2� 1 ����78
<br /> Property �ondition, Axteratxons and Inspection. Trustor will keep the Property in goad �ondition and
<br /> make a11 repairs that ar� r�asanably necessary. Trustar shall no� commit or allov� any waste, impairment, or
<br /> deterioratian of�he Property. Trustor agrees �hat �he nature �f t�ie occupancy and use wi�i not substantial�y
<br /> �hange wi�hout Ben�ficiary's pr�or written cons�nt. Trustor w��l nvt p�rmit any change �n any license,
<br /> restric�ive �ovenant or easement wxth.au� Ben�ficia.r�'s priar wr�tten consen�. Trustor will not�fy B�nefi�ia.ry
<br /> of aII demands, praceedings, ciaims, and ac�ions a�ainst Trust�r, and of any loss or damage to the Praperty.
<br /> Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agents may, at Benefi�iary's option, enter the Property at any reasona�Ie tim�for
<br /> the purpos� af inspect�ng �he Praperty. Beneficiary shall give Trustor notice at the time of or before an
<br /> �nspection specifying a reasflnable purpose far the inspectian. Any insp��tion of�he Praperty shall be ent�rely
<br /> for Benefic�ary's benefit an�Trustor w�ll in no way re�y an Beneficiary's inspe�tian.
<br /> Authori.ty to Perforn�. If Trus�or fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in thYs Security
<br /> Instrument, Benefi�iary may, wxthaut natice, p�rform ar caus� them to be perfarmed. Trustar appoints
<br /> Beneficiary as attamey in fact to sign Trustor's name ar pay any amount ne�essary for performance.
<br /> � Beneficiary's r�ght ta perfarm for Trustar sha�� not crea�e an obligation to perform, and Beneficiary's failur�
<br /> to perform wxll not p�eclude Sene�ciary from exer�ising any of Ben��ciary's other rxgh�s under �he 1aw or
<br /> this Security Instrumen�.
<br /> Leaseho�ds; Condominiums; P�anned Unit De�e�opments. Trustor agrees to comply with the pravisions of
<br /> any lease zf thxs 5ecuri�y �nstrument is �n a l�as�hold. If the Property incXudes a unit in a condamxnium ar a
<br /> planned unit d�vel�pment, Trustar will perform a�l nf Trustor's duties under the cov�nants, by-Iaws, ar
<br /> regularions of th�cond�min�um or planned unrt devel�pmen�.
<br /> Condemnatian, Trustor will give Bene�cxary prompt natice of any p�nding or threa��ned action, by pri�ate
<br /> ar pub�ic entities to purchase or take any or all af the Property �hraugh �andemnatian, emxnent domain, ar
<br /> any ather means. Trustor authorizes Beneficiary to interven� rn Trustar's nam� in any af the above described
<br /> actions or cla.ims. Trustor ass�gns �o Beneficiaxy the praceeds of any award or claim for damages connec�ed
<br /> wxth a �ondemnatian or ather taking of aII or any part of �he Praperty. Such proc��ds sha11 be cansidered
<br /> payments and will be appiied as provided in this Secur�ty Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is subject
<br /> �o the terms af any prior mortgage, d�ed of trust, securit}r agreement or ather lien document.
<br /> Insuran�e. Trustor shal� ke�p Prop�rty xnsured agains� Xoss �y fire, flood, theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably associated with �he Property due to its type and location. This insurance shall be maintained in th�
<br /> amaun�s and for the periods.that Benefic�a.ry requir�s. What Beneficiary re�uires pursuant to th� preced�ng
<br /> two sentences can �hange during �he term af the Secure� Debt. The insurance carrier providing the insurance
<br /> sha11 be chasen by Trustor subject to Benef�ciary's approva�, which shall nat be unreasanabXy wrthh�ld. If
<br /> Trus�or fails ta mainta�n the caverage des�ribed abave, Beneficiary may, a� Beneficiary's optron, o�tain
<br /> co�erage�o pr�tec�Beneficiary's rights in the Property accarding ta the terms of�his Security Instrum�nt.
<br /> AIl insurance policies and reneurals shall be acceptabXe to Benefi�iary and shall includ� a standard "martgage
<br /> clause" and, where applicab��, "l�ss paye� clause." Trustor shall immed�at�ly nfltxfy Beneficiary of
<br /> cancella�ion ar �erminati�n of the insuranc�. Beneficiary shal� ha�e the r�ght �a ho�d the policies and
<br /> renewals. Zf Benefic�ary requ�res, Trus�or sha.11 immediately give to Beneficiary a11 rece�pts af paid premiums
<br /> and renewal n��ices. Upon xoss, Trustor shal.l gx�e immediate natice �o �he insurance ca.rrier and Bene�ciary.
<br /> Ben��ciary may make praaf of loss if not made�mm�diately by Trustar.
<br /> Uniess oth�rwYse agreed in ,wri�ing, aII insurance pro�eeds sha.11 b� app�ied tn the r�storation or repair of the
<br /> Praper�y or to the Secured Debt, whether or not �hen due, at Beneficia.ry's op�ian. Any application of
<br /> proceeds to pr�ncxpal shal.� n�� �xtend ar p�stpane the due dat� �f th� sch�dul�d payment nor change the
<br /> amount of any payment. Any �xcess wi11 b� paid to the Trustor. �f the Pr�per�y is acquired by Benefi�iary,
<br /> Trust�r's right to any insuran�e pal�cies and proce�ds result�ng from damage to the Property b�fore the
<br /> acquisxtian shaxl pass to Benefzcxary to the ext�nt af the Secured Deb��mmediately before�he acquisition.
<br /> Financial Reparts and Add�t�onai I3ocuments. Trustor will provide ta Beneficiary upon request, any
<br /> financial s�atement or �nf�rmatYon S�n�fi�iary may deem reasona�Xy necessary. Trustor agrees t❑ sign,
<br /> � delzver, and file any additYonal documents or certifiCations that BenefiGiary may consider necessary ta perfect,
<br /> cont�nu�, and preserve Trustar's o�ligatians under this Security �nstrum�nt and �eneficiary's li�n status on
<br /> the Property.
<br /> 6. W Y �F TITLE. Trustar warrants that Trustor is �r will be lawful�y s�ized of�he estate conv�yed
<br /> �y thrs Security Znstrumen� and ha.s the right tn �rre�ocably grant, convey, and sell the Prapez�ty to Truste�, in
<br /> trust, with power af sa�.e. Trustor ais� wa.rrants that the Praperty �s unen�umbered, except for encumbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. B�n�ficiary may, a� its opt�on, d�clare �he en�ire balance af th� Secured Debt to be
<br /> immediately du� and paya�le upon the creatian of, or cantract for�he creatian of, a transfer or sale of a�l or
<br /> any part of the Property. This right is su�j ect to the restri�ti�ns impase� �y federa.� Iaw �I Z �.F.R. 5 9 I�, as
<br /> agpXicable.
<br /> Se�urity lnstrument-Dp�n-�nd-Cansumer-N� �CP-RE�T-N� 712I2D�1
<br /> VMP�Bankers Systems�" VMP-C4�5fNE� t1107y.�0
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices C�J1994,2�1 1 Page�af 5
<br />