2� 1 ���925
<br /> �ayrr��nl�o�'j�rr�i�r trus���:�cis,mart��g�:s,ar�th��r fye;�#�c�lc�c�rs�nd�Itie 1�al�nce, if��y,t�the��rson or p�rsans
<br /> t���!!y �nti���d cf��;r�t�, 'I`h� r�:�iti�l� ir� th� �'ri�st�e's de��i �har� be prima faci� ��►iden�e �f t�� trUth of th�
<br /> �t�t��m�r�t�mr�s��in it.YI'��n�l�r�hous��ta inv�k�tlie pow�r o�'�al�,X.,e�der or'��'��ts�ee urill p:•�vide rtnti�e�f s�l�
<br /> �}UCSkic'iClt�a k1���lC�ibL�IA'W',Any suct��al�c�r�s��e m�c�e pursuant to�jud�nen��r�d��ree fc�r th�far��l�sure
<br /> E�er�of in�y* �t th� o�ti�r� ��'I.�n�e�•, h��nad� en m�ss�� 'r'�e camm�n��ment o�prae�edin�s to fare�los��hi$
<br /> ��curity[nstrur��nt in an�r n��R���r au�h�ri2�d by l��v shall b�d��m�di E�$�x�rci���f th�above c�pt��n.
<br /> Upc�n tt�e ac�:urr�l�c��f an E��e;rit ufi'D�fau�t, 1��nd�r�h�ll itr:m�di�tely be�ntftl��to�ake a�plic�t�on far and
<br /> Qbtair�tt�e appc�intr�a�n�af�r��ei��r far th�Pra��rty and c�f�h���,mins�,�nc��ne,is�u�and pr�fits of it,wi�h xhe
<br /> po���rs a�t��c;a«r�m�kiiig l�ti�r app�ir�trn�ntti cc��tfe�•s,�ran��r}tier�b�►irreva�ahl�+�oa1sent�t4 su�h appnintment
<br /> �rrd wa�ve�notic�of�ny appIicntir�n ther�for,
<br /> I�10 WA�1�ER.Nu d�l�y ar�ailure��r L,ender�c��xer�is��n�y ri�l�t,rerri�dy, pc�w�r ar privil��e her�under shall
<br /> �t��ct t1�at ri�ht,r�n��dy,pow�r�r privil��e nQr s�7�ll a��ry�ingl�c�r�artia!�xer�is�k�er�o�'p�e�lude thc ax�rcis�Ui'
<br /> any right,reme�}�,p�wer ar�ri�if�g�.�+1��aendet��el�y ar f�ilur�tn+��ni;�nd stri�t adherence ta th�t�rms of this
<br /> ��curity�nstr�amenc shall be d�eme���c�nstitute a ca��r�e of c:anau�t incon�istent with l.end�:r's ri�ht�t any time,
<br /> b�fur�ar a�c;r�n ev�;nt of d�f�ult�t���m�ncl stric�adh�rencc In�he k�:rn�ss a�[`�his S�c►�rity Tr�slrurrient�nd��e
<br /> Rel�t�c���c;urn�nts.
<br /> ����7'X'Y'l�'�'�;'I'x��J�;`�`��..�,��r��r,�t it���ptioi�,mA}►fx�m riine t�tirne i�tnQv��'rust���nc�app�int a s�c�ess�r
<br /> trust�� t� any 'r'ru$te� a�pait�t�d Itier�undet• by �n i�str��rne��� r�cQ�d�d ir� tl�� ccyunt� in ��vhic�i t��is Securi�y+
<br /> In�trurn�nt is r�c:urd�d, Witht�ut cnnvcyan�c af'th��'ropet-fy, the su�c�ss�r trust��shall suc�eed to al� th�titic,
<br /> �owr�r an�duti�s�Ati�erred upon'�'t•��stc,�I��r�in and by appl�c:�bl�1aK�,
<br /> J�?I�T�NI����F�A�������,�rl'�,l�thi�S�c;urEt�xn�tr�xnsrat sho�ld��sig�ned by mr�re t��An one per�c�n,�11
<br /> �er��ns��ecuring this S�curit�Instrumer���gr�e�hat they shas��e jair�tly and sev�raliy k�a«nd,where�ermi�t�d by
<br /> Eaw,
<br /> ��.1R'VYV�I�.�,�nd��'s ri6h����thi�S�curity Instruin�nr will��ntir���e i+n its s���:���sars�nd�s�igns.Thi���curity
<br /> zx�strttrr�et��fs�inding on�11 h�ir�,e��G�tar�,adrninistrat�r�,assi�ns an�i��s���ssars�f Grantor.
<br /> 1�U'I'!C'�:5 AN�� 1�',�11�'�:lt U�' [�t3'�'�t,1�,. iJ��lc:�s«thcrwis�r�quir�d by �p�licabt�I�v��,an�+noti��ar d�mand
<br /> �;ivti n hy L�nc�cr tr�i�:iti p;-�rty is cor�5i�c��c:ci��#�c.�tivc:{i�wh�n it is dcposit�� in thc United States IVl�i�with�ha
<br /> �s��l�rc���riatc' �tv�tFif�G; �ii} �ti�tzin it iti ��nt vir: ::t��t:t:o�y�c mail; �iii}w��e� it is ��t►t vit�f���imi�e; �iv}wh�n it is
<br /> ����}�;iC���wil�t�n�titic�z7�illy r�:cugnixt°ct ravcrs�i�ftt c;cauricr�crvicc::�vf❑ri t�c c���y�yf��c.zsn��r�t d�:li��c:�y;�y► (vi)a��y
<br /> ��th4x�:tin�merci,�lty re��st�n��iEr t����`���s.I1 cu4�y c�l��tiy��3ati������jil�s1���nt cc+c��ch���}rry�it tli�ac�ctr�:sti E�#'�li���rty
<br /> 6;:vcn az N��. bC�i����i��K t�f c��i��c�:iri#�v irist{u�jirii� tirilc:;5 ksc� <<lt�rri�itiv�ric�c�r�s� �i,�ti�aGc:i ��r��vi�lcci cn Lc�tit�s�r i+s
<br /> wriiii��.`�'c�t��ex��rie��rmiltc��by i��v.t;r��r�cnr��yr�iv��s��►t��r c�t I,�nt��:r's r+ccc:pi�tt��:e��t�ttzi��e�ifrily l��scrumci�t,
<br /> dct�:nti�s hascd o�t sEir��ys����,�x�y dCt�:��������i�i���frc,�ti nny c�cGtic,ii�3y I.�ric���r���t�cfs;�•t��t:1.l�iil�'cf tit�-��t�s 13�,i1kn���Is.y,
<br /> C'r�cft;, Ll��it'ot�i��'«n�nzc��cix=Cr�cic, ���ct�ac:r��! iti if�ti:;ta�t ,�v1:cr� �_.L[ii�Cf 35 3[r�'ii�Gcj c�z ���}►4r.���l�1ir��[�le l��v c�z•i��
<br /> cc��iily, c�c[���t�r�� ll(]I1[:t.'.�rf,ic�t�elt:s'��[i���, nr�licc cyt�r�r�ii��:ry�yiErtit. fsr��;�ri�rr�c:rit, �}rc}ir.tit, �i���it�c� c,�'c.�i��►cfrtc�r �ir�i.f :irtY
<br /> c�ri�tr r�c�ric:�:.
<br /> ����3�5'X'�'��t I����'���',�;rrante�r req��est����t�c�pi�:�c�t th�no��ce�f d�;f��ilt�a�d n�tic�af sal�be sent t4 the
<br /> acldr�ss�f�a�h par�t��ir►en at the he�rnnirr�af the����rriky Inslrurrt�nf.
<br /> '�"�`�'�� F�[TF�('�'PE�ti�I�TT.E� gY LA1�V,��tAIV'�'�!�'17V��V�S�4i�Y l�rCx�'X''C'�N�17'I��,C�T���t
<br /> 7'��i� TH�+ N(�'YC� �1r�C��IY3Eq A�3�J'V'�, A�I� �AIVES �i1�i�il R[CH7` T(] Ahi� ��+A�I��;,
<br /> JUD��IA��, UR �TH�RWXS�, P�l(�LR '!'� ��E1��3E�t �XERCISIN� IT� RI�HTS UND�ri TH��
<br /> S�:�CJIiXTY XN4'�'�RYJI1?k'.iYT.
<br /> VVA►����CJF APPR,AI���ENT R���TS.C�•a�tar waiv��all�ppr�i��ment righ�s relating tc�th�Prap�rt�ta
<br /> �t���xt�n�perrrtitt�d by I�w.
<br /> L��DER'S E�CP�N��;�.Granto�•a�c�es ta�fay�ll�;xp�nsc�s incuIT�d by Len�er ir�caiut�ctian with�t�for��nE�nt
<br /> o�its ri�h�und�r th�Ind�bteci����ss,�ijis�ecut-;�y ir�strument nr in the ti�v�nk Lender is mad�Ra�ty ta arey Iitig�tiQn
<br /> beGau��of the exist�nc�o�'thc: i�tict�t�:�ir�c�s��r�hi����uri�y Tnstrurn�r�ra$s�rv�ll as ca��t C���,�ol�ec�ian char��s
<br /> �nd r�Hsan�bl�attorn�ys'fe�s�3itc�di��}�rs�:rr�k�itti.
<br /> ASSI�MA�XLxTY. [.���t��� tn�ty rts�i��rz ur cat}a��rufi�c� tr�nsf�r this���urity Inst�`ut�ent ar any of L�r�dor'�ri�h�s
<br /> �ind�r thiw 5����rity 2�stru�n�nr���itht���c t�nCi�c:zn�rr���c�tc�r,Grr�ntor r��y n�t�ssign thi���c�rity Instrurt��r�t�r�ny
<br /> part of th����urlt�r lrt����-u:»c:i�t 4vit�����it�li��x�r���c�•rict�n c�ns�nt af�en�er�
<br /> �Q'�ERl11ii��;�A,'4�+.This S�c�tr��y Cn�trurn�nt will b��avexnee�l by th�t�w�of�he�t�te o��Iebrask�in�ludin�
<br /> �11�racGedin�s�risYng frarrt this Sec��ri�rn�tr��m�nt.
<br /> SEVER�B�L�TY, ti� << cnc�n nt' cum��t�t�r�� juc�::•.li��i��� ci�;��r:��in�� �ny t�:rm c�� prawision �f this �ccurity
<br /> [�rst+rumer�C is irsvali�i �r E�rn�����tcc� f��� :i���lic�;��7��; ����v, trE��t ±�.•r rn ar pravi�ic�n witl bt; ineff�ctive ta th� �xKen�
<br /> re�uir�d,�.n�r term ur�ravi.;E���r�ti�s t�,�s t�c;E�n cf�t�����i�zec�r��ht�i��v�lid�r��•ah9bi���wili be sevs;re�fr�m th�rest
<br /> af the ���urity I�ystrc�n�erzc �;•iti�c��st ir�����li�atii��;iE�4 ���z�s�ir��}r k�t�exth�r th� a�'e�t�d proui�ion ar this S�curity
<br /> In�tr�ment,
<br /> tiVAI►���:l�t (�r ,I��RY 'TRltti�, r�ll f�t�rtit�� tn tlii� 5c•�urit3� �r�st�•i�r��cnt ���r�hy kuowir��ly antl vfllunt�r�ly
<br /> titi�ut���,[�,ct�G r��i�����xr��<<����-�t�;�c�:�i ny��ti,�,t�«y,-��;f,�tU c�'i��by�ury sif�r�y c����ru�e,w��ctfi�i•frt rt,ntrnct,
<br /> tc�rt,ar otfter►���sc,��•isi��6��ut af,iri cr�c�ritc•liuri wit��,rel.ited tu,ur in��it�cr�tz�l tu llti�relf�tini��t�i��i�stttt�lished
<br /> ts��wcc�n tfient in tlti���etii�•i��� Instr��nti�•nt ur :�ny utft�°r insti•ui��rt�t,de�r�srncnt ur :��;rE.��ment executet! �r
<br /> �i�llvc�•ccl�u ro�tir�c•rtio��vr•�tli th�4�cturi[��Irrslt�u�netit ur���t��ttil:tilr�i T?oc��i��ents.
<br /> ���.Y415�ornpl��nsy�yutms,Inc�ell'S��]��i-�015 11]:1�4
<br /> �omn�er�ial�r�l��i;�e�rcuriry 1:►slniment•DL��l07 �ge�uf 3 www.cymplirrt�es}^�es�ti cvm
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