2� 1 ���951
<br /> and R��tated D�ed af Trust, Assignment of Leases and I�.�nts, �e�urity Agreement and Fixture
<br /> Fi�ing, �x�cuted as �f March �, 2��7 ta be effecti�e as af June 29, 2���, and rec�rded an August
<br /> 1�, ���7, �n the Mortgage Records �f Hall County, Nebraska, as Instrument No. �2��7��846 �as
<br /> amended and assigned, the "D�ed of Trust"), has been satisfied, and the Bene�ciary has
<br /> requ�sted �n vvriting that the Deed�f Reconveyanc�b� executed and deli�er�d.
<br /> For go�d and �aluab�e cans�derati�n and in acc�rdance with the request �f the Beneficiary, th�
<br /> Trustee rec�nveys to the persan or persans entitied theret� all the r�ght, tit�e, interest and claim
<br /> a�quired by the Truste�pursuant to the I]eed of Trust �n the foll�wing:
<br /> S ee E�hibit"A" atta�h�d heret� and made a p art here�f.
<br /> In additian, this Deed �f Recon�eyance sha11 be effecti�e to rel�ase the lien �f any as�ignment of
<br /> Ieases and rents andlar ��ture filing executed or made �y Trustar in fa��r �f Benef ciaries in
<br /> conjun�tion �vith the De�d af Trust and recorded an the above-referenced real pr�p�rty together
<br /> vvith th� De�d of Trust.
<br /> Notw�thstanding the release of the l�en of th� abo�e referenced documents from the Pr�perty as
<br /> more parti�ularly set farth herein, the: �i} an Amended and Restated Prom�ssory Not� �N�te A 1}
<br /> dated May 31, ��0�, in the original principal amount of $I�4,���,���,0� made by Spirit SPE
<br /> Portf�lio ����-1, LL�, a De�avvare limited liab�lity c�mpany ("ZUUS-1"� and Spir�t SPE Por�f��io
<br /> 2��G-�, LL�, a I�elavvare limited 1iab�lity company ("2DU��-2"; and together vvith 2��6-1, are
<br /> individually and coll�ctively, the "Barr�wer"} ir� favor �f �it�group (the "A1 Nute"}, �ii� ar�
<br /> Amended and Restated Promiss�ry Note �N�te A�� dat�d May 31, 2��5, in the original prin�ipal
<br /> amount �f $1�D,O��,���.�� made by Borr�wer in favor of �arclays �the "A2 Note"�, �111� �.I1
<br /> 1�.mend�d and Restated Promissory Note �Note A3} dated May 31, ����, �n the ori�ina� princi�al
<br /> am�unt of �$G,413,752.5� made by Borro�ver in fa�or �f �itigroup (the "A3 Nate"}, �iv� an
<br /> Amenc�ed and Resta�ed Promissary Note �Note A4� dated May 31, Z��, in the �rigina� prin�ipal
<br /> amount �f �8 d,413,7 5 2.S� made by B orrow�r in fa�or of B arclays �the "A4 N�te"}, �v� an
<br /> Amended a.n�i Restated Promissory Note �N�te AS} dated Ma� 31, 2���, in the original principa�
<br /> amount �f $8�,413,752.5� made l�y B�rrawer in fa��r af Citi�roup (the "A5 Note"}, and ��i}
<br /> Amended and Restated Pramissory Note �N�te A6} dated May 31, 2���, in the ori�inal pr�n�ipal
<br /> amount of$86,413,752.5� made by Borr�wer in favor of Barclays (the "AG Note"; and together
<br /> �vith the A 1 Not�, the A2 Note, the A3 Note, the A4 Note, and the A5 Note are individual�y and
<br /> collect�vely, the "N�tes"�, vvhi�h N�tes ha�e �een securitized and shall remain in ful� f�rce and
<br /> effect and are nat cancell�d, and any indemnificat�on obligations or other �bligat�ans und�r the
<br /> ab�ve-referenced d�cuments, which by their terms surv��e a releas� af the �i�n �f the a�o��-
<br /> refer�nced documents, shal� also continue in ful� f�rc� and�ffect and are not cancelled.
<br /> [Signature Page Fol�ows�
<br />