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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��o�ltinued� Page 4 <br /> Taxes, The ��i��wing shai� can atitu�e �axes to whi�h this se��ivn app�ies: 41} a speci�ic tax upvn this type n�F <br /> Deed af Trust or upvn al1 �r an}� part of th� �ndebtedn�ss secured by this Deed ��T�us�; t2} a specific tax vn <br /> Trustar which Trustar is authari�:ed or required ta dedu�t from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this type <br /> o� ❑eed of Trust; �3� a tax an this type af D��d of Trust chargeable against the Lender or the ha�d�r of�he Credit <br /> Agreemen�; and �4� a specifi� tax on all ar any portion of �he fndebtedness or on paymen�s of principal and <br /> interest made by Trustar. <br /> Su�sequen� T�xes. If any tax to which this sectian applies is enacted subsequent to the date v� �his Deed af <br /> Trust, this e��nt shall ha�e the same effect as an E�ent of ❑e�ault, and L�nder may exer�ise any �r a11 0� its <br /> ava�[abfe remedies �or an E�ent of Default as pro�ided below unless Trustor either �1� pays �he �ax before it <br /> becomes delinqu�nt, ar t2� �oritests the tax as pra�ided abv�� in the Tax�s and Liens section and depvsits with <br /> Lender�ash or a su�fi�ient cvrporate sure�y�ond or ather securi�y sa�kis�actory ta Lende�. <br /> SECURITY A�REE�V[EIVT; FINAf�C1NC3 STATEN[ENTS. Ths �Follawing pra�isions relating ta this ❑eed of Trus� as a <br /> se�urity agreement are a part af�his []eed ❑f Trust: <br /> Security Agre�ment. This inst�ument shall �ons�itu�e a 5�curi�y Agre�ment to the extent any of th� Prvper�y <br /> cansfiitutes fixtures, and Lender sha�l ha�e all of the rights ❑f a secured par�ky under the lJni�arm Cammercial Cade <br /> as amended�rom time ta tirne. <br /> 5�curi#y Interest. Upan request by Lender, Trustor sha�� take wha�e�sr a�tion is requested by Lend�r �❑ perfect <br /> and continue Lender's sec�arity inter�st �n the Personal Proper#y. �n addition ta recording �his Deed o�Trust in the <br /> rea� praperty recvrds, Lender n�ay, at any �ime and wi�hout further authori�ation fram Trustor, #ile �xecuted <br /> counterparts, �opies ar reprodu��iQns of this Deed ❑� Trust as a financing statement. Trustvr shall reimburse <br /> L�nder for all expenses incurred in perfec�ing or continuing �his securi�y En�erest, Upan de�ault, Trustor shall nvt <br /> remo�e, se�er ar detach �he P�rsvnal Property firom the Pr�perty. Upon default, Trustar shall assemble any <br /> Personai Propert� nat a�fixed ta �kh� Property in a manner and at a place r�asonably con�eni�n� fio Trustor and <br /> L�nder and make �� a�ailable to Lender within three �3} days af#er receipt o� writt�n demand frvm L�nder �a the <br /> ex�en�permitted �y app[icable law. <br /> Addresses. The mai�ing addr�sses of Trus�ar {delotorf and Lender �secured par�y� fram which informa�ion <br /> conce�ning th� security int�rest granted by this Deed af Trust may he ol�tained {each as required by th� Uniform <br /> Cammercia[ Cod�f are as sta�ed on the fiirs�page of th�s Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSUR►4N�ES: ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The �a���wing pro�isions �elating to further assurances and <br /> a�torney-in-�act are a part❑�this O�e+�of Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any t�me, and fr�m �kime tv tim�, upon request o� L�ndsr, Trustar will make, exe�u�e and <br /> deliWer, or will cause to be made, executed ar deli�ered,ta Lender or to Lend�r's designee, and when requested �y <br /> Lender, cause tv �e f��ed, recorded, refiled, or rerecvrded, as the cas� may he, at su�h times and in such o��ices <br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a[I such mvr�gages, deeds of�rust, security d�eds, secur3ty <br /> agre�ments, fiinancing sta�ements, �vntinuation statements, instruments of �urther assurance, certifica�es, and <br /> other do�uments as may, in the sole apinivn of Lender, be necessary or desira�le in ard���o �ffectuate, cvmp�ete, <br /> perfect, cantinue, or pres�r�e �1� Trustar's abligat�ans under the Credi� Agr�ement, this Deed of Trust, and the <br /> Related Da�uments, and {�� th� liens and s�curity interes�s created by this Deed o� Trus'� on the Prt�perty, <br /> whether now owned or her�a�fter'acquired by Trustor. Unfess prahibited by �aw�r Lender agrees fia the contrary in <br /> writing, Trustar s�a�i reimburse l_ender f�r all cvsts and expenses incurred in c�nnection with the matters �efe�rred <br /> to in this paragraph. - <br /> Atfi�rney-in-Fact. I�Trustor fails �� do any af the �hings referred ta in �he pre�eding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> far and in the nam� �f Trustor and at Trustvrrs exp�ns�. Far such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in-f�ct fvr the pu�pose ❑f making, executing, deli�ering, filing, r�cvrding, and daing all <br /> othe� things as r�ay b� necessary vr desirab�e, in Lender's sale vpini�n, tv accomplish the matters referred ta in <br /> the preceding para�raph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. �f Trust�r pays all the �ndebtedness when due, �e�m�nates th�credit line a�count, and otherwfse <br /> perfiarms all the vbligat�ons imposed +.�pvn Trus�ar under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall execute and deli�er to Trustee <br /> a reque�t for full recon�eyance and shall execute and defiver tv Trustar su��tak�le statements of termEnatian o� any <br /> �inancing sfiatement �n file evidencing Lender's se�urity interest in the Rents and the Persvna� Praper�y. Any <br /> recon��yance fee requir�d by lavv sh�lf be paid by Trustor, if perrr�itted by app�icable law. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFALJLT. Trustvr vvil� be in defauit under this Deed �f T�us� if any of the foilowing happen: �A� Trust�r <br /> cammits �raud or mal�es a mater�af misrepresen�a�ian at any time in �onnecti�n with the Credit Ag��ement. This �an <br /> include, for example, a false s�atemen�t about T�ustar's in�ome, assets, liab��ities, ar any �#her asp�cts af Trustor's <br /> financia� �ondition. �B} Trustor dves na� me�t the repaymen�terms of the Credit Agr�ement. �C� Trustor's act��n or <br /> inactian ad�ersely affects the collat�:ral or L�nder's rights in the cvllateral. This can in�fud�, �or example, faiiure �o <br /> maintair� required insurance, waste ar des�ruct��e use af th� dwelling, fiailure�o pay taxes, death af ali persons liabf� on <br /> the accoun#, �ran�#er of ti�le or sale of �he dwel�ing, creation of a seni�r f�en �n the dwelling w�thout Lender's <br /> permissian, fareclvsure by the ho�der af another iien, or fihe use a#funds or th�dv►►elling�ar prohibited purpases. <br /> RIGHTS AND REN'I�DIES �N DEFAU�.,T. ff an E�ent ❑f Defaulfi occurs under this Deed of Trust, a� any time thereaffi�r, <br /> T�ustee vr Lender ma�exerc�s� any❑ne a�mor�of the fallvu�ing rights and remedies: <br /> Ac�elerat�c�n Upon ❑efault:a4dcli#iana�Remedies. If any E�ent af Default o��urs as per the�erms�f the Credi� <br /> Agre�ment secured hereby, Lender may declare ail fndebt�dness secured by this �eed of Trust�o �e due and <br /> paya�le and the same shall th�reupon bec�me due and payable withou�any pres�n�ment. demand, protes�t or <br /> no�ice of any kind. Thereaf�e�, Lender may: <br /> �a� Either in per�on ❑r �y agen�, with ar withou� bringing any a�tion ar proceeding, or by a receiver <br /> appaint�d by a �aur�and withou� regard �o the adequacy of its se�u�i�y, en't�r upon and�ake passession <br /> ofi the Property, or any part thereof, in its own narne or in the name v�Trus�e�, and da any acts which i� <br /> deems necessary❑r des�rab[e tv preser�e the r�a�u�, marke�ability o� rentability of the Praper�y, ar par��f <br /> �he Property or interes� in the Praperty; increase �he income frvm the Proper�y or prvtect the s��uri�y of <br /> the Property; an�, witl� ar withou� taking possession of �he Property, sue �o�- o� vtherwise Golfect the <br /> rent�, issues and profit;s vf#he Property, including th�se past due and unpaid, and apply �he same, less <br /> costs and�xpenses o�vpera�ian and collection at�arneys` �ees, to any indebtedness se�ured by this Deed <br /> vf Trus�t, all in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and �aking possessi�n af the <br /> Prap�rt►�, th� cvllection ofi such rents, issues and profits, and the appli�ation �hereaf shaff not cur� or <br /> wai�e �ny �efault or nati�e of defaul� under this Deed a�Trust or in�alidate any act done in respvns� �a <br /> such defauft or pursuar�t�a such not�ce of defaul�; and, notwEthstanding fh� continuance in pvssessian of <br /> the Property or �he coflec�ion, r�ce�pt and applicatian of rents, issues or prflfits, Trus�ee ar Lender shall <br /> b� entitled to exercise e�ery right pr��ided for in the �red�t Agreemen��r �he Rela�ed Documen�s or by <br /> faw upon the o�currenc:e of any e�ent of defaul�, includ�ng the righ�to exercise the pawer vf sale; <br /> �b� Commence an actir�n to foreclo�e this Deed a#Trust as a martgage, appoint a r�ce��er or speci#icaffy <br /> en#ar�e any o#the ca��nants hereaf; and <br /> �c} Deliver to Trustee�� written dec�aratian o�default and demand for sale and a wri�ten notice of de#au�t <br />