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2� 1 ���8�� <br /> Paymen�of Principa�a�d Interest; ��he�-Charges.�or�'ovv�.r shall promptly pay v�hen due�he prin��pal of and <br /> interest��the deb�o��ed under the Cont�ac�and�at�charg�?s o��any ather fees and charges due under th��antra�t. <br /> Applica�l� �aw. As used �n th�s Securi�y �ns�rum.en�, ��le ���rm "App�icab�e Lav�" sha�l mean a�l contr�Iling <br /> appl�cable federai, s�a�e and lflcal statu��s, regula�xons, ora��nar�ces and adm�n�stra�i�e rules and orders ��hat have <br /> the eff�ct of Iavv�as well as a�i appl�cabl�fina�,non-appeai�ib�e�udiczal op�nions. <br /> �harges; �Liens. Borr�vver sha11 pay a�l taxes, assessme���s, charges, fines and impQsitiQns a�tributable t� the <br /> Property v�hich may a�ta�n priar�ty over th�s Secur�ty Instr��me�a�, and �easehold paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Bnrrov�er sha11 promp���furnish t��Le.nder re�e�pts e��dencing�he paymen�s. <br /> Borr�v�rer sha��pram�t�y discharge any lien v�hi�h has pric�rit� o�er�h�s Se�ur��y Instrument unless Borrower: �a) <br /> agrees in wri�ing �a the payment �f t�� obliga�tion secur�.d ��y the 1�en in a manner accep�able to Lender; �b� <br /> ��n�ests in ga�d fa�th �he �ien �y, or defends against e�f��rce�nent af the l�en in, 1ega� proce�dings v�h�ch in the <br /> Lender's op�n��n opera�e �o preve�t th� enforcemen� af t:he �i�r�; or �c� secures from �he halder of the lien an <br /> agreement satisfactory�o Lender subord�nat�ng the �ien to �h�s Security Instrumen�. �f Lender de�ermines�hat any <br /> part of the Pr�perfiy i� subjec��o a�ien which may a��a�n�fri�r�ty o�rer this Securi�y Instrum�nt, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrower a no�ice id�n�ifying�he lien. BQrravsrer sha�� sati.zfy the I�en or take ane or more �f the ac�ions se�forth <br /> a�ove v�i�hin l�days of the gxving of na�ice. <br /> H�.zard or Praperty Insuranc�. B�rr�v�er shall keep�he impro��men�s now exis�ing or hereafter er�c�ted on the <br /> Prop�r�y�nsured against loss by fre,hazards inciuded vvithin����e�erm "��tended c�verage" and any a�her hazards, <br /> �nclud�ng fl�ods �r flooding, f�r v�hich Lender re�u�res �ns��rar�ce. This insurance shall be main�ained �n the <br /> amoun�s and for the p�riads�ha�Lender requir�s.The insu�-ance�arr�er pro��ding the insurance shai�be�hosen by <br /> B�rrawer sub�ec� to Lender's appro�al vvhich sha�l no� b�. un-reasona�ly withheld. �f�orra�er fails tc� main�ain <br /> cov�rage descr�bed a�ave, Lend�r ma�, at Lender's opti.on, abta�n co�erage �o prate�t Lender's rights in �he <br /> Properfiy in accordanc�w�th secti�n�it��d Pro�ectiv��of]L�:nde:r'�Rights in the Praperty. <br /> AlI insurance po�icies and renev�als sha1� he acceptab�� �o� Le:nd�r and shal� �nclude a s�andard mar�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha�i ha�e�he right t�h�ld�he po�icies ar�d renew��ls. lf Lender requires, B�rro�er shall prnm�p�ly g�ve t� <br /> Lender a�7 receipts of paid prem�ums ar�d renewal n�tices. �n the event flf�oss, Borrower shall give prornp�noti�e <br /> t��he�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may m�.ke p�-a��f�f lflss if not made promp��y by Bflrrov�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�er fl�he�-v�ise agree in wr�ting, ins-urance pro�eeds shall �e applied �� res���ration or <br /> repair of�he Pr�pertv darnaged, �f, �� Lender's so�e discr���ior�, �he �•es�oration or repa�r is eco�namically feas�ble <br /> and Lender's security is n��lessened. :�f, in Lender's sole ��isc.�etion, �he res��ratian or repa�r�s nat ecanomical�� <br /> feas�bl�or Lend�r's security wou�d be�essened,�he insura�Ge��r�ceeds shal�be appli�d t��he sums secured�b�this <br /> Securiiy �ns�rurnen�, v�hether or nflt th�n due, with any e�cess paid �o Borrov5rer. �f Borrower aba�dans �he <br /> Pr�perty, or daes no�answer v�i�him�he number af days pr��s�r�bed by.A.pp�icable Law as se�for�h in a n����e from <br /> Lender ta Borrov�rer tha��he insuranc� �arrier has�ffered�to sE�tt�e a claim, �hen Lender may col�ect the �nsuran�e <br /> proceeds. Lender ma�r use the pr�Ceeds to repair or resto�-e �h� Properry �r tti pay sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument,vvhe�her�r no��hen du�.Th�period of time for�Ba:��rav�er ta answer a�se�for�h in the no�ice will�egin <br /> vvhen�he not�ce�s given. <br /> �Unless Lender and B�r�awer otherwise agree in writing, any��ppiication of proceeds tfl prin�ipa� sha�l�o�ex�end <br /> or postp�ne the du� date �f�he paymer�ts due under the �on�ract ar change�he amaun�of the paymen�s. �f under <br /> the sec�ion�it�ed AC�e��ra�ian; R�medie�, th� Property i�� a�c�u�red by Lender, Borro�v�r's r�ght�o any insurance <br /> pa��c�es and proceeds resul�ing from damage �o th� �'rap��rty prior �a �he acquisition sha1� pass t� Lender to �he <br /> exten�af the sums secured by this�ecurity�nstrumen�imrr�edi��teiy pri�r�o�he acquisition. <br /> Preser�ation, Main�enance and Yro�ection af �he �rap�:rty; ��rrower's Loan App�ication; L�asehalds. <br /> Borr�wer shall na�destray, damage�r�n�pair�he Pr�pert��, a����w the Praperty to deter��rate, or cornmit waste on <br /> �he Properfi�r. Borrow�r sha��be in defau��if any forfei�ure ac�i�3n�r proceeding,whe�her�iv��vr�r�m�nal,�s begun <br /> �hat in Lender's gaod faxth�udgment could resu�� in fnrfeiiture: �f the Pr�perty or �therv�ise materia�i�r impa�r�he <br /> Iien created by �hxs Secur�ty� �ns�rument ar Lender's se�ur�t�,� �nteres�. �orrawer may cure such a default and <br /> reins�a�e, as pr�v��ded in sect�on tit�ed��rrawer°� Right �to l��ei�state, by causing�he ac�ion ar pr�ce�ding to be <br /> dismissed vvi�h a ru���.g tha�, in Lender's g�od fa��h determ�.na�ion,prectudes forfeiture�f the Borrflw�r's in�eres�in <br /> th� Praperty or othe� ma�erial in�.pairmen� of�he �ien created b� th�s Security 7nstrument ar Lender's secur��y <br /> in�erest.Barr�wer shall aisa be in default�f Borrow�r,dur�ing the loan app�ication process,gave m.a�eria���y fa�se or <br /> inaccura�� informa��on or s�a�emen�s �o Le�.der (ar failet� t� pro��d� Lender �ith any mat�rial inf�r�na��on} in <br /> cannec�ion v��th t��e �oan evidenced by the Can�r�ct. 7f t���s S�.curi� Instrument is on a leasehold, �3arrower shall <br /> c�mpxy v�i�h al�t�ie pro��si�ns�f th� le�.se.If Barravt�er a�quir�s f�e�itle�o the Property,th� �easeha�d and the fee <br /> �itle sha�i nat merge�nless Lender agrees�o the�nerger�n��vrit�ng. <br /> Pr�tec��on of Lender's Rights in the Prap�r�y. rf Bo=r�ov�ler fai�s �a perform �he c�venants and agreements <br /> contained�n th�s Se�urit� Instrumen�, or there �s a��ga�proce{:dir�g tl�at may signifi�ant�y affect Lender's rights in <br /> the Pr�per�y (such as a pro�eeding in bankru��cy, prohat��, fc�r caridemna��on or f�rfe�ture ar t� enfor�e lavvs ar <br /> regulat�ons}, �hen Lender may d� and pay for whatever is ��ecessary �a pratec� �he va�ue of the Properry and <br /> Lender`s righ�s in the Property. Lender's actions may incluEde paying any sums secured by a Iien v�hi�h has pr�ority <br /> oWer�his Security rnstrument, appearing u�c�ur�,paying r��asanable attorneys'fees and en�ering on the Property�� <br /> make repa�rs. A�thoubh Lender may tai��ac�ion under�his sec��on,Lender does n��ha�e�o da so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed hy Lender under �his secti�n shall b��come addi��ana1 deb� of Borrower se�ured by this <br /> Securi�y �nstrument. Unless B�rrovver and Le�der ag�r�e �� o�h�r �erms of payment, these amaunts shall bear <br /> �24�4-2b15 Corc�pliance Systems,Inc.8C54-5FB7-2�i 5,i 1.3.J Og& <br /> Cansunaer Real Estate-Security Fnstrument DL2�36 Page 2 of 5 www.campIiar�cesystems.�orri <br />