2� 1 ���� 14
<br /> �Continued� �age s
<br /> iV�TICES, Any notiGe required to be gi��n under#his Deed v'�Trust, including wi�haut limitatian any notice of default
<br /> and any notiGe o��al� shall be gi�en in writing, and sh�ll be ef�ecti�e when a�tually de[i�ered, when a��uai�y reGei�ed
<br /> by tefefacsimile �uniess atherwise re�uired by iaw}, when depvsi�ed with a na�i�nally recvgni�ed o��rnight caur�er, or, if
<br /> maiied, when depvsit�d in the 1.1n�ted 5�a�es mail, as first Glass, c�rt�#ied ar registered mail pos�age prepaid, directed �v
<br /> �h� add�esses shvwn near the heginning of this ❑�ed �fi Trus�. All capies of no�ices af'�ar�clvsure fram th� holder of
<br /> any lien which has priori�y o�er this Deed of Trust shall b� sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginn�ng of
<br /> �his Deed ofi Trusfi. /any person may� change his �r her address far no�kices und�r this Deed ofi Trust by gi�ing ��rmal
<br /> writfien natice �o the ather pe�son c�r persons, specifying �hat �he purpose of the notice i� to change the person's
<br /> address. For no�ic� purpvses, Trustor agrees to keep Lender informed a�a�l times af Trustor's �urrent address. lJnless
<br /> o�herwise pra�ided or required �y la�►v, if there is mor� than one Trustor, any notice gi�en �y Lend�r t� any Trustor is
<br /> deemed to be notice gi�en tv all Trus��rs. It will be Trustor's r�spansibi��ty to fiell the v�h�rs of the notice from Lender.
<br /> �VIISCELLANEDUS PRC�V�SI�NS. The fallowing miscellaneous pro�isions are a part of this ❑e�d ofi Trust:
<br /> Amendments. Vllhat is uvr�tfien in this Deed o#Trust and in the Re�a�ed Documen�s As Trus�or's entire agreement
<br /> with Lender cvnG�rning th� matters �o�ered by this ❑�ed vf Trust. Tv be effecti�e, any Ghang� or amendrnent to
<br /> this Deed of Trust must be in w�i�ing and must h� signed by whoe�er wi�� be bound or obliga�ed by the change �r
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Cap�ion Headings. Captian hea�in�s in this Deed af Trust are for con��ni�nce purposes only and are nat to be
<br /> used to interpre�or de€�ne�he pr���sions of�his De�ed�f Trus�.
<br /> IVl�rger. There shall be no merg�r of the interest or esta�e crea�ed by this Deed of Trust wi�h any other inferest or
<br /> estate in the Prope�ty a�ar�y time held by or for the benefi�t of Lender in any capaGity, uvithau�the written cansent
<br /> of L�nder.
<br /> Ga►�erning La�v. This ❑eed af Trust will be go�ernQd by federal �aw appficable to Lender and, to the �xtient nat
<br /> preempted by�edera!law,�khe laws of the 5ta#e of Nebraska withvu�regard�o its�anfli�#s af law prv�isions. This
<br /> Deed o�Trust ha� heen accep�ec�by Lender in the State af Nehraska.
<br /> ChoicQ vf Ver�ue. I� there is a lawsuit, Trustflr agr��s upon Lender's request #o suhmit to the jurisdictian o� the
<br /> courts af Hall Co�nty, State of Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and 5e�era� Liability. A�1 �b�i�ations �f Trustar under �his Deed of Trust shall be jaint and se�eral, and all
<br /> re#erences tv Trustar shall mean ea�h and e�ery Trustvr. This means that each Trustor signing below is
<br /> respansib[e for all a��igativns in this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Nv Wai►►er hy Lender. Trustar understands Lend�r wil[ not gi�e up any v� Lender's rights under�his D�ed o�Trust
<br /> unless Lender d��s so in �ritins�. The fact that Lender delays ar amits �o exercise any right wi�� nat mean tha�
<br /> Lend�r has giver� up that right. If Lender does agree in writing t❑ gi�� up one of Lender's rights, that does not
<br /> mean Trustor wi[� not have to ��mply wi�h the ❑ther pro�isivns of this aeed of Trus�. Trus�or a�sa unde�stands
<br /> that �# Lender does ��nsen� tv a reques�, �hat da�s not mean �hat Trustor will not harre ta get Lender's consent
<br /> again i�the si�uation happens ag�in. Trustar furth�r understands that just hecause Lender�onsents to ane ar mare
<br /> of Trustor's reques�s, �ha� daes n�t mean Lender wi�l be required to Gonsen# to any af Trustar's future requests.
<br /> Trustor wai�e� p�es�ntment, demand far payment, p�otest, and notice of d�shonor.
<br /> Se►�erahility. If a court �inds tha� any pro�ision o��his ❑eed of Trust is not �alid vr �hould nat be enforced, that
<br /> �act by itselfi will nat mean�hat the res�o��his I�eed Qfi Trus�v►rill not be �alid ar en�vrced. Therefore, a court will
<br /> enforce the r�st a�the pravisian�ofi this Deed o�Trust e�en if a pra�is��n of this Deed of Trust may be faund ta be
<br /> i n�a�id or unenfor�eabl�.
<br /> Successvrs a�d �ssigns. Subjer�fi�a any limitations stated in this D��d af Trust on transfer of Trus�vr's interest,
<br /> this Deed of Tru�t shall be binding upvn and inure ta the �ene�it a� the parties, their su�cessors and assigns. �f
<br /> �wnership of�he Pr�perty b�c�rn�s �est�d in a p�rson o�her than Trustar, Lender, wFthout notace to Trustor, may
<br /> deal w�th Trustvr's successvrs wi�h reference ta fihis Deed of Trust and the �ndebtedness by way af for�earance or
<br /> ex�ension withvu�releasing Trust�r from the oh�igations af this ❑eed vf Trust or lia�iiity under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is of the Es�ence. Time is vf�he essence in the perfarmance af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Wa`r�er a# Hame�tead Exemp#iom. Trustor her�by releases and wai�es all rights and benefits of the hnm�stead
<br /> exemptian laws of the 5tat�ofi�Jebraska as ta all lndebtedness secur�d by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEF�NiTIaiVS. Th��ollowing words shall ha�e the foflowing mean�ngs �vhen used in�his ❑eed of T�ust:
<br /> gene#i�iary. The ►►vord "Benefici,�ry" means Exchan�e gank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Bvrrower. Th� �vord "Barrow�:r" means P'H1LIP S BURT and VICKI J B�RT and includes all co-s�gners and
<br /> co-makers signing�h� Credit Agreement and afl th�ir su�cessors a�d assigns.
<br /> Credi� Agre�rr�ent. The words '�Credit Agreemsnt" mean the credit agreer-nent dated No�ember ��, ��15, 1Ntth
<br /> credit limit �f $��.���.C��fram Trustor ta L�nderr tagether uvith all r�newals of, ex�ensions vf, madFfications
<br /> of, refinancings �f, c�ns�lidations v�, and s�bs�itutivns for fhe pramissory nate or agreemen�. N�TI�E T�
<br /> ❑eed �� Trusfi. The wvrds "Deed af Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustvr, Lendsr, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes without �imitation all a�signment and security interest �ro�isions relating to the Personal Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En►��ranmental L�ws. The words "En�iranmen�al Lav+rs" mean any and a�l state, �ederaf and lo�al s�a�utes,
<br /> regulafiions and vrdinances relatin� �o the protection o� human health or �he en�ironment, includin� wi�hout
<br /> limi�a�ian the �vr�prehensive En��ronmental Respanse, Cornp�nsation, and L�ability Act o� 198�, as amended, 4�
<br /> IJ.S.�. S�ctian 9��1, et seq. {"�ERCLA"y, the 5uper�und Amendments and Reau�thvrization Ac� of 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99-499 �"'SA�A"�, �he Hazardous Materials Transportatian A�t, 49 U.S.�. Section �$01, et seq., the Resource
<br /> C�nser�ati�n �nd Rec��er►� A�t, 4� U.S.�. Sectiort �9�1, et seq., or v�her applicable state or#ed�ra� laws, rules,
<br /> ar regulatians ad�p��d pursuant�her�to.
<br /> E��nt o�De#ault. The wards "Event�f Default" mean any of the e�enfis o�default se�farth in�his Deed af Trust in
<br /> the e�ents ofi default se�tion of this C]eed of Trust.
<br /> Existing Indebtedness. The wards "Existing f ndehtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Exi�ting Liens
<br /> pro�ision af this Deed afi Trust.
<br /> Ha�ardvus Suhst�nces. The vuords "Ha�ardous Substances" mean materials that, beeause a� their quan�ity,
<br /> concentra�ion or physical, �hem�cal ar infectiaus charac�eristics, may ca�s� or pose a pr�sen't or poten�ia� hazard
<br /> to human health or the en�ironmen�when improperly used, treated. stared, disposed of� generat�d� rnanu�actured�
<br /> transported or atherwise handfec�. The words "Hazardous 5ubstar�ces'" are used in th�ir �ery broadesfi s�nse and
<br /> include wi�hou�k limi�a�ion any and al� hazardous or �oxi� suhstan�es, materials ar was�e as defined by or lis�ed
<br /> under the En��ronmentai Lavvs, The�erm "Hazardous Su�stan��s" also includes, w�thout limitation, petroieum and
<br /> petroleum by-produc�s or a�y fractian thereof and asbestas.
<br /> �m�rvWements, The ward "impro�ements" means all existing and future imprv�emen�s, bui�dings, stru�tures,
<br /> mobile homes affixed an the Real Property, �acilities, additians, repfacemen�s and other �onstruction on the Real
<br />