding,but not limited�o,reason�.ble at�orneys'
<br /> fees�a�he ex�en�permit�ed by Iaw; and (d}�akes such ac�ion as Le�nder may reasonab�y require t� assure tha��he
<br /> Iien of�his Security��strument, Lender's r��hts in the Proper�ty and Borrower's ab�iga�i�n to pay the sums secured
<br /> b��his Security Tns�rumen� sha�I cantinue unc�anged. �Ip�n reinsta�emen�by Borrower, �his Security �ns�rument
<br /> and t�e �bliga�i�ns secured hereby sha�� remain fu��y effective as if no acceleration had occurred. H�we�er, th�s
<br /> right to reins�a�e s��all not apply in the case of acce�era�ion under the sec�ion ti�led Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> B�nef�cial Interest��Bnrrnwer.
<br /> Hazard�u�Substances.B�rrower sha�l n�t cause or permit�h�presence,use, disposa�, storage, or re�ease of any
<br /> Hazardaus Subs�ance�on�r in the Praperty.�3�rro�vver sha�l n��d�,nor a1�Qw anyone e�se to do,any�hing affecting
<br /> the Proper�y tha� �s in via�a��on of any Envir�nmer�ta� Lav�. The preced�ng two sen�ences shal� no� appl� �o the
<br /> presence,use,ar starage o�r the Pr�per�y of smal��uan�ities�f Ha2ardous Subs�ances�ha�ar�generall�recQgn�zed
<br /> �o be apprapr�ate tfl normal residentia�uses and��main�enar�ce af�he Pr�perty.
<br /> B�rrower sha�l prox��p�ly give Lender writ�en n���ce�f.any�n�es��ga��an,c�a�m, d�mand, �avvsui�ar a�h�r a��i�n Uy
<br /> an� governmen�a� or regulatory agency flr priva�e part�y �rival��ng �he Pr�perty and any Ha�ardous Substan�e or
<br /> En�vir�nmentai Lav�r of �vhich B�rro�ver has ac�ua� knaw��dge. �f Barr�wer learns, �r �s n��if��d by any
<br /> governmental ar regula�ory auth�rity,�hat any remo�rai ar��her remediation of any I�a2ardous Substance affe�t�ng
<br /> �he Proper�y is ne�essary, Borrav�er shall promptly �a�e a�l necessary �emedia� actions in ac�ardance vv��h
<br /> En��ranr�ental Law.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substa�ces" are�h�se subs�ance� def�ned as toxic or ha�ard�us subs�ances
<br /> by En��ronmenta� Law and �he foll�rn��ng substances: gasfll�ne, kerosene, other flammable ar �oxic pe�roleum
<br /> products, to�ic pes�icid�s and herb�c�des, �o�a�ile sol�vents, materia�s cont�.ining asb�s��s or f�rma�dehyc�e, and
<br /> radioacti�e ma�erials.As used in th�s paragraph, "Er��iranmen�a� Law"means federal laws and Iaws af�he state of
<br /> Nebraska��a�relate to hea�ih, safety�r en��r�nmen�al pro�ection.
<br /> Acc���rat�on; R�medies. Lend�r shali gi�e �atice to �3arr�wer prior to acce�erat�vn fo�lowing �3arrov�Qr's
<br /> breach of am�co�enant ar agre�men�t�n th�s Securi�y�ns�rument or th��ontra�t under whic�accei�ra�ion
<br /> �s p�rmitted ��ut n�t prior tn accelera�iun under the s�ction ���led Transfer of the�roperty�r a Bene��ial
<br /> interes# �n B�rrowe:r, �unl�ss Ap��icable Law proW���s other�v�se}. The notice shall specify: ��a3 the default;
<br /> �b� �he ac�ion req�ir�d t� cure the defa��t; (c} a date, not le�s �han the minimum number �f days
<br /> es�ablished by App�ica���Law from the da�e�he �a�i���s given to Borr�wer, by�whic�.the default must be
<br /> cu red; �nd �d} that faiiu re to cure the defau�t �n or bef�re the dat� sp�cified in �he natice ma� resui� in
<br /> accelera��on �f th� sums s�cured �by this �e�urity Ins�run�e�t and sa�Q of the Pr�perty. Tv �he e��en�
<br /> permit�ed by l�w, the not�ce sha�� fur�h�r i�nform Barrow�r of the right tv reinsta�e after accelerat��n and
<br /> the righ��o bring a caurt ac�ion�v assert the n��-ex�stence�f a default or any othQr d�fense of Sarrower ta
<br /> accelera�ian �nd sa�e. �f the default is no� cured on �r lbefor� �he date�pec�f�ed in the not��e, Ler�der at its
<br /> op�ion ma� r�quire �r�m�dia�e pay�men� ir� fu�l �f a�l sums �e�ured by this Secu�-�ty Instrumen� v��th�ut
<br /> further demand and may in�oke the p�vr�er ❑f s�le and any ather rem�dies p�rm��t�d by App�icab�e �aw.
<br /> 'To the �xtent permi��ed �y la�v, L�nder shalX be er�tit�ed t� col�ect a�� expenses �ncurred in pur5u�ng the
<br /> r�medies �ro�id�� �n this Section, inc�uding, but ��t I�rn���d t�y reasanable a��orneys' fees and costs of�itle
<br /> evi�ence.
<br /> �f�he power of sale is inv�ked, Tru�tee�ha�l rec�rd a r���ice af default in each caunty �n whi�h any p�r�of
<br /> the Proper�y is �ocatec� and shall maiY copies af such natice �n the man��r prescri�ed by App�icable Law ta
<br /> ��rrow�r and to the ��her persans prescri�ed �y �pp�i�a�ale Law. After the time requ�red by Appli�a��e
<br /> Law, Trus�e� 5ha�1 gi�e pub��c n�t�ce ❑f sale to the �erso�� and in the r�anner prescribed by Applicab�e
<br /> LavY. Trustee,rvi�hou�de�nand on I3arrov�er,sha��sel� �he Proper#��t puhlic auct�on to�he highe�t bidder
<br /> at the time and place and under�h�terms desig�ated in the no��ce of 5ai�in one�r more parce�s and in any
<br /> order Trustee d�te�rmine�. T�`rus�ee may postpone s��e af a�l or any parcel of the Pr�perty by public
<br /> announc�mer�t at the time and place of any pr�vi�wsly sch�du�ed sale.Lender or its designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at amy sa�e.
<br /> Upon rece�pt �f pa�m�nt af the pr�ce bid, 'T`rus�ee shal� deliWer t� the purcha�er TruSteQ's d�ed con�eying
<br /> the Prop�rty. '�T'he re�i�a�s in the Truste�'s deed slhall �e prima faci�e��d�nce of�h�truth af th��tater�ents
<br /> made therein. Tru�te� sha�l apply the pr�ceeds of the sale �n the fo�lawing orc�er: �a� to al� cas�s and
<br /> exp�nse� of exercis�ng th� power�f sa�e, a��d th� sale, �ncluding the payment of the Tru�t�e's fees actua�ly
<br /> �2�04-2a15 Compliance 5ystemC,�n�.8C54-22E0-2015.11.3.1098
<br /> Consutner Real Estate-Sec�rity Instniment DL2a36 Page�i❑f 5 www.cornplian�esysterr�s.cam
<br />