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2� 1 ���887 <br /> Transfer of the Praperty or a Benef�cial Inter�st in Bo�rr��we�.If all or any pax�of the Proper�y or any interes� <br /> �n �� is sold ar transferre� �or if a ��neficia� �n�erest �n Bflrrov�rer is soXd or transferred and BorroW�r is no� a <br /> natura� person} wi�h�ut Lender's pr�or wri�ten consent, Lend�r may, a� i�s op�ion, re�uire �mmedia�e paymen� in <br /> ful� of all sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen�. �I�wever, this aption shall not be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise�s prohibi�ed by f�deral Iaw as of the date of�his�ec�rity Ins�rument. <br /> If Lender e�ercises this opt��n, Lender shall give B orrc�wer r�otice of accelera��nn. The notice shal� pr�vide a <br /> perivd of nat less tha��he minimum number af days �st�b��shed by Applicable La�v from the date the no�ice �s <br /> delivered ar mai�ed vvithin vvhr�h Borro�wer mus� pay atl su�s secured b�r this Security Instrumen�. I�'Borro�ver <br /> fails ta pay�hese sums prior to the expiratian of this periad, Lender may �nvoke any remedies permit�ed by �his <br /> Security Instrumen�withou�furxher notice ar demand�n B'�orrower. <br /> I�orrower'� R�ght �� Reinstate, If B�rrower mee�s c�r�ain �onditions, Borrotiver sha1l have the right to ha�re <br /> enf�rcemen� of this �ecu.rit�r�ns�� d�scantznued at any time prior to �he ear��er af �a} 5 days ��r such other <br /> period as Applicable Law may specify f�r re�ns�atemen��before sa�e of the Pr�perty pursuant to any po�ver of sale <br /> contained in �his Security Instrum�nt; ar (b} en�ry ❑f ,a ju.dgment enforcing �his 5ecuri�y Ins�-um�nt. Thvse <br /> condi�ions are that Bnrrower: �a� pays Lender a�� sums v�hic� then w�ul.d �e due u.nder this Secuz-ity �nstrument <br /> and�he C�ntrac�as if no accelera��an had accurred; (b} cu�-es any default of a.ny o�her covenan�s or agre�ments, �c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing�his Securi�y Ins�tl.�men�,rncluding,but no�.limi�ted��,reasonabl�attorneys' <br /> fees�� �he extent perm�.�tec�by�aw; an�.�d} �akes such ac��ion as I.ender may reasanab�y require�o assure�hat�he <br /> l�en of th�s Security�nstrument,Lender's rights in the Pro�ert�and Borrovver's obliga�ian�a pay the sums secured <br /> �y this S�curity Ins�rument sha�1 cQnt�nue unchanged. Upan �einstatemen�by Barrower, this Secu.r�� �nstrumer�� <br /> and�he ab�iga�ions secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if n� accelera�ion had occurred. Ho�ve�er, this <br /> right to reinstate shall no�apply in�he case of accelerati�n un�er the sect�on�i�led Tran�fer vf the Property or a <br /> �enefi�ia�Intere5t in Borrower. <br /> Hazardous Sulbsta�ce5.Bnrr�,wer sha1l n�t cause or perr�u��he presence,�se, d�spasal, storage, or release of any <br /> Haza.rd�us Su�stances on or in fhe Proper�y.Borrower sha.11 na�do,nor a1l�vv anyone e�se ta da,any�iing affecting <br /> �he Froperty �hat is in v��la�ian �f any�nvironr�e�ta1 Law. The preceding �w� sen�ences shal� not app�y to the <br /> presence,us�,or s�orage on�he Proper�y of small quanti�i�s�f Hazard�us 5ubstanc�s�ha�are generally�eCognized <br /> �o be appropr�ate ta normal residential uses and�o mainter�anc��f the Pr�perty. <br /> Borro,wer shall promptly give Lender written natice of any�nvestigation,�Iaim, demand, la�rsuit or o�her action by <br /> a.ny ga�ernmen�a� or regulatory agency or priva�e parry in���ving the Praperty and any Hazardous S�xbs�ance or <br /> Environmen�ai Law �f Which B�rro,wer has a�tual kr�ovvledge. If Bvrro�er learns, or �s notified b� any <br /> governmental ar regula�ory auth�ri�y, �hat any rem�val�r a�h�r remedia�i�n of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> the Property is nec�ssary, Borravver shal� promptly �ake �11 necessary remed�a� ac��ons �n a�cardance w��h <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubstances" are�hose subs�ances d�fined as toxic or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Environmen�a� LaW and the follow�ng subs�a.nees: g�.saline, kerosene, Qther flammable ar toxic pe�ra�eu.m <br /> produc�s, tox�c pes�icides and herbicides, va�a�ile solvernts, ma�erials c��.�a�ning asbest�s or formald�hyde, and <br /> radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph, "Environ�r�.enta�La�v" means federal�au�s and laws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska that re�ate to health,safety or env�ronmen�a�pro�ec�ion. <br /> Acce�erat�an; Remedies. Lender 5ha�� giv� no�ice tv ��rr�Vver priflr to a�celeratYan f�liflw��g �arrovver's <br /> breach nf any cov�nant vr agre�ment in th�s Security In�trum�nt or the Cflntrac�under which a�ce�erat�on <br /> i�per�nit�ed�but not pr�or tfl a�celeration under the s��ti�n titled Transfer�f the Pr�perty�r a BQne��ial <br /> I�terest�n Borrower, un�ess App�icable Lavv pr�vides vtherwise�. The not�ce shall specify: �a� t�� default; <br /> �b} the act�vn requ�red to cure the default; �c� a r3a��, nnt less �han the minimum number �f days <br /> esta�lished by Applicab�e La�w from th�date the no�xc�e is gi�en to Borrnw�r,by which the defau�.t mus�be <br /> cured; and �d� that failure to cure the default on or l��f�re the date specif�ed in �he not�ce ma� result in <br /> a�celera�ion of �he 5ums secured by thi5 Security Instr�rnent and sa�e �f the Prnperty. To �hQ extent <br /> permut�ed by Iaw, �he n�tice sha��further infarm Borrow�r af the r�ght to reinstate after ac�elerat�on and <br /> the right t�br�ng a�ourt ac��on t�a�5ert the non-exist�nce of a defaul�ar any o�her def�nse vf B�rr�vver to <br /> accelerati�n and sale, If the default is no� cured on or befor� the date specif�ed xn the noti�e,Lender a��ts <br /> op�ion may re�uir� immedia�e pay�rnent in full of all sums secured by �his S�cur�ity Instrume�t w��hout <br /> further demand and ma� �invoke th� p�wer of sale and any o�her remedies permit�ed by Applicabl� Lavv. <br /> To the extent permitted by �aw, Lender sha�� be enti��ed t� c�llect all �xpenses �ncurred in pu�su�ng the <br /> r�med�es pravided in this S�ctian,in�Iud�ng,but no�Iim�it�d to, reasonab�e attorney�s' fees and c4sts�f tx��e <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the power of sa�e�s inv�ked, Trustee shall record a�r�otice of defau�t in each county in which amy part of <br /> the Prflperty is loca�ed and sha�l mail c�pies of such notice in �he manner pre�cribed by App�ica�le Lavv ta <br /> Borrower and to th e other pers�n5 prescribed by App��cable Law. After th� t�me required by �pp���ab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public notice of sal� tv the p�rsons and �n �he mannQr prescribed hy Applicable <br /> Law. Trustee,without demand �n Burro�vver, shal�sell th�Property a�pub�i� auct��n to �he h�gh�st bidd�r <br /> a��he time and pla�e and und�r the terms designated�m the�Qt�ce of sale in one or�nare p ar�el.s an d in any <br /> order TruS�e� determunes. Trustee may postpvne sale �f all ar any parce� of the Property by pub��c <br /> announ�ement at the time and place of any pr�v�.ously s�h�duled 5a�e.Lender�r it� desxgnee may purcha5e <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon re�eipt �f payrment af th� pr�ce bid, Trustee shali d�li�er t� the purchaser Trustee's deed �onvey�ng <br /> the Property. The r�ecitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fa��e evidence of the�ruth of�he 5taternents <br /> C�24Q4-2�15 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.SC54-9468-2415.i 1.3.1498 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security In;trument DL203� Pa�e 4�f S www.�ampl�ancesystems.cQm <br />