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2� 1 ���8�� <br /> Transf�r af the Property ar a Bene�cial Intere�t in �B�r�rav��er. �f ai��r any par�of the Property or any�nterest <br /> �n �� is sold or transf�rred �or if a benef�ciai in�erest in �iorr�wer �s so�d or transferred and Borrower is not a <br /> natural persan} v���hout Le�der's pr��r�ri�ten c��nsent, Lende�r may, at i�s o��iun, reyuire imm�d�ate p�.yment �n <br /> full of al� sums secured by �hi� Securit� �ns�umen�. Ha�ve�E.r, this Qpt�on shall nQt �e exercised by Lende�r if <br /> e�ercise is prohibi�ed b�federa��aw as af the da�e of this S�e�ur�ity�nstrum�n�. : <br /> Zf Lender e�er�ises this op�:ion, Lender shal� give Borro��ver n���ce �f accelera�ian. The noti�e sha1� provide a <br /> per�od of not �ess than �he minimum n�mber �f da�s estab�isl�ed by Applicable Lavv fro�n the da�e �h� nati�e �s <br /> de�i�ered or ma�led �i�h�n �hi�h Borrower mus� pay al� sums secur�d by th�s Security �nstrument. �f Bflrrower <br /> fails �o pay �hese sums prior to th� exp�ration flf�his peri���, :Lender may invake any remedies permit�ed hy this <br /> Security�nstrumen�v�i�hou�further notice ar derraand�n B��rra��ver. <br /> Burrower'� Righ� ta R.ein�tate. �f B�rravver mee�s cer�ain cor�d��ions, Borrower shall ha�e the r�gh� to ha�� <br /> enforcemen� �f�his Securi�.y Instrumen� discon��nuec� a�ar.iy��:m�e�rior to�he e�rl�er�f: �a� 5 days �or such o�her <br /> period as ApplicabX��aw may spe�ify far re�ns�a�ement}befor��sale�f�he Proper�y pursuan��o any pawer of sale <br /> con�ained �n th�s Securi�y Instrumen�; or �b� entry �f a. judgment enforc�ng this Security �ns�rument. Th�se <br /> cond�tions are �ha� B�rrov�rer: �a} pays Lender al� sums �hich. �hen u��uld be due under this Security Ins�rument <br /> and�he��nt�-ac�as if no acce�eratian had occurred;�b}cures a�ny defaul�of any�ther co�renants or agreements;�c} <br /> pays a��expenses incurred i�enf�rcing�his Securi�y�nst�u�neri��, in�luding,but na��im:��ed to,reasonabXe att�rneys' <br /> fees tn the ex�ent per�ni�ted�y law; and�d��akes such ac�i�n E�s Lender�nay reasonably require�o assure tha��he <br /> lien of this Security �ns�rumen�, Lenc�er's righ�s in th�Pro��erty�and Borr�vver's abli�at�an�o pay the sums secured <br /> by �h�s Secur�t� Instrument sha�l continue unchanged. Up�n r�instatemen�by Borrower, th�s Security �:nstrument <br /> and th� flbligatxons se�ured hereby s�a�l remain fi.��iy effec���r� as if n� acce�eration had oc�ur�ed. Hnwe�er, th�s <br /> r�gh�t�re�nsta�e shal�n�t app�y in the c�.se�f acce�era��on un�:er�he se�t�on titl�d Tran�fer flf�he Pra�erty or a <br /> Beneficial Inter��t in�Barr�wer. <br /> Hazardous Substa�ces. Borr�vver sha��not cause or perrrEit t��e�resence,use, d�sposa�, s�orage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�anc��on or in�he Prop�rty.B��-rovsrer sha:�l n���do,nor a1�av�any4ne else to d�,anythin�affec��ng <br /> �he Praperty that is in v�olation �f any En�vir�n�menta� Lav�. rChe preceding �wo senten�es sha�l no� apply to �he <br /> presence,use,or s�arage on the Prflper�y of sma��quan�itie;s�f�azard�us Substa�ces�hat are generally rec�gnized <br /> �o be appr�pr�ate to normal residential uses and ta mainten�anc�.�f ihe.Pr�pert�. <br /> Barrovve�-shal�prompt�y gi�e Lender v��it�en na�ice of any�n�4:stigati�n,claim, demand,lawsui�or o�hez actian by <br /> any g�vernmen�a� �r regu�a��ry agency ar private party ���vol��ng th� P�operty and any Ha2ardaus Substance or <br /> EnWiranmental Law �f vvhich B�rro�wer has ac�ua� knov�l��dge. If Barro�ver �earns, flr �s n�tif�ed by any <br /> g�vernmenta� or regula�ory au���arity,that any remaval or Ea�her r�mediation of any�3a�ardous Substance affec�ing <br /> �he Proper�y �s necessary, B�rrower sha�l promp�ly �ak�e al� ne�essary remed�al ac��ons �n acc�rdance ,c�vith <br /> En�iranmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are th�se ��ubstan�es def ned as toxic or hazardous subs�anc�s <br /> by En�iron�nen�al I�aw and the fo�Iowing subs�ances: gt�so��ne, lkerosene, ��her f� ar to�ic petroleum <br /> produc�s, taxic pes�i�ide� and herb�c�des, v�latile sQl�en�s, r�ater�als ca�taining asbes�os or formaldehyde, and <br /> rad�aac�i�e ma-�eriais. As us�d in�his parag�aph, "Envir�n�nen��al Law�'means federa��avvs and�aws of the s�ate of <br /> Nebraska that rela�e to hea��h, safety ar en�iranmen�al pra�:e�ti�an. � <br /> A�ce�eratian; R.emedies. Lender shal� gi�e n�tic� �� B�orrt�w�r prior to acce�erat��n fvilavving I3orrower's <br /> breach of any co�enant or agreemen�in this Se�urity Tns�r•urn���or the Con�rac�under�hich ac�ce�eration <br /> is permi��ed �but na� priar to acce�eration und�r the s��cti�n titled Transfer of the �rope�-�y vr a Bene�cia� <br /> ln�eres� in Borro��r, unless App�i�a�le L.�a�v pro�ides o�he�wi�e�. The nat��e sha�� specify: [a) �he defau�t; <br /> �b) the act�an re�uired �o cure �he defau��; (c} a c�ate, n�� �ess than the m�n�mum numbe�- nf days <br /> es�ab�ished by Appi�cable Lavv from�he date�h�n�tac� i5;�i�er� tn�orrovver, �y�which th�defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� that fai�ur�.to cure th� defau�t am a�- ��efare �he dat� s�eci�ed in the notice may result �n <br /> acc�l�ration nf the sums �ecur�d b� th�s Se�urity �r.istr�.�ment and �ale of thQ I'roper�y. To the extent <br /> perm���ed by �a�v, t�e notice sh��l fu�th�r ir�f�rm ]Borr�aw��r�f the righ� �o reinsta�e after acce�erat�an and <br /> �he right��hring a caurt action to assert the non--exist��nc�:vf a d�fault or any other defenSQ af B�rraw�r to <br /> acce�eration and sa�e. If�he defaul� is not �ur�dl on or hefore �he date specified in �he na#i�e, Lend�r at ��s <br /> �p�ion may require �mmed�ate paymen� i� full �f a�l �u��s s�cured hy this Securi�y Instrumern�t wi�hout <br /> further demand ar�d may inwak� �he pawer af sa�e ar�Ed a��y v�her rernedies perm�tted by App�icab�e Law. <br /> To the ex�ent p�rmi�ted b� law, Ler�d�r shal� b� en���Cled �o collect ali expenses �ncurred in pu�rsuing the <br /> r�medi�s prn�id�d �n �his �ection, including, but not l�m�tt�d t�, r�a��nab�e att�rn�ys' fees and co�t�of�it�e <br /> e��dence. <br /> If�h�power of sa�e is in�oked,Truste�sha�� re�vrd a :n�t�ce�f d�fau�t�n �a�h c�ounty in which any pari��f <br /> �he Proper�y �� �o�a�ed and shail mai�copie5 0�suc�x n«ticfs in the manner prescr�b�d �y A�plicable Law ta <br /> �ar�-awer and to the �ther per�ans prescribed b� A���lic��b1� Lavv. After the time required by App�icable <br /> Lavrl, Trus�ee shall giWe public natic� of sal� �o th� pc��sons �nd �n the manner pr�scribed by ��pp�icabie <br /> Law. Trustee,v►�ithvut d�mand on Borrower,shal�5e1�the P�-ape�r�y a� pubiic aucti�n t��he high�est bidder <br /> at the time ar��place and und�r the t�rms designated �n th�n�t�c��f sa�e�n�ne or m�re parce�s a�nd in any <br /> order Tru�tee d�t�r�nin�s. TrustQe may p�s��an� sal� c�f �.�1 or ar�y parce� �f �he Property by publfc <br /> annfluncement a��he t�me and place af any pr��ivusYy sch��duled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase <br /> �he Proper�y at any sa�e. <br /> TJpon rece�pt of paym�n� �f�he pric� �id, Tru��e� �h�ll dt��i��r t� the purchaser'I`rus�ee�s deed �anv�eying <br /> the Prop�r#y. Th� r�cita�s in the'I`ru�tee's deed sha�� h�e pr�i�a� facie e�id�n�e of the truth of the rtatement� <br /> C�2d��-2015 Con�plsance Systems,In�.8C54-5FB7-2015.11,3,109& <br /> Gonsi�n�er Real Estate-Security Ir�strurnent DL2036 Pa�e 4�f 5 www.coz�-iplia�cesys#ems.corra <br />