2� 1 ���798
<br /> Defined Terms:
<br /> B�nefi�iar�y: As set f�rth a�ov��nd used interchangeably wi�h the term Lender.
<br /> Borrovr�er: 1Vlak�r�r co-mak�r, si�r��r�r c�-signer of any Lo�n D�cument representing any Dbli�ations
<br /> secured by th�s trust dee�.
<br /> Lender: As s�t fvrth above and us�d interchangeab[y with th�term Beneficiary.
<br /> Lvan OvGuments: The descrEbed n�tes and any and �I1 ��her no�es, credit agreernent�, securlty
<br /> agr��men�s, UCC financing �fi�t�men�s, fease agreements, mvrtgages, deeds af �rus�, any other
<br /> docum�nt gr�n�ing a lien ta s��ur� the �bfigations, �nd any �th�r dacumen�vr ins�rument execu�ed in
<br /> connectior� with ar �vi�lencing any C���igatian �inc�udin� any amendmen�, resta�ement vr modificati�n
<br /> thereto}.
<br /> �b�i�ations: [ncludes, wi�h�u� limitation, alj credit including principal �nd any �dvances, [nterest and
<br /> ather amaun�s due ta Lende� under fhe Laan Da�uments whefher ❑r n�t this trust deed is sp�ci�cal�y
<br /> referr�d �� in the e�ridence vf de��, inc[udEng with�ut limita�ian, fees, cos�s, and exp�nses, foge�her w�th
<br /> afi r�new�ls, extensions, or refn�ncing af same and any fu�ure and additional lvan� ar�d�ances made
<br /> �t Lender's option to or �n behalf of Borr�wer by Lender �r under any vther Loan ❑o�ument for any
<br /> �au�pas� whether relafed ar un�e�ated to fh� purpose of the origina� credi�, incfuding advanGes far fhe
<br /> pratection o� fih� Property, �II attarney fees, cvsts and exp�nses inGurred by Lender fa fhe �xtenf
<br /> perm�t�ed by law in the collec�ion af any laan ar in the en�a�rcement or preservatian af �he r�ghts af
<br /> Lender ir� a�d t� the Property, regard�e�s of whefh�r Trus�ar �� ob[iga�ed �hereon �s � mak�r vr co-
<br /> maker, si�n�r a�r co-signer, ar as a guarantvr, endorse�, sure�y or a�her��cammoda�i�n �arty.
<br /> Persan�l ProRerty: A[[ equipmen�, �ixfures and oth�r persanai property that are nov�r or h�r�after
<br /> a�t�cF�ed �r affi�ed to the R��I F'rop�rty; togeth�r wi�h �li �c�essions: parts and �dditions t�, aEI
<br /> replac�men�s ofi and al[ substitut�Qns for any�f such prop�rty.
<br /> Real Prop�rty: Tageth�r with the helow Iegally described real es�a�e, alf e�cisting or subsequen��y
<br /> �rec��d or �ffixed buiid[ngs, struc�ures, impr���ments or fixtures; ali crops,_timb�r, �imber �a be �u�,
<br /> trees, pCan�s, vines or oth�r pl�nt�ngs; all water, wat�r r�gh�s, including riparian �ghts �nd �urface wat�r
<br /> rights, wat�r�ourses, irriga�ian, drainage and ditch rights; all rents, i�sues, us�s, in��me, prof�s and
<br /> rvyalt�es; all I�ases, p�rmit�, li�enses, pr���[eges, easemen�s, r�ghts vf way, r�ghts t� p�sse�sivn; a[[
<br /> r�ght� in and ta the [ands lying in s�reets, alley� and r�ads adjain�ng th� Real Praperty and
<br /> �ppurtenan��s; all �eases, permi�s, �icer�ses, ar privileges, �ppurtenant ar nan-�ppurtenant ta the
<br /> prvperty, now or herea�ter issued, extend�d, ar renewed by Trustar, any State, �he United States, vr
<br /> �ny d�partment, bureau, instrumentaf�ty, ar agen�y th�revf; afl proceeds �n eminen� �omain, in�urance
<br /> payments, pr�c�eds vr refunds af premiums vr any oth�r paym�n� o� se�klemenfi r�[ating t� the
<br /> P��p�rty; all ❑il, gas, gravef, rack, gea�hermal and similar r�sources ar a�her mineral rights of whafever
<br /> na�ur�; �nd any and all other�ight� r�la�ed ta the rea� praperty.
<br /> Prvp�rty: Co�lec�ively the R�al Prop�r�y and the Persor�a[ Pr�per#y, including withau� �im�taf�an afE
<br /> insuran�e prace�ds and refunds of�nsurance prem�ums relat�d�o said Praperty.
<br /> Trustee: As sef farth aba��.
<br /> Trustor: As s�t fvrth abo�e.
<br /> The �bv�e named Trus��r f�r good and Waivab�e G�n�ideration, her�by irr�e�vc��ly transfers, conveys
<br /> an� �ssi�ns to Trustee, IN TRLJST, V111TH P�1NER C�F SALE, f�r th� benef[� and s�curity af fh�
<br /> Ben�ficiary, its successars and assigns, an assignment and secu�ity interes�in al� af Trust�r's ri�ht, ��tle
<br /> and inf�rest wh�th�r curr�ntly e�cis�ing or hereinafter acquired �n and to the f�llawir�g-de�cribed Real
<br /> Pr�perty in Hal��ounty�i�s , Nebr��ka to wit:
<br /> App#:5361���; �1F#:136�95; Nate#:3�142�1 ��aKS Lega1 C]Qc.Date:F�bruary�,�0�6
<br /> F�F�M 54��,Trust❑eed and Assignment vf Rents Page 2 af 8
<br />