2� 1 ����75
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �C��tir�ued� Page 7
<br /> Na 1Nai�er by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed ta ha�e wai�ed any righfis under this Deed of Trust un[ess such
<br /> wa��er�s gi�en in writing and si�ned by Lender. Nv delay ar omissivn on the part o�Lender in exercising any righ�
<br /> sha�l operate as a wai�er of such right or any other right. A►rvai�er by Lender a�a pro�isian of�his Deed of T�ust
<br /> sha[I not prejudice ar cons�itute a wai�er o� Lender's righ� otherwise to demand stric� compfiance w�th that
<br /> pro��sian or any a�her pro�ision of �his Deed af Trust. Na prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course �f deafing
<br /> b�tween Lender and T�-ustar, sha�� const�tute a wai�er o� any af Lender"s rights ar af any of Trustor's obligations
<br /> as ta any future transac�tions. Whenever the con�ent �f Lender is required under this Deed af Trust, the gran�ing
<br /> afi such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitu�Ce can�inuing consen�to subsequen� instances where
<br /> su�h cansent is required and in all�ases such consen�may be granted o�wi�hheld in the sale discre�tion of Lende�.
<br /> Se�erability. If a cour� o� competent jurisd�c#ion �inds any pro�ision o�this Deed of Trus�to be i�legal, in�alid, or
<br /> unenforceable as to any person ❑r Gircumstance, that fiind�ng shall nat mak� the vffending pro�ision illega�, in�afid,
<br /> or unen�or�eable as to any other persan or circums�ance. If feas�b[e, the of�ending pro�ision shall be consid�red
<br /> modified sv tha� i� becomes legal, �alid and enforceable. !f the offending pra�isi�n cannat be so madi�ied, it shal[
<br /> be cvnsidered deleted from this Deed of Trust. Unless ather►rvise requ�red by law, �he illega�ity, inWalidi�y, or
<br /> unen�orceabi[ity of any pro�ision ofi this Deed af Trust shalf nvt affect�he lega[ity, �a[idity or enforceability of any
<br /> vther pra�isian of�his Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Successars and Assigns. Subje�t to any limitations stated in this Deed of Trust vn transfier vf Trus�or's interest,
<br /> this Deed v# Trust shail be bind�ng upon and inure to th� bene�it o� the par�ies, their su�cessors and assigns. ff
<br /> ownership af the Property becames �ested in a persan other than Trus�or, Lender, w�thout no�ice to Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trustor's successors with re�erence to this Deed of Trust and th� fndebtedn�ss by way of fvrh�arance or
<br /> extension without releasing Trustor from the obf igations of this Deed of Trust or�iability under the f nde��edness.
<br /> Time is v�the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance o�this Deed v�Trust.
<br /> WaiWe Jury, A1i part�es ta this Deed af Trust hereby wai�e�he r�gh��o any jury tr�al in any action. pro�eeding, or
<br /> caunterG�a'rm brought by any party against any o�her party.
<br /> V11ai�er af Homes�ead Exemption. Trus�or hereby re[eases and wai�es a!� rights and �enefits of the hames�ead
<br /> exemp�tian Iaws of the 5tate a�F Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by�h�s �eed vf Trust.
<br /> DEFINITIQNS, The�ollowing capitalized wards and terms shall ha�e the foflowing meanings when used in this Deed of
<br /> Trust. Un[ess specifically sta�ed �o�the contrary, ali re#erences tv dollar amounts shaf[ mean amounts in lawful mon�y
<br /> of the United 5tates of America. Words and t�rms used in the singular shall inGlude the pfural, and �he plural shall
<br /> inc[ude �he singular, as the con�ext may r�quire. Wards and term� not otherwise de�fined in this Deed of Trus� shall
<br /> have the meanings attributed tv such terms in the Uniform Commercia� Code:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "6enefiiciary" means Exchange Bank, and its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Borrvwer. The word "Borrawer" means George Millan Jr, and Manica Millan and includes all co-signers and
<br /> co-makers signing the Note and a[[�heir successors and assigns.
<br /> Qeed of Trust. The words "Deed o� Trust" mean this Deed af Trust among Trustvr, Lender. and Trus�ee, and
<br /> inGludes withaut limitation all assignment and secur�ty inter�st pra�isianS relating ta th� Personaf Prope��y and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> De�Fault. The word "De�ault" means the Default set fvrth in this Deed of Trust in the sec'�ion�i�led "De�ault".
<br /> En��ronmental Laws. The words '"EnWiranmental Laws" mean any and alf state, �ederal and ivcal s�atu�es,
<br /> regu�a'tions and ordinances relafiing to the p�-vtection o� human heal�h or the en�ironment, including without
<br /> limi�ation the Comprehensi�e En�ir�nmental Response, �vmpensati�n, aand=Lia�rlity Act"o� 1��980, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. �ecti4n 96�1, et seq. �"CERCLAr"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorizatian Act vf �98�, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"y. the Hazardous Materials Transportation Ac�, 49 U.S.C. Section �8fl1. e�s�q.� the Resource
<br /> Conser�a�ivn and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.�. Sec�ion 69�1, et seq., ar ather appli�able s�a�e vr�edera! faws, ruies,
<br /> ar regula�ions adopted pursuant thereto,
<br /> Errent of Defaul�. The words '"E�ent v�Default" mean any of the e�ents of defaul�se��vrth in this Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the e�en�s o�default sectivn of this Deed v�Trus�.
<br /> Guaran�y. The word "Guaran#y" means�he guaranty from guaran�or, endarser, su�ety, ar accommodation party�o
<br /> Lender, including►rvithvu��imi�a�ion a guaranty of all or part o�the Note.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. The wards "Hazardous Substances" mean maxerials that, because of their quantity,
<br /> concentration 4r physicaC, chem��af ar infectiaus charac�eristics, may cause or pose a present or potentia� hazard
<br /> to human health a�the en�irvnment when improperly used, �reated, stored, disposed af, generated, manufactured,
<br /> transparted or otherwise handfed. The words "Hazardvus Substan�es" are used in their �ery broadest sense and
<br /> include without �imi�a#ion any and afl ha�ardaus or toxic substances, materiais or waste as de��ned �y or listed
<br /> under the Enrrironmenta[ Laws, The�erm "Ha�ardvus Substances" a�sv incfudes, withau�limitation. petrofeum and
<br /> petraleum by-praducts or any fraction thereof and asbestos.
<br /> lmpra�ements. The wvrd "Impro�emen�s" means alf existing and fu#ure impro�ements, buildings, s�ructures,
<br /> mabile homes affiixed on the Rea1 Property, facifities, additions, replacements and vther canstruct�on vn �he Reaf
<br /> Prv pe rty.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "[ndeb�edness" m�ans all principalr interest, and vther amaunts, casts and exp�nses
<br /> payab�e under the Note or Reia�ed Documents, tagether with all renewals of, extensions ofi, modifications af,
<br /> cansafidat'rons vf and substitutians#or�he Note or F�elated Dv�uments and any amounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender ta discharge Trusta�'s obligations o� expenses incurred by Trus�ee or Lender ta enforce Trus�vr's
<br /> obfigatians under this Deed o� Trust, tvgether w�th interes� on such amoun�s as provEded in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Specifica[ly, withou� �imi�tafiion� Indebtedness inc�udes the future ad�ances set for�h in the Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�ision, tage�her wi�h all in�e�e�t thereon and all amvunts that may be indirect[y secured by the
<br /> Cross-Cvllateralization proWision of this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> Note. The word "No�e" means �he promissary note da�ed January 29, 20��, �� th� ari�inal prin�ipai
<br /> amount of �90,4��.���rvm Trustor to Lender, together r►vith all renewals vfi, extensions af, modifications of,
<br /> refinancings of, �onsalidations o�, and subs�ti�u�ians far the prflmissory note ar agre�ment. NDTICE T� TRUST�R:
<br /> Personal Property. Th� wards "Persona! Proper�ty" mean all equipment, fix�ures, and other articfes of personal
<br /> praper�y no►rv vr hereaf�er owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter at'tached ar aff�xed to the Real �roperty;
<br /> �oge#her ►rvith all accessions, par�s, and addi�ions to, all repfac�ments ❑f, and a�l subs#i�tut�ons for, any of such
<br /> property; and toge�her uvith a1! proceeds tinc�uding without limi�ation alf insurance proceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums] frvm any sale or o�her dispvsition of�he Property.
<br /> Property. The rrvord "Praper�y" means collecti�ely the Real Prvperty and�he Persana! Property.
<br /> Reat Property. The v►rords '"Real Proper�y" mean�he real prvperty, in�erests and rights, as �ur#her des�ribed in this
<br /> Deed o�Trust.
<br />