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<br /> aEED �F T�LJaT
<br /> ��C�nt�n l��d} Page 5
<br /> prospect af paymen�or p�rformance�f the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> I�secuxsty. Lender in govd faith believes itse��snsecure.
<br /> RI�HTS�►N❑REMEDCES QN ❑EFAULT. If an E�ent❑f Defauifi vccurs under�his Deed o�Trusf, a�any time therea�ter,
<br /> Trustee vr Lender may exerc'tse any one or more of the fo[[awing rights and remedies:
<br /> Accelerafiion llpvn �e�ault; Addi#ional F���edies. If any Ev�nt af C���ault oc�urs as per�he terms vf the Note
<br /> se�ured hereby, Lender may declare al[ lndeb�edness se�ured by this❑eed o�Trust to be du�and payable and
<br /> the same sha[[�hereupon become due and payab[e withau�any presentment, demand,protest or noti��af any
<br /> kind. Ther�afte�, Lender m�y.
<br /> �a} Either in person or by agen#, with or withaut bringing any a��ion or proceeding, vr by a �receiver
<br /> appoin#e�i by a c�urt and�nrithau�rega�d�a the adequ�cy o�its security, enter upfln and take posses�ion
<br /> v��he Properky, ❑r any part�hereof, En its own name or in�he name of Trustee, and d❑any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary❑r desirah[e�a preserve th��alue, marke�ability❑r rentability af the Property,or par�of
<br /> �he Prvperty ar interes�in fhe Property; increase�he inGome frvm�he P�operty vr pro�ect�he secu�rity of
<br /> the Property; and, with ❑�-wi�hout�taking possession of the Proper�y, sue for or othenrvise G�l�ect the
<br /> r�nts, issues and profits of fihe P�operty, including those past due and unpaid, and apply�he same, [ess
<br /> cos�s and expenses af operation and�o�le�t�on attarneys'fees,�o any indebtedness secured by this❑eed
<br /> af Trust, a�l in such order as Lender may determine. The �n�ering upan and #aking possessi�n of the
<br /> Prope�y, the cv�le�tion Qf such rents, �ssues and prQfits, and the applicatian thereo�r shall not �ure or
<br /> waive any de€auit�r no��ce vf defaulf under this Deed of Trust vr in�alidate any act dane in r�spanse tv
<br /> such default or pursuan�tv such nat�ce of default;and, nfltwithstanding the c�ntinuance in possession of
<br /> the Praperty or the cv[lecfii¢n, re��ip�and appli�ation of rents, issues❑r prvfts, Trustee or Lender sha[l
<br /> b�en�ifi�ed t� exerci�e e�ery righ#provided fo��n�he Note or the Rela�ed C�ocumen�s ar by�aw upon�he
<br /> ❑c�urrence of any ev�n#af default, including the r�ght to exercise�he pawer vf sale;
<br /> �b} Commence an act�on ta fvreciose this Deed of Trust as a m�rtgage, app�in�a recei�er or specifically
<br /> enforce any af the�o�enants h�reaf;and
<br /> [c} De[iver to Trustee a written declarativn ofi defau��and demand for sale and a writt�n notice of defaG�t
<br /> and electian ta Gause Trus�or's interes�in�he Property�o be svld,which n�tice Trustee shall �ause to b�
<br /> duly fi[ed for r�card�n the apprvpriafe offices a��he�ounty in which�the Property is ivcated;and
<br /> �d} With respect tv�11 vr any part of the Personal Properky, Lender shall ha��all the�-�ghts and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under�he hlebraska LJniform Comme�-cial Code.
<br /> Fvrec�osure by Power of 5ale. ff Lender e�ects t�foreclose by ex�r�ise of the Pawer af Sale herein con�ained,
<br /> Lende�shall notify Trust�e and shall deposit with Truste�e#his Deed af Trust and the Note and such receipts
<br /> and e�iden�e of expenditures made and secured by this❑eed of Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a} Upvn receipt o�such noti�e from Lender,Trus�ee shall �ause tv be recorded, pub[ished�nd deli�ered
<br /> ��Trus�Qr such No�i�e of Default and N�#ice af Sal��s then required by law and by�his Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Trus�ee shafl, without demand on Trus�or, after such time as may then be required by law and after
<br /> rec��dat3an af such Notice of Default and after No�ice�f Sale ha�ing be�n gi�en as required tay law, se�i
<br /> �he Prap�rty a� the #ime and pla�e of sale fixed by it �n such NQtice af SaEe, eith�r as a v+rho�e, or in
<br /> sepa�ate fv�s o�par�els or items as Trustee shafl deem expedien�, and in su�h order as ifi may determine,
<br /> at pubfic auctivn ta the h�ghes�bi�der for cash in �avvful maney vf the United Stat�s�ayable at th�time
<br /> ❑f sale. Trustee shall deli�er�o such purchaser vr purchasers �h�revf its gvvd and sufficien� deed or
<br /> deeds con�ey�ng th� properfy so sold, laut w�thvu� any co�enant ��-warran�y, express or imp[ied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed af any matters ar facts shai� be cvnclusive pr�vf af the truthfu[ness th�revf. Any
<br /> person,including wi�h�ut�imitation Trustor,Trus�ee,or Lender,may pur�hase a�such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, a�#er d�ducting a!� Cfl5f5, �ees and expenses a�Truste� ar�d o�F this
<br /> T�ust, including costs of e�idence vf ti�le in connection with sa€�,Trustee shall app[y�he prviceeds of sale
<br /> ta payment of {i}all sums expended under the te�-ms of this Deed�f Trust o�-under�he terms af the Note
<br /> ' no�fihen repaid, including bufi nat limited to accrued interes� and late �harges, �ii} ail vfiher sums �hen
<br /> secur�d hereby,and ��i�}�he remainder,if any,�o the person vr persons legal[y entitIed�hereto.
<br /> [e} Trus�ee may En the manner pra�ided by law postpon�sale af al[�r any partivn af the Praperty.
<br /> Remedies No� Exc�usive. Trus�ae and Lender, and each af them, shall be entit[ed �a enf�rce payment and
<br /> performance�f any indebtedness or�ab�igations secu�ed by th�s Dee�i af Trust and to exer�ise a!l righ�s and powers
<br /> under th�s Deed of Trust, under�he Note, under any af the Related Documents, or under any ather a�reement ar
<br /> any laws now or hereai�er in for��; notwi#hs�anding, some or a[1 0�such indebtedness and obliga�ians secured by
<br /> this Deed af Trust may naw or hereaft�r be othe�-wiSe secured, whether by martgage, de�d a�trust, piedge, [ien,
<br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither�he acceptance of�his Deed of Trus� nor i�s �n�orcement, whether by �ou�t
<br /> a�tivn ❑r pursuant#o the power af sa[e or other pawers cvnfained in th�s D�ed of Trust, sha[[ prejudice ar in any
<br /> manner a�ect Trus�ee's or Lender's righ� �a �e�li�e u�on or enforce any o�her securi�y nvw vr herea'�er held by
<br /> Trustee ar Lender,�t being agreed that Trustee and Lender,and each of them, shall be en-�itled to enforce this❑eed
<br /> af Trust and any othec secUrity naw a�- hereafter he�� by Lender or T�uste� {n such ❑rder and manner as they or
<br /> either af them may in their absolu�e dfs��eti�n determine. Nv remedy conferred upon or reserved to Trustee ❑r
<br /> Lender, is intended tv be exclus��e of any other remedy in�his Deed of Trust or by law pro�ided ar permitked, but
<br /> each shall b� cumulati�e and shall be in addit�on t� e�ery vther remedy given in �his Deed of Trus� or now or
<br /> he�eafter exiSting at law or in equity or by s�afiute. E�ery power ar remedy gi�en by�he Nofie v�any of�he Related
<br /> Docum�nts ta Trustee or Lender ar to which e��her o� them may be atherwis� entitied, rnay be exer�ised,
<br /> concurren#ly ar independ�ntly,from time fo time and as o�ten as m�y be deemed exp�dien�by Trustee❑r Lende�-,
<br /> and either of them may pursue inconsisten� remedies. Nothing in this Deed o�f Trus� shall be canstrued as
<br /> prohibiting L�nder from seeking a defictency Sudgm�nt agasnst the T�-us�flr tv the ex�ent su�h ac�ion ss permstted by
<br /> law. Ele�tion �y Lender tv pursue any remedy shalf na�exclude pursuit af any vther remedy, and an election�o
<br /> make expenditures ❑r to take acfion to perform an obl�gat�on of Trustor under this ❑eed of Trus�, after Trustnr's
<br /> �ailure�o per�orm, shall nat afFeCt Lender's righ��a deciar�a default and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Request�'v�Nati�e. Trus�or, ❑n behalf af Trusfor and Lende�r, hereby reques#s�that a copy of any Nvtice of Default
<br /> and a�opy af any N�tice nf Sale under this ❑eed of Trust be mailed to them at�the addresses Set forkh in�he first
<br /> parag�aph af�his Deed of T�-ust.
<br /> Attorneys` Fees; E�cpenses. !# Lender ins�i�u�es any sust ar action to enforce any of fhe �e�ms o�thss Deed o�
<br /> Trust, Lender shall he entitled ta recv�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasanable as attarneys'fees a�trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether vr not any cour� action is in�ol�ed, and ta the extent not prohibi�ed by law, a[1
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's ❑pinion are necessary at any time fior the p�-otec#ion vf its
<br /> in#erest or the enforcement of its rights shall become a part a�F�he Indebtedness payable an demand and shail bear
<br /> interest at�he Note rate from�he date o�the expenditure un�EE repaid. Expenses co�ered by fihis paragraph€nclude,
<br /> � withaut limi�ativn, howe�er sub�ect�o any limifs under app[i�able law, Lender's attorneys'f�es and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whether ar nat�here is a lawsuit, in�ludin� attorneys' �ees and expens�s ft�r bankruptcy praceedings
<br /> �including effvrts ta mod�fy o�r�acate any autQmati�stay or in�unctsan}, appea�s,and any antictpat�d post-yu�gm�nt
<br /> cvllection services,�he cQst of searching records, obtaining tEtEe reports (inc[uding fvrec[vsure rep�rts}, sur�eyors`
<br />