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2� 1 ���7�5 <br /> which has the address of 241 E 13th St,�Vood R��er,NE 6$883�"Property Address"} <br /> T�GETHER �VITI-� all the itnpro�ements now or hereafter erected on the praperty, and all easements, ri�hts, <br /> appurtenances, and f xtures now or hereafter a par� of the propei-�y. All replacements and additions shall also be <br /> ca�ered by this Sec�rity Ins�rument.A�l�f the foregoing is referred t� in this Security Instrument as the"Praper�y." <br /> B�]RR(�WER G��ENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seized of the eState hereby con�eyed and has the r�ght tfl <br /> martgage, grant and con�ey the Property a.nd that the Property is on�y encumbered by a First Securi�y Instrument <br /> given by Borrower and dated the same date as this Security Instrument �"First Security Instrument"). Barrower <br /> warrants and wi11 defend generally the title to the Pr�perty against al� �lazms and demands, suhject �o any <br /> encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS S��UR�T� �NSTRUMENT c�mbines unifflrm co�enan�s for natiana� us� and non�unifatmn covenants w�th <br /> �imited�ariatians by jurisdiction ta cvnstitute a uniform security instrument ca�er�ng rea�property. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VE�IANTS. Borrowe�and�ender co�enant and agree as follows: <br /> �, Payment of Principai and Ynterest. Barrower shall pay when due the prin�ipal �f, and interest on, �he debt <br /> �vid�n�ed hy the Secvnd Nate. <br /> 2, Payment of Property Charges. Borrov�er shall pay a1� prop�r�y charges consistir�g �f praperty �axes, ha�ard <br /> insurance premiums, flaod insurance premiums, grQund rents, condom inium fees, planned unit de�elopment fees, <br /> home�wner's assoc�a�ian f�es, and any other specia� assessm�nts tha� t�nay h� r�quired by lacal ar state iaw in a <br /> t�mely manner, and shall pro�ide e�idence of payment to Lender, unless Lender pays praperty charges by <br /> withholding funds from monthl� payments due�o the Borravver ar by c�arging su��payments to a�ine❑f credit as <br /> pro�ided for in accordance with�he Laan Agreement. <br /> 3, Fire, Fiood and�ther Hazard Insurance. Barrawer shall insure all imprv�ements on the Property, whether <br /> now in existence or subse�uen�ly �rected, aga�nst any hazards, casualties, and cflnting�ncies, inctud��g b�xt no� <br /> limited to fire and flaod, for which Lender reyuires insurance. Such insurance sha�� be maintained in the amaunts <br /> and for the periods that Lender requires; L�nder has the discr�tion to in�r�ase ar decr�ase the amaunt of an� <br /> insurance reyuired at any time pro�ided the amount is equal to or greater �han any rninimurn re�uired by the <br /> Secretary af Housing and CJrban Devetopmer�t �"5ecretary"}. �]Vhether flr n�t Lenc�er irr��ases a flood ins�rance <br /> re�uirement, Borrower shall at a minimum insure all impro�ements on th� Proper�y, wheth�r now in existence or <br /> �ubsequently ere�ted, against l�ss b}� f�oods �o the e�tent required by the Secretary. AI� ir�surance sha1l be carried <br /> wit� companies appro�ed by Lender. The insurance poiicies and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall <br /> include loss pay���e�lauses in fa�a�af,an�in a f�rm acceptable to,Lender. <br /> In the e�en�af loss, Borrower shali �ive Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proaf of loss if not <br /> made prvmpt�y by Barrower. Each insurance company cancerned is he�eby authorized and directed to make <br /> paymen�for such l�ss to Lender, instead nf to Borrower and Lender jointly. Insurance proceeds shall be applied to <br /> restnration �r repair of the damaged Property, if�he rest�ration �r repair is economically feasible and Lender's <br /> security is nat lessened. If the rest�ration ar repair is not e�onomically feas�ble or Lender's security wouid he <br /> lessened, the insurance proceeds sha�l �e app�ied first to the reductifln flf any indeb�edness under the Second Note <br /> and�his Se�urity Instrument an� then to the reduc�ian of the ind�btednes� und�r the First Note and First Security <br /> Instrument. Any �xcess insurance proceeds o�er an amount requir�d ta pay aIl outstanding indebtedness under the <br /> Sec�nd I�ote and this Security Instrument and the First�iote and First Security Instrument shall he paid�a the entity <br /> legally entitled thereto. <br /> �ne Re�erse Mortgage,LLC Loan�riginator:Tiffany Da�is <br /> Company-I��ILS#:2�52-'Loan I�umher:33498825�3 Loan Driginator NMLS#:7532$1 <br /> �Vebraska-�n�Sec�rfty Ir�strume�t(�4djus�able} Page�of 11 C�Bay Dacs,LL� 031�1I�015 <br /> q�33498825�3 1'I�� �'I 7 �211 <br />