2� 1 ����57
<br /> Instrument. MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware,and has an address and telephone numher
<br /> of P.�. Box��26, Fiint, MI 485�1-2�2�, tel. (888} 679-MERS.
<br /> �F} '�ote"means the pramissory note signed by Borrnwer and dated JANLTARY 2 2, 2�1 G .
<br /> The Note states that Borrower awes Lender �NE HUNDRED F�RTY TH�USAND SEVEN HUNDRED
<br /> TWENTY AND 0��1 D� Do�lars (U.S. $ 14 D,7 2�.�D �
<br /> p�us interesti. Borrower has pramised to pay this debt in regular Perxodic Payments and to pay the debt�n full not later
<br /> �}1� FEBRUARY 1. 2�4 6 .
<br /> (�} "Prvperty"means the praperty that is described below under the heading"Transfer of Rights�n the Praperty."
<br /> (H} "Loan"means the deht e�idenced by the Note, p�us interest, �ate charges due under the Note, and a11 sums due
<br /> under this Security Instrument, plus interest.
<br /> �I} 'Ztiders"means all Riders to this 5ecurity Instrument tha�are executed by Borrower. The fallowing Riders are
<br /> to be executed by Borravver [�he�k box as applicable�:
<br /> � Adjustable Rate Rider � Pianned Unit De�elopment Rider
<br /> � Condvminium Rider � �th�r�s� [specify]
<br /> (J} "Applicable Law"means a11 contralling applicable federal, state and lacal sta�utes, regulatians, ordinances and
<br /> administrati�e rules and orders �that ha�e the effect af�aw� as we11 as all applicable final, non-appealable judicial
<br /> opinions.
<br /> (K} "�ommunity Association Dues, F�es, and Assessm�nts"means all dues, fees, assessments and ather charges
<br /> tha� are i_mposed on Borrawer or the Property by a condominium association, hameowners association ar stmilar
<br /> organization.
<br /> (L� '�lectronic Fun�is Transfer"means any tr�nsfer of�ur�ds, ather than a transaction originated by check, draft,
<br /> or similar paper instru.ment, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, t��eph�nic instrument, computer, or
<br /> magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financia� insti�ution ta debit or credit an accvun�. Such term
<br /> includes, but is not limited ta, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfers initiat�d by
<br /> t�lephane, wire transfers, and automated clearinghouse transfers.
<br /> (M� "Escrow ItemS"means those items that are described in Section 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneous Pro�eeds"means any compensatifln, settlement, award of darnages, ar praceeds paid by any
<br /> third party �other than insurance prviceeds paid under the co�erages described in Sec�ian 5} for: �i} damage to, ar
<br /> destructi�n af, the Property; �ii�candemnatian or ather taking of ai1 or any part of the Property; �iii�con�eyance in
<br /> lieu vf condemnati�n; or (i��misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the�alue andlor condi�ion of the Praperty.
<br /> (Q} '�.Viortgage Insuran�e"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or defauit on, the L�an.
<br /> (P} "Periodic Payment"means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i}principal and interest under the Note,
<br /> plus�ii�any amounts under Section 3 of�his Security Instrument.
<br /> �Q) '�tESPA"means the Rea1 Estate Settlement Procedures A�t �l2 U.S.�. §26�1 et seq.} and �ts impiementing
<br /> regu�ation, Regulation� �12 �.F.R. Fart 1�24), as they might be amended firom time to time, or any additianal or
<br /> successor legislation ar regulation that go�erns the same su�ject matter. A.s used in this Secur�ty Instrument, "RESPA"
<br /> refers to all requirements and restrict�ons tha�are imposed in regard ta a"federa�ly related martgage loan" e�en if the
<br /> Loan does not qualify as a "federally related m�rtgage lvan" under RESPA.
<br /> (R} "Secr�tary"means the Secretary af the United States Depar�ment of Hvusing and Urban De�eiopment ar his
<br /> designee.
<br /> �S} "Su�cessor in InterQst of Barr�wer"means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not that
<br /> party has assumed Borrovver's obligations under the Nvte andlor this Security Instrument.
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