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2� 1 ���798 <br /> �vns�ru�d ta be a pr��isivn for the paymen� �r reduction of the �bl�ga��ons, subj��� to the Lend�r'� <br /> ap�ion as hereinbef�r�provided, �ndependent of the tru��deed on the �r�perty. <br /> Trustar and each of them further coWenants and a�re�s with, ar certifies and represents to <br /> Lender as f�llows: <br /> 1. To pay �II �ien�, �udgments, ar other �ssessments ag�inst �he Praperty, an�1 to pay when du� �11 <br /> assessments, fax�s, ren�s, uti�ities, fee�, charges ar encu�nbranees up�n the Property or und�r any <br /> [eas�, p�rm��, IiGense, or privi��ge assi�ned �o Lender�as �dd�tianal security tv this trust deed, including <br /> those rn ❑r on public domain. <br /> 2. To insure and keep insured al[ buildings and other improvemenfs, includ�ng fixture� and attachmenfis <br /> naw vn ar hereafter �[aGed on the Re�l Property �a the satisfaGtion af Lender. Such insurance wi11 <br /> contain an �ndors�ment sh�wing Lender as Benefici�ry. �n demand, TrustQr wi![ furnish said pvCiCies <br /> or pra�f of insurance ta Lender and �he insuran�e carri�r sharl be sat�sfactary to Lend�r. Trus�ar �h��l <br /> gi�re written na�ic�ta Lender immediat�ly of any claim vr Ioss. Any sums so re��iv�d by Lender may be <br /> applied in paymen� �t any matured or unmatured t]bf igafians se�ured by this trust deed, vr a� th� <br /> �p�i�n of Lender may �e us�d to pay for recans�ruction of fhe d�s�royed impro�emen�s. Such insurance <br /> will be i� an amount at least equal to the I�sser of the [�an ba�an��, the actuaf Gash value �f �he <br /> Pr�aperty, ar�the �epfacement Gost of the Praperty, and wif[ a� a m�nimum, cov�r losses caused by fire, <br /> l�ghtning, expl��ian, rio�, ��r�raft, Wehi��es, �andal�sm, civil c�mm�tion, smak�, win�s�orm, and hatl. <br /> Trustor wi�� abtain and k��p flaad insuran�� in fvrce t� co�er [oss�s by ff�od as required by Lender and <br /> by th� N��'r�nal Flaod Insur�nce Act of �9�8, as am�ndedT and by regul�fiivns impCemen�ing the same. <br /> Trustor �urther agrees �h�t L�r�der �� not and wi[f nofi b� IiabRe for �ny farlure by T�ustor or by any <br /> insurer, far whate�er r�asQn, �� abta�n �nd k�ep th�s insu�ance �n f�rc�. Trustor shall g��e written nofiic� <br /> fo Lend�r imr�ediat�ly �f any c�n�ei��tEon, terminativn ar material m�difica�[on of any such insurance. If <br /> Trust�r� f�i�s to maintain the Gov��-�ge descri�ed �bove, Lender rnay, �t Lender's aptian, abtain <br /> G��er-age ta pratec�Lender'�rights �n�he Property acGo�d�ng ta the ferms of�his Trust Deed. <br /> �. To keep afl buildings, fixtures, at���hments, and v�her impro�ements now an or h�reafter placed on <br /> �he Real �'rop�rty accupied and in govd r�pair, maintenance, and cond�fiion and to neither commit nor <br /> permit any acts vf waste vr any impairment of �he valu� �f fhe Praperty. Trustor shall not rema�e �r <br /> demo�ish �ny improvemen� without priar writ��n apprvv�! of �he Lender. Trustor sha�i giv� immed�a�e <br /> natice #o Lender of any m�f�rial damage t� �r�onstruG�Eon on �r related �v any af�he �r�perty. L�nder <br /> may�nter upon fif�e R��I Praperty ta �nsp�c�the same or ta perform �ny actS authariz�d her��n ar in the <br /> Loan Documents. Any insp�ctivns, reports �r sampl�s c�nducted by Lender shal[ be for th�ir awn us� <br /> and benefifi, and Lender shall not be required to disclose the resul�s of any insp�cti�ns ta Trust�r for <br /> any reason, regard[ess of wh�ther Lender has done sa or� �ny other o�casion un[ess Lender agrees �o <br /> da so in a s�ep�rate v�rr�ting. Trus�vr is responsible far mar�ifiaring, pres�rving and �nspecfing the Property <br /> independently vf Lender, �nd L�nder r�nal�e� no represen�ati�n, sfafem�nf or warran�y regarding the <br /> ac�uracy�f any insp��fii�n, reports or s���ements r�lated ta the Property's condition, qu�nt�ty, or quality <br /> of any nature, and Trust�r agrees it Sh�il not rely upon sta�emen�s re�ate� there�� mad� by a <br /> represen�ati�e of Lend�r. <br /> 4� Tha� Trus�or �s, and shali cvntinue �o b�, duly or�ani�ed, �alidly e�isting and l�gally qualified to do <br /> business under the laws �f�he states in wl��ch Trustor a�erates, in compliance with federal, sta�e and <br /> local laws or regulations, �nd have [egal authvrity in such states �a conduct T�ustor's husiness <br /> ope�ations and to own agr�cultural reaf �sta�e. N� ch�nge has be�n m�d� in �he n�me, a�nersh�p, <br /> can��-oi, r�lati�nship, feg�l status, ar argani��tional and fvrmation documents o�any und�rsigne� since <br /> �he �rme any such inforrr�ation was las� p�vvided tn Lender. Any borrawing res�lutivn or simil�r <br /> do�umen� pro��ded ta the Lender, wh�ther on L�nder's fvrm or v�h�rwise, has b�en executed by �11 <br /> those with an ownership interes� in th� Trustar's entity and �uch designated �ignor as set forth in the <br /> borr�v�rin� resalution is duly authorized t� �xe�ute any and all Loan L7�cuments on b�half �he �ntity, <br /> �ncluding this trus�deed. <br /> 3. A[[ known svurce� of existing or po�en�ial �nviranmental contamina#ivn an or near any Real Prop�rty <br /> owned or operated �y T�-us�or has be�n fully dis�lased to L.end�r; fh� o�erati�ns ❑f Trustor�o�r��ly, �nd <br /> during �h� t�rm af this trust deed will a� all �imes comply in all r�sp���s, �rith a[[ environm�ntal �aws; <br /> Trustor has ob�ained �nd wil� mainfain a)� IiGenses, p�rmits, authori�at�ons and �egistrations requEred <br /> under any enWironmental I�w and necess�ry f�r ifs �rdinary cvurse vper�fions, aIC suc� �n�iranmental <br /> App#:�36���6; G1F#: �3�295; NQte#:3�1�2�1 �2�KS Legal Doc.❑ate:February�,�0�6 <br /> FQRM 5���,Yrust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 4 0�8 <br />