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<br /> �EE�] C3F �"�L1�7'
<br /> L�an No: ����U�D�'�8 t�Drl�inu�d} Pag� '��
<br /> Indebtedness. The ward "�ndebtedness" means a�l p�in�ipal, interest, and other amoun�s, costs and expenses
<br /> payab�e und�r the Note or� Reia�ed Do�uments, together wifih all renewals of, extension� of, modificativns vf,
<br /> conso�ida�ions of and substitutions far the Nate or Re�a�ed Documents and any amounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> L�nder to discharge Trustor's obliga�ions or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender �o enforce Trustor's
<br /> abliga�ions under this Deed�f Trust,tagethe�with ir�terest on such amounts as pro�ided in this fleed of Trust.
<br /> Lender. The virord"Lender"means BAhIK�F TME WEST, its successors and assigns.
<br /> N�te. The word "No�e" means the prom�ssory note d�ted January �1, 2�'I 6, Ir1 th� origina� principal
<br /> amourtt of$?'!2x��10.��from sflrrtiwer ta Lender,tog�ther wi�h a�l renewa�s of,extensions of, m�dif�ations
<br /> vf, re�inancings❑f, consoiidations a�, and substitutians�or the promissory no�e or ag�-eemen#. The maturity date of
<br /> this De�d of Trust is January 31, ��3'I.
<br /> Personal Praper#y. The wards "Personai Property" mean a�( equipm�nt; fixtures, and other ar�icles a� persana(
<br /> prnper#y now or he�eafter awned by Trusfor, and now or hereaf�er attached a� affxed tv the Rea� Proper�y;
<br /> together with afl accessions, parts, and additions to, a�� replacements of, and al� substitutions for, any of su�h
<br /> property; and t�ge�her with all proceeds �inc�uding wi�hout limitation all insuran�e proceeds and r�funds af
<br /> premiums}from any sale or other dispnsition o�'the Prope�ty.
<br /> Prope�ty. The word"Property"means calle�ti�e�y the Reai Proper�y and the Personai Prvper�y.
<br /> Rea� Prvperty. The words"Rea1 Property"mean the real property, in�erests and rights, as fur�her descri�ed in fhis
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> Re�a�ed Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, credit ag�eements, faan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmenta� agre�men�s, guaranties, secur��y ag�eements, mortgages, deeds a�' trust, security
<br /> d�eds, co�fateral mortgages, and al� o#her instruments, agreement� and document�, whether norrv or hereafter
<br /> exist�ng,executed in caflnectian w�th the Indeb#edness.
<br /> F�en�s. The word "Rents" means a�! present and �uture ren�s, revenues, income, issues, royalfies, profits, and
<br /> o�her benefts deri�ed from the Prope�ky.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" means BAN�C �F T1�� WEST, whose address is '!322D �ali�o�nia St, �maha, NE
<br /> 68'�54 and any subs�itute ar su�cessor trustees. .
<br /> 7rus�or. The word "Trus�or"means M�GHAEL M B�RER and JC]AN E B4RER.
<br /> TRUST�R:
<br /> f
<br /> X � �
<br /> � � ,�._ � �11!CHAEL 1VI B�RER
<br /> x - �-�-- � f
<br /> J E BORER
<br />