2� 1 ����87
<br /> payrnent of junior trust deeds, m�r�gages, ar o�h.er lier�ho�ders and�he balance, if any, t� the person vr persvns
<br /> legal�y ent���ed �hereto. The�recita�s in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie e�idence of th� tru�h of the
<br /> s�a�ements made�n it.If Lender chooses to in�oke the po,t7ver of sale,Lender or Trus�ee�il�provide notice�f sale
<br /> pursuan�to app�icable lavt�. Any such sale �r a sale made pursuant t� a judgment ar a decree for the for�cl�sure
<br /> hereuf may, at f.he opti�n of Lender, b� made en masse. The �ommencement of praceedings t� forecl�se �his
<br /> Security Instrument in any manuer authvr�2ed by�av�shall be deemed as e�erclse of the above opti�n.
<br /> Upon the �ccurrence �f an E�ent flf I�efaui�, Lender sha11 immedia�ely be entitled t� make appi�cation for and
<br /> ob�a�n the appointm�nt of a rece�ver far the Propert}�and�f the earnings, inc�me, issue and pr���s �f it,wi�h the
<br /> pvvvers as the c�u�-�mak�ng�1ie appointmenfis �onfers. Grantor herel�y irrevvcably c�n�en�s t� such appointment
<br /> and vvai�es n��ice uf an�app�ication therefor.
<br /> N� 'WAIV�R.No delay or farlure �f Lender�v ex�rcise an� r�ght, remedy, power or pri`rilege hereunder sha1�
<br /> afFect�ha�right,remedy,p��er ar privilege nor sha�l an�single or par�ia�exercise thereof prec�ude�he exercise Qf
<br /> any righ�,remedy, p��er or privilege.No Lender deiay�r fai�ure to demand stri�t adheren�e t�the terms �f�his
<br /> Security Ins�rument sha�l�e deemed t� c�ns��tu�e a course vf canduct�ncons�stent with Lender's righ�at any time,
<br /> befare or af�er an e�rent of default, �� demand strict adherence to the �erms of th�s SeGurit� rnstrument and �h�
<br /> Rela�ed Documents.
<br /> SUBSTITYJTE TRUST�E.Lender, a�its option,may fr�m�i_me�a tune rem�ve Trus��e and appoin�a su�cessor
<br /> i.rustee �� any Trus�ee appo�nted hereu�der by an �nstrument r�c�rded �n �he coun�y in �rhich fhis Security
<br /> Instrument is recorded. �ithaut con�e�rance of�he Property, the successor trustee sha�l su�ceed t� aI1 the title,
<br /> power and dut�es�onferred upon Trus�ee herein and by appl��able�av�.
<br /> J�INT AND SEVER.AL LY�BILITY'.If this 5ecur�ty Instrument shauld be signed by more than�ne persan, aIl
<br /> persons e�ecuting this Secux�ty Instrument agree that they sha�1 be jo�n�Iy and se�era�ly haund,�here permit�ed�}�
<br /> �a�.
<br /> SUR'�IVAL.Lender's rights in this Security Tnstrument v�rill cant�.nue in its successors and assigns. This Security
<br /> Inst�ument is binding on all heirs,e�ecu��rs,admin�stra�ors,assigns and successors�f Grantor.
<br /> NQTICES AN1] �AI�ER��F N�TI�E. TJn�ess o�herv�rise required by applicable Ia�v, any n��ice or demand
<br /> given�y Lender�o any par� is cons�dered effec�i�e: [i� when it is deposited in the Uni�ed S�ates Mai� wi�h the
<br /> appropria�e p�stage; �ii} vvhen it is sen� via electron�c mail; �ixi� �hen it �s sen� via facsimi�e; �iv} when it is
<br /> dep�sited with a nationally recagnized overn�ght courier ser�ice; �v) �n the da� of persanal de��ver�; ar �v�� an�
<br /> ��her�vmmerc�ally reasonab�e means. A copy of any notice shai�be sen��o each par�r a�the address of�he party
<br /> g��en at�he beginning of th�s Secu.rit�r Instru7ment un�ess an a��e��nati�e address has been pra�rided t� Lender in
<br /> writing.To the extent permit�ed by law, Gran�or wa��es nfltice of Lender's acceptance of th�s 5ecuri�rnstrument,
<br /> defenses based on suret�ship, any defense arising from any elec�ion b�Lender under the Uni�ed States Bankrup��y
<br /> �ode, Uniform C�mmer�ial Code, as ena�ted in�he s�a�e where Lender �s �vcated or flther applicable �av�r or in
<br /> equity, demand, noti�e �f accelera��on, no�ice �f nvnpayYnent, presentment, pr��es�, na�ice af dish�nor and any
<br /> other no�ic�. �
<br /> RE�iTEST F�R N�TI�ES.: Gran��r reques�s that�opies of�he n�tice❑f defaul�and noti�e�f sa�e be sent tu the
<br /> address of ea�h par�r gi�en a��he beginning flf the Se�uri�Instrument.
<br /> '�AIVER UF APPRAISEII�IENT RIGHTS. �ran�or wai�es aI� appraisement righ�s relating t� the ProperCy tv
<br /> the exten�permitt�d by law. �
<br /> LENDER'S E�PENSES. Grantor agrees��pay al�expenses incurred by Lender in�onne�t�on�ith enforcement
<br /> uf i�s rights under the Indebtedness,�his Security Instrument ar in�he event Lender is made part�r to an��itigati�n
<br /> because of�he �xistence of�the Inde�tedness�r this Security Instrumen�, as v�rell as court�os�s, ��llec�ion charges
<br /> and reasonable at�a�-neys'f�es and disbursemen�s.
<br /> ASSI�NABILITY. Lender ma� assign or �therwise lransfer th�s �ecurity Instrument or any �f Lender's righ�s
<br /> under this Security Instrum�nt�ithout notice t� Gran�or. �ran�ar may n�t assign thrs Securi�Instrument or any
<br /> part�f�he Security Instrument v�ith�ut the express wr�tten consen�of Lender.
<br /> ���ERNING LA'L�. This Security Instrument wi�l be gv�erned by the �avvs ❑f the S�a�e of Nebraska�nclud�ng
<br /> aII pr�ceedings arising fr�m�his Securit�Instrurnen�.
<br /> SEVERABILITY. If a cow.-� of �omp�tent jur�sdict�an de�ermines any term or provisi�n nf #h�s Security
<br /> Instrument is �nva�id or prohibi�ed by appl�cable lav�, �hat term vr pr��rision v�ill be �neffecti�ve t� the exten�
<br /> required.Any term or pr�visian tha�has been de�ermined�o be�nval�d or prohibited�rill be severed from the rest
<br /> �f�he Security Instrument v�ri�h�ut in�alidating the remainder af eifher �he affec�ed p�•Qvision �r this Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> 'L7L�AIVER �F JURY TRLA�I1. A�� par�ie� to this Securit� Instrument here�y knawingly and voluntari�y
<br /> wai�e,tv the fullest e�tent permitted by�aw,any right to trial by jury of any dispute,��h�ther�n c�ntract,
<br /> t�rt,or otherwise,arising aut of,in connection�ith,�-elated ta,flr incidenta�t❑the reiationship estab�ished
<br /> between them in th�s Securit� Instrument �r any other instrument, dacument ar agreement e�ecuted �r
<br /> del�vered in connectivn wxth this Security Instrumen�or the Related Documen�s.
<br /> �2004-2UI5 Complia�ce Systems,I�c.G8F9-AESD-2�
<br /> Commercial Real Estate 5ecurity Instrument-DL4�U7 Page 4 of 5 ��nv.complia�cesystems.com
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