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2� 1 ����38 <br /> �EE� �F TRU�T <br /> � ���nt��ued} Page 7 <br /> Time is of the Essence. Tim�is of the essence in the perfarmance afr this Deed of Trus#. <br /> Vllai�e Jury. A11 par�ies�v this Deed vfi Trust hereby waive the right tv any jury triai in any a�tion, prviceeding, ar <br /> caunterc�aim brvugh�by any party aga'rnst any o#her par�y. <br /> W��►rer of H�mestead Exemptivn. Trus�or h�reby releases and waives all rights and benefi#s of the hvmestead <br /> exemption laws a�the S�a#e af N�braska as�a ali indeb��dness se�ured by this Deed of Trus�. <br /> DEFINITIDNS, The fo��ow�ng capitali�ed wnrds and�erms shall ha�e the follawing m�anings when us�d in this❑eed af <br /> Trust. lJnless spe�ifi�a�Iy stated�v the contrary, al[ re€erences to dollar amoun�s shall mean amounts in lawful money <br /> of�he United States of Ame��ca. Vllords and terms used in �he singular shall include #he plura[, and �he plural shall <br /> inciude �he singuiar, as the cvntex� may �equire. Vllords and terms nat o�herwise defined �n �his Deed of Trust sha[� <br /> ha�e�he meanings attrihuted to such terms in�he L]nifvrm Commercia�Code: <br /> Beneficiary. The wvrd"geneficiary"means Firs�National Bank of Qmaha,and its successars and ass€gns. <br /> B�rrower. The w�rd "Borrower" means JefFrey E J�nes and Michelle L Jones and includes all co-signers and <br /> co-makers signing�he Note and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Tru�t. The wards "Deed o�F Tr�us�" mean this �eed o�f Trust amang Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes with�ut limitatian aI� assignment and security snterest p�o�isions relat�ng ta fhe P�rsonal P�vpetty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Default. The ward"[]efault"means�he Defaulf set forth in�his Deed of Trust�n the sectivn tifled"Defaul�". <br /> En�irvnmen�al Laws. The words "En�ironmen�al Laws" mean any and a[I state, federal and �ocal s�atutes, <br /> reguia��ons and ordinances relafiing to �he protectivn of human health vr fhe en�ir�nment, in�[uding wifihout <br /> limi�ation the Camprehensive En�ironmental Response, Compensati�n, and Liability Act of 1980, as am�nded, 42 <br /> U.S.C. SeG�i�n 96Q 1, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the 5uperfund Amendmen�s and Reau�harEzat�on Ac�of'I 386, Pub. L. <br /> No.99-�499�"SARA"},the Hazar�ous Ma�erials Transportatson Act,49 U.S.�.Se�tion �84'I, et seq.,the Resvurce <br /> Conservation and Reco�ery Act, 4� U.S.G. 5ection 69Q'I, et seq., ❑r a�her applicab�e state or fed�ral �aws, rules, <br /> or regu[atians adopted pursuant theretc�. <br /> Even�o�Default. The wa�ds"E�ent of D�fault"mean any a��he events ot de€ault set forth in this Deed of Trus�in <br /> the e�ents af default section v�this Deed af 7rust. <br /> �uaranty. The rrvord "Guaran�y'"means the guaranty from guarant�r, endorser, sure�y,or accammodation par�y to <br /> Lender,in�luding withaut lim��ati�n a guaranty af al[or part�f the IVote. <br /> Hazardous 5ubsfiances. The wards "Hazardaus Subs�ances" mean materials tha�, because of fhet�r quant�ty, <br /> concentration or physicaf, chemiGal or infectious characfi��-istics, may cause or pose a present or potential hazard <br /> ta human health❑r fihe en�ironment uvhen improperly used,�reated, stared, disposed af, genera#ed, manufactured, <br /> transpor�ed vr otherwise handled, The words"Hazardaus �ubstances" are used in#heir�ery broadest sense and <br /> inc[ude wi�hout �imi�at�on any and all ha�ardaus or taxic substances, materials ar waste as defined by ❑r Iisted <br /> unde�-th�En�ironmen�a[ Laws. The�erm "Ha�ardous Subsfiances"also inc[ud�s,without limi�a�ion, petroleum and <br /> petroleum by-products or any frac�ion the�eof and asbestos. <br /> �r�ap:ovemenfs, The wv�d "Impra�emen�s" means all existing and futur� impro�emen�s, bu�ldings, s�ructures, <br /> mobile homes affixed on the Real Prvperty, facili�ies, additions, replacemen�s and vther construction an the Rea� <br /> Property. <br /> Indebtedness, Th� w�rd "Indebtedness" means al[ principal, interesfi, and other amoun�ts, costs and expenses <br /> payable under the No�e or Rela��d ❑o�uments, �oge�her with all renewals af, e�ctensions of, modifi�ations o�, <br /> cvnsolidatians af and substitutivns fvr the Note or Rela�ed Documents and any amaun�s expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's obiigatians or �xpens�s incurred Eay Trustee or Lender t� en�vrce Trustor's <br /> obligations under this Deed of Trus�, tagether with infieresf on such amounts as Prv�ided in this Deed af Trust. <br /> 5peci��caiEy, withau� limitation, Indehtedne�s in��udes the fu�ure ad�ances set �o�th in the Future Ad�ances <br /> pro�ision af�rhis Deed of Trust,�agefiher with a[I in�erest thereon. <br /> Lender. The word"Lend�r"means Firsf I�ational Bank of�maha, its success�rs and assigns. <br /> Nvte. The word "Note" means any and ali af Bvrrvwer's liabilities, �bligations and debts tc� Lender, now existing <br /> or hereinaf�er incurred or created, inc�uding,withau�t limi�tation, a�l laans, ad�ances, interes�, cosfs debts, o�erdraft <br /> indebtedn�ss, credit card indeb�edness, lease abliga�ivns, IiabiCiti�s and obliga�ions under interest ra�e prote��ion <br /> agreemen�s o�#oreign currency�xchange agreements or commodity price profection agre�men�s,o�he�obliga�ions, <br /> and liabilities vf Borrower toge�her with a[I m�dificatians, increases, renewafs, and extensions of the <br /> af�rementioned. Additiona��y, hereby incarparated as if�u�ly sefi forth herein are the terms and �onditions of any <br /> promissory nvte, a�re�ment or other document executed by Bvrrower andlor Lende� indicating �his security <br /> ins#rumen� ar the property described herein shall b� consid�red "Collatera!" s��uring such promissary no�e, <br /> agre�ment,or flther instrument,ar any simi�a��efer�nce. <br /> Persanal Property. The words "Persona[ Prop�rty" mean all equipment, fixtures, and ��her articfes af persvna[ <br /> property nvw or hereafter awned by Trustor, and now or hereafter atta�hed or a�fixed �o �he Real Praperty; <br /> together with alt accessivns, pa�ts, and additions t�, ail rep�acements vf, and a11 substitui�ions for, any of such <br /> p�ape�ty; and �oge�her with all pr�ceeds �including withau� limitativn a[I insu�an�e proceeds and refunds of <br /> premiums}from any sale�r a#her dispvsition of the Property. <br /> Proper�y. The ward"Pr�perty"means�ollecti�ely the Rea�Property and the Persona[Praperty. <br /> Rea! Propetty. The wvrds"Rea[ Praperty"mean#he real proper�y, �n��r�s�s and rights, as further d�sGribed �n this <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> Rela�ed �ocumen�,s. The wvrds "R�la��d Documen�s" m�an �ll promissory notes, �redit agreem�n�s, (oan <br /> agreements, en��ronmenta{ agreem�nts, guarantir�s, security agreemen�s, mortgages, deeds of trust, securi�y <br /> deeds, calla�eral mort�a�es, and al! other instruments, agreements and documen�s, whether now or hereafter <br /> existing, executed in conneGtivn wi�h th�lndebtedness. <br /> Rents. The word "Rents" m�ans afl pr�sent and future rents, re�enues, �ncome, issu�:s, royal�ies, profits, and <br /> ather benefits derived from the Property. <br /> Trustee. Th�ward "Trus�ee"means Fi�-st Nationa[Bank af�maha ,whose address is S'I�Allen❑r. , Grand ls[and <br /> , NE CaS80'I and any substitute❑�successar#rustees. <br /> Trustvr. Th�word"Trustor"means JefFrey E Janas and Michelle L Jones. <br />