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2� 1 ����83 <br /> B�RR�V�ER C�VENANTS tha��rrower is Iawfuliy seised of�he es�ate hereby con�ey� h,as�he right tn <br /> gran�and convey the Property and that�he Property�s unencumber�l, except for encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> Barra�rer warrants arYd wilx defeand generaxly the titl��o the Property aga�nst al�c�a�ms and demands, subj�ct ta <br /> any encumbran�es of re�ord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�en,ants for national use and nan-uan�.farm co�en,ants wi,th, <br /> Iimited�rariations by jur�.sdict�on to c�nst�tu�e a uxuform security instrument ca�er�ng rea�praper�y. <br /> Uniform Co�en�nts. Barrower and Lender co��n,aa�t and agree as fax�ows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, �nter�st. Escrow [tems, Prepaym�nt Ch�rges, end Late Ch�rges. Borrower <br /> sha11 pay when due the principal of, and in�erest an, the debt e�ridenc,�d by the Note and any prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges due under�h.e Note. B�rrower shal�also pay funds for Escro�Items pursuan�ta <br /> Sect�nn 3. Paym�nts due under the Note and t.his Securxty in�s�rument sha1��e made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�er, if any check or o�her instrumen�re,�ex�ved by Lender as pay7ment und�r�he Not�or�iis Security <br /> Ins�rument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or a1x subsequent payments due under <br /> the No�e and�his Secwri.�y Instrument be made in one ar more of t�.e fo��owing forms, as se�ected by L�nder: <br /> �a}cash; �b}money ord�r; �c}cer�xf�ed check, bank check,�rea�urer's ch�k or cashier's che�k, provided any <br /> such check is drawn upon an ulstiitu�ion whose depflsits are i�asur�d by a f�.era1 agency, instrumentality, ar <br /> en�ity; ar�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are d�emed recei�ed by Lender when received at�he 1oCa.��on design�a�ted in the N'n�e or at such <br /> o�her location as may be design�ed by Lender in accardanCe w�th�he notice pro�isians in Sec�ion 15. <br /> Lend�r may return any payment or par�ia�pa�ment if�he pa�n.ent or part�a�.paym�nts are insuff�cient�o <br /> bring the Loan curren�. I.�nder may ac�ep�any payment ar par�ial pa�men�insufficien�t�bring the Loan <br /> current, w�thout wai��r of any righ�s hereunder�r prejudice to its ri�hts to refuse such pa�ment or parxial <br /> payments in�he future,but L,�nd�r is nat�bligaxed t�apply such payments at the time such paymen�s are <br /> accepted. �f eaeh Per�od�e Payrnen��s appli�a�of xts scheduled due date, Chen Lender n�d not pa�in.ter�st <br /> on unagpl�ed fun.�ls, Lender may hold such un.,a.pplied funds unti�Borr�v�er makes paymen�s�a bring the <br /> Laan current. If Borrov�rer do�s nat do so wi.�.ri a reasonabl�perind of time, Lender shal�either app�y 5uch <br /> funds or return�h.em�a Borrower. If not appl��earlier, such funds wi��he appl��i ta�he autstanding <br /> princ�pal balance under th�Note innmediateiy prior�o forec�osure. No offset or c�aim which Bnrrow�r m�,ght <br /> ha�e naw or in�he futur�again�s�Lender sha1�re�ie�e Borrower from making pa�ments due under�,he Not� <br /> an.d tliis S�curxty Ins�ru.ment ar perfornung the co�ren�nts and agreements secured by�hY.s Security <br /> Ins�rument. <br /> �. Appiicat�on af Pa�ments or Proceeds. Except as othervvise descr�bed in�his�t�on 2, a1�payments <br /> accepted and applied by I�nder shal�be applied in the fallowing order of p�iority: �a} interest due under�he <br /> Note; �b}prin,cipal due under�he llTvxe; tc) amounts due under Sectian 3. Such paymen�s sha�1 be applied ta <br /> each Periodic Payment in t�a.e order in which��b�came due. Any rem�i�n_g amounts shall be applxed first�o <br /> late charges, second ta any o�her amounts due under�his 5ecwrity Instrument, and then to reduce the <br /> prir�cip�1 balance of the Note. <br /> If Lender recei�es a payment from Borrawer for a deiinqu�nt Periodxc Pay�ment inelud�a suffic�en� <br /> amount to pay any late charge due, the payment may b�applied to the delxnquent paymenx and the Ia�e <br /> charge, If more than one Period�c Paymen�is nutstanding, Lender ma.y app��any payment recei�ed from <br /> Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments xf, and ta the e��en�that, each paymen�can be paid in <br /> fu�x. Tv the extent thax any�xcess exx.sts after the paymenti xs app�ied to�he fu11 pa.�ment of one ar more <br /> Periodic Payments, such��cess may be applied to any Ia�e�harg�s due. Voluntary prepayments shali be <br /> app�i�d first ta any prepayment charges and�hen as described in the Nate. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fanni�MaelFredd�e Mac UNI�DRM 1N5TRUMENT Fvrm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VMPf{NEI{1302).�D <br /> Woiters Kluw�r Financial Services Page 4 vf 17 <br /> t <br />