2� 1 �� 1 � 15
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipa�and Inter�st; Dther��narge�.Barro�er sha�l promptly pay when du�the pr�n�ipal of and
<br /> interest on�he debt owed under the�ontract and late charges or any o�her fees and charges due under�he��n�-act.
<br /> AppliCable Law. A.s used in this �►ecurity Instru.ment, the term "App�icabl� Law" shal� mean al� control�ing
<br /> app�ica�le federal, s�a�e and local st�.tu�es, regula���ns, ordinances and adm�nistrative ru�es� and orders ��ha�have
<br /> �he effect of 1a�r}as�vell as a�l applic�.ble final,non-appealabl��ud�c�al apfn�ons.
<br /> �harge5; Li�n�. B�rro,wer shall pa.y a�l �axe�, assessmen�s, charges, fines and impositions at�ributa.bie �o the
<br /> Prap erty�vhi ch rnay attain p ri arit���rer this S e curzt��ns�xm�n�, an�i 1 e as eho id p ayments �r ground ren�s, i f any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender,BQrrower shall prnmp�Iy furnish tfl Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> B�rrotiver shall pr�mptly discharge any lien which has priority�ver this Security Ins�rumer�t unless Borr�wer: �a}
<br /> agrees in wri�ing to the payn�.ent of the ob�iga�i�n se�ured by the Iien in a manner a�c�ptable ta Lender; �b}
<br /> contes�s �n good fai�h �he �i�n by, �r� defends against enf�rceme�t of the lien �n, �egal praceedings which im the
<br /> Lender's opinion apera�e �o prevent the enforcemen� af the lien; or �c} secures from the h�lder of�he lien an
<br /> agreement sat�sf�.c�ory ta Lender sub�rdinating the Iien to �hi� Security Inst�umen�. If Lender determi�aes tha�any
<br /> par� of�he Proper�y is.sub�ect t� a l��n�vhich may at�ain priari�y over this Security�ns�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Borro�wer a notice �dentifying�h.e 1ie�i. Borrovver shall sa�isfy the �ien or take one �r mar� af�he ac�ions set forth
<br /> above wi�hin I.�days af the giving�f na�ice.
<br /> Hazard �r Praperty Insuran�e, Bn�rra�er shall keep the im�rovemen�s na�r exist�.ng ar h�reafter erec�ed a�.�he
<br /> Property�nsured against 1os�by f re,]hazaxds�n�luded Within the�erm"extended coverage" and any ather ha�ards,
<br /> znc�uding floods or flovding, for w�iich Lend�r requires �nsurance. This insu.rance shall be mainta�.ned in �he
<br /> am�un�s and for the periods tha�Lender re�u�res. The insurance carrier providing the insuraz�ce shal�be chosen b�
<br /> Borr�vver subjec� �a Lender�s approval �hich shall no� be unreasonably wi�hheld. If F3�rrr��wer fai�s to maintain
<br /> coverage described abov�, Lender may, a� Lender's op�ifln, tibtai� coverage �� protect Lend�r's rights in the
<br /> Pr�perty in accor�.ance vvith se�ti�n titled PrateCtion vf Lender's Rights in the propert�.
<br /> AIl znsurance poli�ies and r�nevvals �haX� ]ae accep�ab�e to Lender and sha�l �n�lude a stan�dard martgage ciause.
<br /> Lender sha�l hav�the right t�hold th�,pa�icies and rene�va�s. If Lender r���ires,B�rrower shall promp�ly gzve�v
<br /> Lender all rece�pts of paid premiums and renewa��.o�ices. In�he event of loss, Borro�ver shall g�ve prompt no�ice
<br /> �a the insurance carrier an�Lender.Lender may make praof of Iass if nflt made pramptly by�arrnv�rer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrav�er atherw�ise agr�e in writing, insuranc� praceeds shal� be applie� �o res��ratian or
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, �f, ��a� Lender's s�le d�scretz�n, �he restora�ion or repair is econ�mi�ally feasxble
<br /> and Lend�r's se�uri�y is no� Iessened. If, in Lender'� sole d�scre�ion, �he res�aratian or repair is nQ�economically
<br /> feas�b�e or Lender's security v�rould be Iessened,�he insurar�ce proceeds shall be applzed t�thti sums secured b�this
<br /> Security Instrun�.ent, whether or r�o� then due, v�rith any excess paid to Borravv�r. If Borrav�er abandans the
<br /> Praperty, �r does no�ansvver�sri�in th�number of da�s prescribed by Applicable La�u as set forth in a na�ice from
<br /> Lender�o B�rrower that the insuranc�carrier has �ffered to s�t��e a cla�m, then Lender ma�co�l�ct�he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restare �h� Pr�per�y or to pay sums se�cured�y t�is Secu.ri�y
<br /> �ns�rumen�,u�he�her�r not�hen due.The period of�im�f�r Barrotiver to ansWer as set far�h i�m.the notic�u��I�begzn
<br /> vvhen�he notice�s given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borro�wer otherv�i�� agree in wri�ing, any app��cati�n of pr�ceeds �o princ�pa�sha��n�t extezad
<br /> or postpone the due da�e af�he paym�n�s due u�der the �on�ract or change the amount of the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he section��t�ed Aceelerat�on9 Rem�dies, �he Praperry �s acquired by Lender, Borrower's r�gh�to any�nsurance
<br /> pol�cies and proceeds r�sult�ng from damage t� the l�roperty pri�r �o �he ac�u�s��i�n shal� pass �� Len�i�r �� the
<br /> extent flf the sums secured by�his Sec�uri�y Instrument irnmedia�e�y priar to the acqu�s���on,
<br /> Preservaiion, Main�enanc� �nd Pr•otecti�n �f the Praperty; Bvrrowerts Loan .�pplicatiQn; Lea�eh��ds.
<br /> Borravver shal�n�t des�roy, damage or irnpair t�e Praper�y, al�flw the Proper�y�fl deteriorat�, ar comrni�v�aste an
<br /> the Praper�y.B�rrower sha�l b��.n c�ef�ult if any f�rfeiture a��ion�r proceeding,Whe�her civi�or cr�minal,is begun
<br /> t.�aa� in Lender's goad faith judgra�ent ►��uld resul� in farfe�ture of the Property or otherwise ma�erially impair the
<br /> Iien created by this Security Ins�rurrient or Lender's securi�y inter�s�. Borrovver may cure such a default and
<br /> reinstate, as pravided in sect�on titled Borr�we�-'s R�ght tfl Re�nState, by causing the action or praceeding tti be
<br /> �lismissed wi�h a ruling��.at,�n�ender's goo�fa�th de�erminati�n,preclu�ies fflrfeiture of the Borrower's interes��n
<br /> �he Property �r other material impai�-ment of�he Iien creat�d by �his S�curity l�nstr�.trr��n# or Lender's secu.rity
<br /> interes�. Barro�rer shal� als�be�n defa�u��if Barrovver,durrng the l�an app�icatian process,gave materially fa�se or
<br /> inac�ura�e informatian or sta�emen�s to Lender �or failed to pravide Lender w�th any materia� inf�rmat�an} in
<br /> cannec�ion with the Iaan evidenced by �he Contrac�. If�his 5e�ur�ty�nstrumen�is on a�eas�hold, Borro�rer shall
<br /> comply with all the provisions of the l�ase. �f B�rrovt�er acquire�fee title�to the Proper�y,the�easehv�d and the fee
<br /> ��tle shall no�merge un�ess Lender agr�:es�o the merger in wri�ir�g.
<br /> Pr�te�txon vf L�nder's RightS fn t��e 1'rop�rty. If Borrovver fai�s �a perf�rm the covenants and agreemen��
<br /> can�ained in this Security Instrumen�, �ar�here zs a�egal proce�ding�hat may signif can��y af�ect Lender'�r�ghts �n
<br /> �he Property tsuch as a proceed�mg in bankrup�cy, proba�e, far condemna�i�n or forfe��ure +�r to enf�rCe �aws or
<br /> regu�ations}, �her� Lender may do and pay far wha�ever is necessary to pro�eG� �he va�ue of�he Praper�y and
<br /> Lender's rights in�he Proper�. �ender�'s actians may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priflri�y
<br /> aver this Security�nstrument, appear�ng�n court,paying r�asonable a��arneys'fees and entering on the Pro�erty�o
<br /> make repairs.Al�hough Lender�nay talke�.c�ion t�nder this sec�i�n,Lender��es not have to do s�.
<br /> Any amaun�s disburs�� by Lender under �his section �hall became addztional debt of Borrourer se�u�-ed. by this
<br /> SeCurity �r�s�rumen�. Unless Barravve�r and Lender agree �� other terms of paymen�, �hes� amoun�s sha�� bear
<br /> Q 2�04-2415 C�mpliance Systems,In�,8C54-32D6-2015,t 1.3.1098
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL243d Page 2 af S www.compliancesystems.cam
<br />