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2� 1 ���832 <br /> E�h���t ��Arl <br /> Legal Descr�pt�on <br /> That certain real property Iocated in the �ity of�rand �sland, County af Ha�l, State af Nebraska, <br /> d�scr�bed as foflows: . <br /> Parcel A: <br /> A tract of Iand comprising a part of the East Ha�f of the Southwest Quarter �E �I� SW �14} of S�cti�n 4, <br /> T�wnsh�p 11 North� Range 9 Vllest of the 6th P.M., in �rand �sland, Hal� County, N��raska� more <br /> par�icularly described as follows: Beg'rnning at a po�nt on the West �ine of said E �Iz SVII �I4r said paint <br /> being 1,327.8� feet South of the N�rthw�st co�ner af said E �I�. SIN 114; thence ��utherly along the West <br /> line of said E �Iz SW �I4, a distance of 719.55 feet to the Northerly right of way line of the 8u�l�ngton <br /> Narthern Railroad; th�nce S�utheasterly alang said railraad right of way line, a d�stance of 816.7 feet to a <br /> point of curvature; thence continuing Sautheaste�ly alang said �ailroad right of way line, and �n the arc <br /> vf a curv�whose radius is 2�914.93 feet�the long chord of which d�f�e�ts right�4°42' fram the <br /> preceding caurse}, a distance of 94.83 feet; th�nce deflecting left 137°34'17" from the long cho�d of the <br /> preceding curve� and running Narthwester�y� a distan�� af 423.35 feet t� the East Eine af th� VI1 �Iz E �Iz <br /> _ SVII �14; thence N�r�herly along the East line of said W �IZ E 1I2 SVII �I4� a d�stance of 6�5.2 feet; th�n�e <br /> deflecting feft 89°39'Z�" and running Westerfy, a distance af 557.1� feet ta the plac� of beginning. <br /> Parcel B: <br /> An easem�nt far ingress and egr�ss as created by that certain Private Easement Agreement contain�d <br /> rnrith�n the document ent�tled '"Corporation '111larranty Deed" record�d �ctob�r 2� 1984 as Document No. <br /> 84-��05193� �fficia! Records, Hall Caunty, Nebraska. <br /> APN: 4��14534D <br />