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2� 1 ���835 <br /> app��the proceeds of any Po���ies,judgme�ts, ar settlements mad� �n lieu there�f, in acc�rdar�ce <br /> with the L�an Agreement in cannection with a�asualt�to the Prnper�y; <br /> . tk� Ta� Cert�arar�. All refunds, rebates �r credits in conneetion with <br /> reduct�on in Taxes o�r�ther Charges�charged against the Pro�erty; _ <br /> ��} �anversi�n. A11 proceeds af the canvers�on, vo�untary or �nvo�untary, �f <br /> any af the for�going �ntn cash or ��quidation claims, zn��uding, vvith�ut limitation, Insurar��e <br /> Pr��eeds and Awards; <br /> �m� Ri hts. The �r�ght, �n the nan�e and on behalf of Indiv�dual Borrower, t� <br /> c�mmence any acti�n or pro�eed�ng to proteCt the interest of Lender in the Proper�y; <br /> tn� A�reements. A1� agreements, c�ntracts, �ert�ficates, instrum�nts, <br /> franch�ses, perm�ts, licenses, plans, spec�f cations and other documents, now or hereafter entered <br /> �nto, and a�� r�ghts there�n and thereto, resp�ct�ng or perta�ning t� the use, o�cupati�n, <br /> c�nstructxon, management or operatian �f the Land and any part ther�of and any Improveam�nts <br /> or resp�cting or perta�n�ng t� any bus�ness or activ�ty conducted�n the Land and any part th�reaf . <br /> and all right, t�tle and interest of Indiv�dual Borrower therein and thereunder, in�luding, without <br /> l�m�tation, th� right, upon the o�currerice and during the cvntinuance of an� Event �f Default, t� <br /> rece���and c�lie�t any sums payab��to Ir�d�v�dual Borrower thereunder; <br /> �a� Trademar�s. A�l tradenames, trademarks, serv�cemarks, logos, copyrights, <br /> goodwill, b�oks and re�ords and a�l othex generai intangibles of Individual Borravver re�at�ng to <br /> or used in connect�on with the operation of the Property; <br /> �p� Accounts. A�� reserves� escroWs and dep�sit acc�unts ma�ntained by <br /> Individua� Borrower vvith respect to the Praperty, inciuding, with�ut ��mitation, all accounts <br /> establish�d or mainta�ned pursuant ta the ��sh Management Agreernent; together �with all <br /> deposits or wire transfers made to such accounts and a�� cash, �h��ks, �rafts, certif cates, <br /> secur�ties, �nvestment property, f�nancia� assets, instruments and�ther property held there�n fram <br /> time to time and all proceeds, products, distr�butxons �r dividends �r substitut�ans ther�on and <br /> thereof; <br /> �q� Letter of �redit. All letter-of-cred�t rights �Whether or not the Iett�r of <br /> credit is ev�den�ed by a writing} Indiv�dua� Borrovver now has or hereafter acqu�res re�ating to <br /> the proper�i�s, rights,titles and�nterests referred t� in this Se�tion 1.1; <br /> (r} Tort ��aims. All commer�ial t�rt claims Indiv�dual B�rrower now has or <br /> hereaft�r acqu�res relating to the pro�erties, rxghts, t�tles and �nterests referred to in th�s <br /> Section 1.1; <br /> (s} Interest Rate Ca�_A�reement. A1X r�ghts of Ind��idua� Borr�wer �n, to, <br /> under, ar pursuant to any Interest Rate �ap Agreement, inc�uding a�� products and praceeds of <br /> any of the foregoing; and ' <br /> �t} �ther Ri�hts. Any and al� other rig�ts of Indi�idual Borrov�rer in and to <br /> the items set forth�n Subsections�a�through�above. <br /> S <br /> �WY�RI�31 fi9827 4] <br />