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2� 1 ���95� <br /> Tran�fer of the Prvperty or a Beneficfai Interes��� Barrowver.�f a��or any par�of t.��e Property or any in�erest <br /> in i� is sv�d or transferred �or zf a benef cial imteres� in Bor�-avver is s�Id �r transferred and Borrovver zs n�� a <br /> natura� person} vvithout Lender's pri�r vvritten cansent, Lender rnay, a� its op�ion, requ�re immediate pa�ment in <br /> full of a�� sums secured by this Security Instrumen�. Havvever, �hzs ap�i�n shall na� be exerc�sed by Lend�r zf <br /> exercise is prQhil�ited by federal Iavv as�f the da�e of th�s Security�nstrumen�. <br /> �f Lender exercise� �his optian, Lender sha�� give F3 orra�ver natice af acceleratiori. T�e na�ice sha�1 prov�de a <br /> per�od of n�t �ess �han �h� minimum nu�nb�r af days esta�lished by Applicab�e La�v fr�m�he date the no��ce zs <br /> delivered or ma�led vv�thin v�rhich Barrower must pay aIl su.m� secured by �his Securz� �nstrurnent. �f��rrov�rer <br /> fails �o pay these sums priar �o the exp�ra�ion of�his period, Lender may invoke any rem�dies permif�ted by�his <br /> Securi�y�ns�rument without further na�i�e ar deman��n�orrvtiv�r. <br /> Borrower'� RYght t� ReYnstate. If Borrower meets certain cfln�it�ons, Borrotiver sha.11 have �he righ� �o have <br /> enforcemen�flf�h�s Secur��y Ins�ru�men� discontinued at any t�me praor to the earlier af: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> per�od as App�icable Lavv may specif�for reinstaten�.en�}bef�re sale of the�raperty pursuant�o ar�y power❑f sale <br /> contained in th�s Securi�y �nsfirumen�; or �b} ent�y af �. judgment enfnrcing this 5ecurity Instrument. Th�s� <br /> c�nditions are tha�Barrower: �a} pays Lender �Il sums v�rh�ch�hen Wauld�e due uxider this 5ecur�ty �nst�ment <br /> and�he Contract as�f no accelera�ian had vccurred;�b�cur�s any default of any��her ca��nan�s or agreements; �c} <br /> pays a��expenses zncurred in enforcing this Security Tnstrurn�nt, including,bu�not Iimi�ed�o,reasonab�e a�orneys' <br /> fees to the exten�permi�ted by law; and�d} takes such ac�ian as Lender ma�r reasanably re�uire ta assure that the <br /> Iien af this Securxty Ynstrume�.�,Lender's rights in the Pro�er�and Borrow�r's ob�iga�ion to pay the sums secured <br /> by this 5ecuri�y Ins�rumen� sha1� con�inue unchanged. U�on reinsta�ement by Borrawer, this Securi�y Ins�ment <br /> and the abliga�i�ns secured hereby shall remain fully effe�t�v� as if r�fl acce�exation had o�curred. Hawever, �his <br /> righ��o reins�ate shal�nat apply in�he case of a�celera�i�n under the sectinn�i�led Tran�fer of�h�Praperty�r a <br /> Be�eficial Interest in B�rrvwer. <br /> Hazardous Substances.Borrovsrer shall nat cause�r�aerrr�i�t��e preser�ce,u�e,disposal, ��orage, vr re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances on or�n the Property.Barrvurer�hall no�da,nor a1lov�r anyone else t�do,any�hing affecting <br /> �he Pr�perty that is in violation ��'any Enviranmen�a� Lavv. The prece��ng twa sentences s�Zall n�t apply t� the <br /> presence,use,or st�rage�n�he Proper�y of sma�l quan�zt�e�s of Hazard�us Substances tha�are generally recogr�ized <br /> t�be appropria�e�o normal residen�ial uses and�a maintenan�e vf th�Prop�rfiy. <br /> Borraw�r shall promptly give Lender wri��en not�ce of an}�r investigation,claim, demand, �ativsuit or o�her ac�i�n b� <br /> any go�ernmenta� or regulatory agen�y or private party involving the Prop�r�y and any �azardous Subs�a.nce ar <br /> En�ironmen�a� La�xr of which Borr�vver has actual kx�.o�vledge. If Borr�wer learns, ar is nat�f ed by any <br /> governmen�al ar regulatory au�har�ty, �ha�any remava� or flth�r remed�ation�f any Hazardous 5ubs�ance affectzng <br /> �he Property �s necessary, B�rravsrer shall promp��� ta�e all necessary remedial ac�x�ns in acc�rdance ur�th <br /> Enviranm��.ta.�Law, <br /> As used zn this paragraph, "Hazaxdous Substances" are�hnse su�stances def ned as toxi� or hazardous substances <br /> by Environmental Lavv and the followxng subs�ances; gasoline, kerosene, other f�ammable or �a��c petr�ieum <br /> pr�duc�s, �oxic pes�i��des and herbicides, vo�a�ile solvents, ma�erials c�n�aining asbestos or farmaldehyde, and <br /> radi�active materials. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Environrr�en�a� Law" means federa��aws and�a,t�rs�f the s�ate af <br /> Nebraska tha�relate to hea��h,safety�r�nviror�.men�al pr���c���n. <br /> A�celerativn; Rem�dies. L�nder shall give n�tice �o Borr�Vver prior �fl acce�era��on f�ll�wing Borrower�5 <br /> breaCh of any covenant or agreement in this Secur�.ty Ivst�°ument or the��ntra��under which accelera�ion <br /> i�s perm�t�ed�but not pri�r t� ac�e��rat��n ux�der th� secti�n �itled Transfer af the Prap�rty or a B�ne�c�al <br /> In��rest in Borrower, unle�s App���able Law pr�vides atherw�5e�. The nvtice sha�l sp�cify: �a} the �iefau��; <br /> �b} the action required to cure the default; �c} a date, not �e�s than the rninimum num�er �f days <br /> established b�.�.pplicable Lavv fr�m the date�he notic�is���en �o Borroyv�r,by which the default must be <br /> cured; and {d� that fai�ure to cure the default on or bef�re the date specified in �he not�ce may r�su�t in <br /> acceiera��on of �he �ums �ecured by �his S��uri�y In�trument and sa�e of the Property. Tv the extent <br /> per�rutted by�a�v, the na�i�e shall f�r�her�nform Borrvwer of the r�ght to r�instate after ac�eierat�on and <br /> �he r�gh�to hring a cvurt a��i�n to a5sert the nan-ex�sten�e of a defauit�r any o�her defense of Borrower to <br /> acce�eratxon and sale. If the defauit�s �a� cured on or before the da�e sp�c�f�ed�n the notic�,Lend�r at�ts <br /> option may require immed�a�e payment �n full �f a�� �ums secured by this Secu�-ity Instrument vvithvut <br /> fur�her demand and may invnke th� power of sa�e an� amy other remedies permi�ted by Applicab�� I�avv. <br /> Tv the ex�en� permitted by law, L�nd�r sha�� l�e �nt�t�e� ta colle�t all e�pen�es incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remed�es provided in �his Se�ti�n,�c�.uding,but no�limit��to, reasonable a�torneys' fees ar�d cQsts�f t�tle <br /> evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked,Tru��ee shall rec�r� a�.otice of d�fault in each coum�y in wh�ch amy part of <br /> �he Froperty is�ocated and shal�mail copies of such no�ice in �he r�aanner prescr�bed by AppYi�ab�e Law to <br /> Borroyver and tv the �th�r persons pr�scribed by Appli��ble Law. After the time re�uired by Appli�able <br /> Law, TruStee 5haI1 gi�e pub�ic not�ce af sa�e tfl �h� persams and �n �he manner prescr�ibed by 1�pplicabie <br /> Law.Trus�ee,without demand fln Borr�wer, shall sell�he Property at�ub�i� au�ti�n �� the highest b�dder <br /> a��he time and pla�e and under�he terms de��gnated in th�noti�e of sal�in ane or rnvre par���.s and in any <br /> vrder TruStee determunes. Trustee may p��tpone �al� of all ar any parc�� �f �he Prop�rty by public <br /> an�vuncement�t the time and place of any previ�ously�cheduled sale.Lender ar�ts designee may purchase <br /> the Prflperty at any sale. <br /> Upon receip� of payment of the pr��e �id, Trus�ee shal� d�liver ta the p�rchaser Trustee's d�ed conveying <br /> the Praperty.The reci.tals in the Tr�ustee'� de�d shall be prima facie evi�en�e of the truth �f�h� s�atemen�s <br /> �20Q4-2�15 Campliance Systems,Inc.8C54-ABBS-24I5,l T.3.14g8 <br /> Cansumer Reat Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Page 4 Qt S www, <br />