2� 1 ���732
<br /> If�here is a surp�u�of Funds�e�d in eserow,as defuaed under�SPA,Lender shall account ta Borr�wver for�he
<br /> excess fun.ds in acc�rda�nce with RESFA.�f there is a sh�r�ge of Fun�s held in escraw,as de�n�d under RESPA,Lender
<br /> sha�l n���fy Borro�ver as required�y RES�A,and Borrawer sha�l pay to Lender�he amount necessa�y�o ma1��up the
<br /> shor�age in acc�r�ce�ith�ESPA,�ut in na m�re�ha�.��monthl�paym�nts,If t�iere is a def ciency af Fuu�s�ie�c�in
<br /> escro�r,as def n�d und�r RESPA,Lender shall not�y B�rrower a�requared by RESPA,and Banrower sha�l�ay to��nder
<br /> �he amaunt necessary to mak�up t�ie deficiency in ac�or�anc�wi�h l�SPA,but�n no nn�re�an��mon�ily�a�mmen�s.
<br /> Upon�a�aaent i��x�I af a��sums se�ured by this S��turi�Ins�rume�.t,�.�nder sha�.�r�mp�Iy refund�fl�arrow�r an�
<br /> �unds held by Lender.
<br /> 4.�har�es;L�ens.Borr�wer shall pa�aI�t�xes,assessmen�s,ehar�es, fines,and unp�si�x�ns at�-ibuta�Ie�o�h.e
<br /> Prvper�y�hic��an��taiu pri�r��r o���r�iis 5ecurity�nstrrxme�.t,��ase�o�d p�.ymen�s or�roun�ren�s on the Fro�erty,if
<br /> any,and�ommun�t�Ass�cia�.on Dues,Fees,and Assessmer��s,i�an�.Ta�the extent�h.a�th�se i�ems are Es�r�w Items,
<br /> B��-rn�v�r sha�1 pa�r them an the naanner pro�ided in Sectivn 3.
<br /> Borrower sha�l promp�l� d�s�harge any �ien vvhich has prior�ty ���r this Secur�ty Ins�ru.ment unles� Barr�wer:
<br /> �a�agr�es in wri��ng to�he payamen�tif the flb�igatio�secured.by�h�Iie��n a mar�ner acce�tab�e t�Lende�,but���r so
<br /> �ong as B�r�ovrre��s��rf�rming such agreemen�;�b�cont�sts th��i�n in��od fai#h by,�r de��a�ds against enfoxcem�nt�f
<br /> �h� lien ir�, I�ga�pracee��.gs whic�n in Lender's ap�ion op�e���re�ent the enfarc�ment vf the I�e�w�u�e thase
<br /> �aroc�ed�ngs are p�ndu�g,bu�only until such proceeda�gs ar�c8nciuded;or[��s�cur�s fra�rn�he holder vf�he�ien a�
<br /> agre�m�n�sat�sfa�t�ry to Lender su�bordina�i.ng the li�n ta��his S�cur�ty�ns�lunen�.I.f Lender d��ernlines�a�a��'par�of
<br /> �h�Properry�s subj�c��o a�ien w�uGh��.n.atta�n priar�ty o�rer t��S��ur�ty Instrum�nt,Lender may�ive�3�r�ower a
<br /> nat�ce i�.en��fying�he l�en.yV�thin�.4 days of�e date o�vvhi�h�ha��o'ce is�iven,Barrower sha��sa�sfy the lie�or�ake
<br /> ��e�r mor�of�ae�.c��Qns set��rt�.�.bo�ve in this Sec�i��4.
<br /> Len.d�r�nay r�qui.re Borro�rer to�ay a�ne-time charge for a reaX es�at��verifican�n andlor r�por�ing ser�riGe used
<br /> by�end�r�n c��neetion w�th�his Laan,
<br /> 5,pr�perty Insurance.�3�rro�ver sha11 keep�he improv�men�s nov�existinb�r hereafter erec��d�n th�Prvper�y
<br /> insure�agair�st��ss���r�,hazards included w��hi��h�t�rm"�xte�ded cov�rage,"and�ny oth.er ha�ards�c�uc�ng,�u�
<br /> no�Iimited�o,earth.��a�es and#�oods,for w�ich Lender req��res iusurance,Th�s insuranc�shal��e ma�n�a�n�d in the
<br /> am�urits(inc�ud�n.�dedt�c��ble Te�e��]and f�r tbe p�riads�hat�e�q.de�requires.�hat L�ndEr requ�res pursuant ta the
<br /> pre�eding sentences can c�ange dur�n��he terxaa�af the�van.'�he u�suran�e�arrie�pravid�ng the insurance sha��b�
<br /> �ha�s�n by B�rrower suby�c��o I�e�d�r's right�� dxs�approy��3arr�wer's choice, whicb r�gh� shal�n��be �xerGised
<br /> unreas�nab�y.Le�d�r may requ.ire Borrower�a pay,in connec�on wi�h th�.s Laan,ei�her:�a�a one-time�harge for flood
<br /> �o�e d���rrr�ir�atiari, cer�if ca�ian and�racl�ing services; ox �b]� an�-ti�me charge f�r floa�1�on� deter�x�i��.�i�n and
<br /> cer��fiGa��an s�xvi�es a.nd su�sequ�nt charges ea�h ti.m�r��.tappings�r si.m�lar changes o�cur which reasonab��xnig;ht
<br /> a�'ect such d�t�rmu�a�ian or cert��ca�ion.Borr�wer sha1�a�so be respons�bl�far the payme�t of any fe�s im�os��b��he
<br /> Federal Emer�ency N,�an.a�ement Agen�y in G�nn��ion�wit�the revi�w o�f any fload�ane c���ermu�.a��on resu�t�ng from
<br /> �n abj e��ion by�orrower.
<br /> If I�v�raw�r fa��1s to ma�taua any vf�he ca��era�,es �escribed abo��,�.ender may ob�a�.n. insurance cov�rage, at
<br /> Lender's�pt�an�nd B�rrv�ver's�xpens�.Lender xs under�.�nialigat�on�o purchase a�y part�cu�ar ty��or am�unt of
<br /> coverage.'T'herefore,�uch c�vera��shall caver Lender,bu�might�r�ugh�nat prot�c�Borrow�r,Borrvv�r�r's equ.ity in
<br /> �he Pr�per�y,or t�ae conte�ts of�e Pr�per�y, aga�nst any risk,hazar�or�iab�l�ty an�.migh�pravide�reater�r��sser
<br /> ca�re�a.�e than v�as p�r��r�ously in,��f�c�.�arrawer ac�n.�vvledges t1�at�h.�c�s�of the i.nsuranc�coverage sa ob�i.�ed�nxgh�
<br /> sign��carit�y exceed t�ie cos�of an.suran.ce that Borro�uver c�uld hav�o�b�ained.Any am�unts d�sbursed�y��nd.er under
<br /> �hr�Sect�on 5 shall���ome addi�i�nal de�b�of Barrov�er secuared by�h�s S�curity Ins�ru.men�.7rhese amoun�s sha.��beax
<br /> xnteres�a��he���e rate from the da�e of dis�urs�men�and shall be payab�e��ith such u�terest,upon no�ice fir�m Lend�r
<br /> ���orravver r�questulg payment. �
<br /> A�1-insuran�� p�lic�es required by I�ender and r�newals of such po�icies shai� be subjeet�o Lender's r��ht�a
<br /> disappro�e sucb palicies,sha���nciude a s�anc�ard mortga�e c�ause,a�d shall name Lender as mor�ga��e andl�r as an
<br /> additiona� �Qss payee. Lender shal� have th�righ��o b��Xd the po��c�es a�.d renevva� cert�fi�a�es. �f Lender requires,
<br /> �orrQvver sha1l prampt�y give�o�end�r aIl rece�p�s of�a�d premiums arid renewaZ nv�ic�s.�f Borrower ol���.ir�s any forn�
<br /> NEBRASKA-S�ng�e F�mi�y-Fannie Mae1F'r�ddie Mac UN1F�F�►!iNSTRl1M�,NT�ri�h MERS Form '��4
<br /> Pa�e 5 0#�3
<br /> �os,�r�c. Borrawer�s}ln���als �
<br />