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2� 1 ����38 <br /> aEED �F �'F�U�T <br /> ���nt117L�ed} Pag� � <br /> generation, manufacture, stvrage, treatmen�, disp�sal, re[�ase ar threatened rsleas� af any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, unde�r, about or from the Property by any prior owners or ❑ccupants of�he Pr�pe�ty, or ��} any ac�ual or <br /> thr�atened litigatian vr c�a�ms v�any kind by any person �-elating �a such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed to and acknowl�dged by Lender in wrifing, �a} neither Trus�or n�r any�enan�,contra��or, agent or v�her <br /> authorized user of the Property shall use, generate, manufa�ture,store,�reat, dispose of ar re�ease any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance on, under, abaut or from fihe Proper�y;and �b} any su�h ac�i�i�ty shall be�onducted in campliance with <br /> all applica�fe federal, sta�e, and lo�al laws, regu�at�ons and ord�nances, inc[uding without �imit�ti�n all <br /> Environmental Lav+rs. T�usto�- authari�es Lender and its agents ta enter upvn the Proper�y to make such <br /> in�pection� ��ld f�5t5, a� Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance of the <br /> Property with �hi� se��ion of�he Deed of Trust. Any inspe�tians or tes�s made by Lender shall be fo� Lender's <br /> purposes❑nly and shall no�be construed to create any respansibility or lEabi�i#y�n the part af Lender�a Trus�or vr <br /> to any fl�he�r pers4n. The representafsons and warran��es contained here�n ar� based on Trustor's due diligence sn <br /> in�estigating�he Property�o�Hazardous Substan��s. T�-us��r hereby �'[} releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> agains� Lend��for indemnity❑r contribution in the even#Trustor becvmes liable far cleanup ar other costs under <br /> any su�h lavvs; and {�} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hald harmless Lender against any and a[I c[afms, losses, <br /> �sab�lities, damages, penalties,and expenses which Lender may dire�tly or indirectly sus�ain ar suffer resulting frvm <br /> a b�ea�h of this section of fhe Deed v�Trust or as a consequence of any use, generativn, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, release or threatened re[ease❑ccu�-ring prior ta Trustor`s vwnership or interest in�he Property,v�rhether or <br /> not the same tinras ar shnuld ha�e be�n known ta Trustar. The pra�isions a�this se�tivn of�he D�ed af Trus�, <br /> including the obliga�ion to indemnify and defend,shal[su�i�e the payment af�he lndeb�edness and the satisfactian <br /> and re�an�eyance of the[ien of#his Deed of Trust and sha�f n�t b�affected by Lender's acquisitivn vf any interes# <br /> in the Praperty,whe�her by fvreclosura�r v#hervvise. <br /> Nuisance, Wasfe. Trustor shall not caus�, �anducfi or pe�mit any nuisan�e nar �ommit, permit, or suffer any <br /> strippEng o�❑r was�e on flr tfl the P�aperty ar any pvrtivn af�he Praperty. Wi�hout fimi�ing the gen�ral�ty of the <br /> foregoing, Trus�ar w�31 nvt rerno�e, ❑r grant ta any other party the rsght�o remove, any timber, r�nsnerals�inc�udtng <br /> oi�and gas},coai,�lay, s�oria,soil,gravel or rock prvduc�s wifhout Lender's prior vvri�ten cansent. <br /> Remo�ai of�mpro�smen�s, Trustor shall no�t dema�ish ar rem���any Improvemen�s frvm�he Rea1 Proper�y wifihout <br /> Lender's prior wri��en cansent. As a Gonditian�o the rem��al o�any Impr��emen�s, Lender may requ�re Trustor to <br /> make arranc�ements satisfa�tary to Lend�r �❑ rep€ace such Imprvvements with Impro�ements af a� least equal <br /> Walue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enfier. Lender and Lender`s agents and represenfiati�es may enter upan the Rea[ Property a�all <br /> reasanab�e times to attend ta Lender's interests and ta inspe�� the Real Praperty for purposes af Trustor's <br /> �ompliance wi�h the�erms and c�nditions of this Deed af Trust. <br /> Gompliance wi#h Go�ernm�ntal Requirem�nts. Trustor shall pramptly �amply wi�h al! �aws, ordinan�es, and <br /> regulatians, now ar hereaf�er in e�ifect, of all g��ernmental authari�ies appli�ab�e t�the use vr occupancy af the <br /> Praperty, including withou� limitation, the Ameri�ans V1lith Disabil��ies Act. Trusfor may contest in gaod faith any <br /> suc� 3aw, ordinance, os�egulatton and withhvld comp�iance during any proceedtn�, �ncluding apprvpriate appeals, <br /> so�ong as Trust�r has natified Lender in wr�tEng pr-ior ta daing so and so long as, in Lender's soie vpin€on, Lender's <br /> in�erests in the Property ar� nofi jevp�rdi�ed. Lender may require Trus�or �ro post adequafie security o�- a surety <br /> bond, reasonably satisfactary ta Lender,to prvtec�Lender's interest. <br /> Dufy to Pr�tect. Trus�or agrees neither ta abandan ar lea�e unat�end�d fhe Proper�y. Trustor shall d� al[ other <br /> a�ts, �n addi�ivn to those acts set�orth abv��in this secfiivn,whiGh frvm the chara�te�and use af the Proper�y are <br /> reasonably ne�essary to pra�ect and prese�v�#he Property. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The following provisi�ns relating to the taxes and liens an the Property a�e part of this Deed o�r <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen�. Trustor shall pay when due�and in al[e�en�s prior�a delinquenc�}a�l�taxes, spe�ial taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges (�nGluding water and sewer}, fines and impositions�e�ied against or on accaunt of the Property, and shall <br /> pay when due all claims fvr worl�done ❑n ar f�r serviCes rendered or material fum�shed to the Property. Tru�fior <br /> shall�-naintain the P�vperty�ree of a!l lsens having prior�ty o�er or e�yuat to the interest a#Lender under�hss�eed a# <br /> Trusfi, except for #he I�en of taxes and assessments not due and e�cGepf as v�herwise p�ovided in this ❑eed af <br /> Trusf. <br /> Right ta Con�es#. T�us�or may wi#hhold payment of any tax, assessment, vr claim in cannection with a good�aith <br /> dispute over the�bli�atian ta pay, so long as Lender's interes��n the Property�s nat jeopardized. [�a lien arises or <br /> is fi[ed as a resuCt o�nonpayment, T�us�or shall rrvi�hin ffte�n �'�5} days a�ter the lien arises vr, if a lien is filed, <br /> wi�thin ffteen �'i 5} days af�er Trustor has notice of#he filing, secure the discharge vf fih� lien, vr i�requested by <br /> Lender,depasit with Lender�ash or a suffic�enfi�vrp�ra�e sure�y bond or vther security satis�actory�a L�nder in an <br /> amvunt�uffici�nt�o dis�harge the lien plus any�osts and a�korneys'f�es, ❑r ather charges�hat c�uld accrue as a <br /> result af a fore�[vsure ar sale under��h�lien. In any cantest, Trustor shal[d�fend i�self and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any adverse judgment before enfarcement against�he Property. Trus#ar shall name Lender as an additionaf❑bligee <br /> under any surety b�nd furnished in the contest pr��eedings. <br /> Evidence of Payment. Trus�o�sha�� upon d�mand furnish fia Lender satisfactor�e�idence o�f paymen�oF the�axes <br /> or assessments an� shall au�horize�he appropriate governmental off�cial ta deli�er�a Lender a�any�ime a written <br /> statement of the�axes and ass�ssments against the Prvperky. <br /> Nvtice of Construction. Trus�or shal� natify Lender at least fifteen (15}days befare any work is commenced, any <br /> services are�urn�shed,❑r any materia�s are supp�ied to the Prvperty, i�r any mechani�'s l�en, materiarmen's lien, vr <br /> other�ien could be asserted on account o��he v►ra�-k, services, ❑r mater�als. Trus�or will upon reques�of Lender <br /> furnish i�o Lender a�vance assurances satis�actory t� Lender �ha� T�rus�vr can and wi[I pay �he cos� of such <br /> impra�emen�s. <br /> PRDPERTY C]AMAGE [NSURANGE. The follvwing pro�isions relating to in�uring the P�operty a�e a park vf this❑eed a�r <br /> Tru st. <br /> MaintenanGe of�nsu�-ance. Trus�or sha[[ procure and ma�ntain policies af fir� insurance with s�andard extended <br /> cv�e�age endors�ments on a replacement basis for the�u�� insurable �a[ue covering al� Imprvvements on the Rea[ <br /> P�-�perty in an amoun�sufficient �o a�oid appliGation o�any coinsurance �iause, and with a s�andard mortgage� <br /> Glaus�in favor af Lender. Trustor shall also pro�ure and ma�ntain comprehensi�e g�nera� liability insurance in su�h <br /> co�erage amaunts as L�nder may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additional fnsureds in such <br /> 1�abili�y insurance p�licies. Additivna[ly, Trustor shall maintain such other insurance, �nc[uding but not iimited �a <br /> hazard, business interruptivn, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonab[y r�qui�-e. Polic�es shall be written �n <br /> form, amaun�s, cv�erages and basis reasonably acc�ptable fo Lender and issued by a company ❑r companies <br /> reasanably a�ceptable tv Lender. Trust�r, upon request of Lend�r, wil� del��er to Lender from �ime to �ime the <br /> poli�i�s ar cerkificates af insuranGe in�vrm satisfa�tory to Lender, including s#ipulations that co�erages wil[ nvt b� <br /> cancelled or diminEshed wi�hvut at feast�hirty(30} days priar wri�ten nafii�e to Lender. Each insurance policy also <br /> shall incfude an endQrsemen�prv�iding that cv�erage in fa�or of Lender wil[ not be impair�d�n any way by any act, <br /> omissian �r default o�Trustor or any ather person. Shauld�he Rea� Pr�per�y be Ivcated in an area designa��d by <br /> the Administrator af�he Federal Emergency Management Agen�y as a speGial fivod hazard area, T�ustor ag�ees to <br /> vbtain and maintain Federa[ Fload fnsuran�e, if a�ailable, fvr�he full unpaid principal bafance af�he laan and any <br />