2� 1 �� 1 � 15
<br /> Transfer of�he Prnperty�r a Ben��c�a�In�eres�in Borrower,�f a11 flr an�part af the prvperty or any�nteres�
<br /> in �t is stild or �ransferred �or zf a benef cial in�erest �n Borrflwer is sald or transferred and B�rro�vv�r is no� a
<br /> na�ural person} vvithaut Lender's prior writ�en �onsen�, L�nder may, a� �t� �ptian, require immed�a�e payment in
<br /> fu�l of all sums secured by thi.s Secur�ty Ins�rien�. �Iawe�rer, �h�.s opfion sha11 not be �xercised �by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federalla�v�s of�he date�f�his SeCurity Instrumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this vpti�n, Lender sha�� �i�e Bflrrov�rer no��ce of acceleration. The na�ice sha�l prov�de a
<br /> p�r�od of nat �ess �han the �xunimu.n�num�er of days established by Appli�able Lavc� frtim �he date �he n��ice is
<br /> de�ivered or mailed wi�zn which Borrov�er m�s� pay a11 sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument. �f B�rrower
<br /> fai�s to pay these sums pr�flr to �he exp�ratian vf�his per�od, Lender may invoke any rem�dies permi�ted by�his
<br /> Security�nstru.men�w�thou�fu�her n�tice or demand�n Borrow�r.
<br /> B�rr�w�r's R.�.ght �o Reinstate. If B�rrawer meets cer�a�n c�nditions, �orro�ver sh�l� have the r�ght to have
<br /> enfQrcemen� of thzs Secur�ty Instrum�n� discon�inued a� any�ime prior�fl the earlier of: �a� 5 �a�rs ��r such�ther
<br /> period as App�icable Law may specify for reins�a�eme�t�before sale�f the Pr�perty pursuant�o any pavtrer of sa�e
<br /> contain�d in th�s 5ecurity �nstru.me�t; or �b} entry of a judgment enfor��ng �his Security Instrument. Th�se
<br /> condi���ns are that Borrov�er: �a} pa�s Lender aI� sums ��hich then�would �be due under ��nis Secur�t�Ins�rument
<br /> and�he�ontract as if n�acceleration had occurred; �b�cures any defaul�af any ot�er coven�a.nts ar agreemen�s; �c}
<br /> pays a1I expenses incurred in enfarcing�h�s 5ecuri�y�ns�rument,including,bu�n�t 1imi�ed�o,reasonab�e at�arneys'
<br /> fees to �he externt permi�ted by la�v; �.nd (d}�akes such ac�ian as Lender ma�r reasonab�y requ�re to assure�ha��he
<br /> ��em af this Securifiy Instrumen�,Lender's r�ghts in the Property and Borrow�r's obl�gation��r pay the sums s�cur�d
<br /> by �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen� sha�l continue unc�anged. Upon reins�a�emen�by Borrower, th�is Security Instrum�n�
<br /> and the abligations secured hereby s1�a�I remain ful�y effec�ive as if n� accelera�ion had ac�urred. However, this
<br /> rzgh��a reins�a�e shall no�appiy in th.�case of a�c�lera��on under the section��tled Tran�fer��f the Propert�or a
<br /> Benefic�a�Interest�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous SubStances,Borro�vver shal�not caus�ar permit the pres�nc�,use, dispflsal, storage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substances an or in�he Pr�per�y.Borrovver sha��nnt do,z�or al���an�ane e�se to do,any�.hing affecting
<br /> the Praperty tha� is in violation of any Envir�nmen�a� Lativ. The p��ceding �vv� sentences shall not app�y tn the
<br /> presence,uses or s�orage an�h�Prap�rty�f smal��uant�tie�of Hazardous Subs�a.nces�ha�are general�y recognx�e�.
<br /> to b�appropriate to normal residen��a�uses and�o maintenanc��f the Froper�y.
<br /> Barra�ver shall�r�mp�Iy giv�Len�er writt�n n�txce of any investigation,claim, demand,lavtrsuit or o�her act�on by
<br /> any gavernmenta� ar regu�at�ry agency or priv�.te party �nv��ving the Pr�p�rty and any Hazardaus Su�sta.n�e or
<br /> Environmen�al La�vv of vvh�ch Borro�ver has actua� kn�vvledge. �f Barrawer �earns, o�r is natif ed by any
<br /> gavernmen�al or regula�ary au�hori�y, tha�any r�mova�or�ther remed.�ation of any Hazard�us Substa�.ce affecting
<br /> the Prop�rty is necessary, Borrowe:r shal� prompt�y �ake all necessary remec�ial actians in accordance v��th
<br /> Enviranmenta�Lavv.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "HazardoU.s Substances" are those substances��fzned as toxic ar ha�ard�us subs�ances
<br /> by Environrnenta� LaW and �e fo���wing sub�tances: gasol�ne, kerosene, other flammable �r toxic p��roleum
<br /> prflducts, �flxic pes�icides and herbicides, vola�xle solvents, materxa�s containing asbes�os or farma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioact�ve ma�erials. As used in this�aragraph, "Erivironmen�a�Lavv" means federal Ia�rs and lavcrs of the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate��hea���,safety c�r env�ronr�.enta�protecti�n.
<br /> Ac�eler�ti�n; R�medies. L�nder Shall give n�tice �o Borr�wer pr�or �v a�celeratr�n fvxlowing �orr�vver's
<br /> breach�f any cflvenant flr agreement in this Se�urity Instrument or the�ontract und�r whi�h a�ceierat�fln
<br /> is permi��ed �but not�prior tn a�cel�rat�vn under th� 5e�tion t��Ied Transfer of the Prflperty�r a B�nef��ia�
<br /> Int�rest in Barrower, unless Appli�able Lavv pravides �therw�se�. The n�ti�e shall sp���fy: �a} thQ default;
<br /> �b} the act�on required tti cure tlhe dQfault; �c� a dateg not less �han �he minim�.�m number of days
<br /> e5tablished by App�icab�e La�v fron��thQ�ate�he notice�s�i�en to B�rrvwer,by wh�Ch�the default mu�t be
<br /> cured; and �d) that fa��ure t� �ure the defa��t Qn or bef�re the date speci�ed in �he notice may resu�t �n
<br /> a�ce�era��on of the sums secured iby this S�curi�y In�trument and saie of the Property. To the extent
<br /> pernutted by�a�v, the no��ce shall f�ar�her�nfvrm Sorrow�r of the right�o reYnstate after a�ce�erat�on and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a court a�tian t��ssert the�non-�exi�tence of a default�r an��ther defense of Borr�w�r to
<br /> acce�eratiQn and sa�e. If th� default is �ot cured ox� vr bef�re the dat� 5p�c��ed in the notice, L�nder at its
<br /> ap��on may require immed�a�e payment in full af all �ums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instruxnent �i�haut
<br /> fur�her dernand and may i��voke the p�wer of sale and any o�her remedies permi�ted by App�i�able Law.
<br /> To the ext�nt p�rmitted by Iaw, L�nd�r sha�l �e ent�t�ed t� collect a�� expenses �ncu�•red i�. pursu�ng the
<br /> remed�es pr��ided�n �hfs Se�tf�n,inc�uding,�ut n�t I�mited tfl,reasonable attorney5'fees and�osts of�itle
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the power of sale is invol��d, Tru�t�e shall�ecord a n�t�ce of defau�t�n �a�h cnunty iin wh�ch�ny part of
<br /> �he Pr�perty�s�o�ated and shal�m�i� copYes of such noti�e in the manner pre�cribed b;y Ap�li�a���La�v to
<br /> Borrov�er and t� the other persons pr�scribed by Applicable Lavv. Aft�r the �ime required by Applicab�e
<br /> Lavv, Trustee shall give public nat��ce af saie to th� pe�svns and in the manner pres�ribed by App��cable
<br /> LaVv.Trustee,vvithout demand �n �orrovver, sha�l sell the Praperty at pub�ic auc�ion �a the highest bidder
<br /> a��he time and place and under the ter�ns designated�n the no�ice of Sale�n one�r mvre par�el5 and�n any
<br /> ord�r Trus�ee determines. Trustee may postpane �ale vf all or any �arce� of the PrQperty by publ�c
<br /> annvuncement at the tim�and�alac�vf any prev�ous�y scheduied saie.L�nder ar its designe�may p�rchas�
<br /> the Prnperty at any sa�Q.
<br /> Up�n re�eipt of payment of the pr�ce b�d, Tra�stee �ha�l delxver to the purchaser Tx-ustee's deed canveyin
<br /> �
<br /> the PrQperty. The recitals in �he T'rus��e's deed shall be pr�ma facie evidenc� of the truth vf�he statements
<br /> C�2D44-241 S CorripIiance Systems,Inc.SC54-32T]6-2QI5,]I.3.�498
<br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-5ec�rity Tnstrument DL�Q3d Page 4 vf 5 www.compiian�esystems.com
<br />