2� 1 ���� 14
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ���nti�u��1� Page �
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus#or authari�es Lender and its agents ta enter upvn the Praperty to make such
<br /> inspectians and tes�s, at Trus��ar's �xpense, as Lender may d��m appropria�e to determine c�mpliance vf the
<br /> Property wifih this secti�n af �h� Deed o�F Trus�. Any inspections or tests made by Lender sha�f be �or L�nder's
<br /> purp�ses only and sha�� nat be c�nstrued tv crea�e any respvnsibE[ity ar liabili�y on th� part of Lender t�Trustar ar
<br /> tv any vther person. The repre:�entati�ns and warran�ies �ontained herein are based ❑n Trustvr's due dilig�nce in
<br /> in�estigating the Property �ar H�zardaus 5ubstances. Trustar hereby ��y releases and wai�es any �u�ure cla�rr�s
<br /> against Lender �or indemnity or �vn�kribution in the e�ent T�ustor becames �iable for cleanup or other costs under
<br /> any such law�; and ��y agrees to irademnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and ali claims, losses,
<br /> iiabi�ities, damages, pena�ties, and exp�nses which Lender may directfy❑r indirect�y sustain or su#�er resulting�rom
<br /> a breach o#this section af�he []eed of Trust ❑r as a cvnsequence o� any uss, generation, manu�acture, st�rage,
<br /> dispasalr release or th�eatened r�:lease❑c�urring privr tv Trustor's ownership❑r in��r�st in the Property, whether�r
<br /> nat the same was or shoufd have heen known xo Trus�or. The praW�sions vf �his sectian of the Deed af Trust,
<br /> in�iuding fihe abli�a�ivn ta i�dem�ify and d���nd, shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indebtedness and the satisfact�on
<br /> and recan�eyan�e of the lien af this Deed o�Trust and shall nvt be a��e�ted hy Lender's acquisition vf any interest
<br /> in the Prapertu, vuhe�her by for�t�losure or vtherwis�,
<br /> Nuisance, VlJast�. Trustor shal� nat caus�, �Qndu�� vr perm�t any nuisance nor commit, perm�t, or suf�er any
<br /> stripping o# or waste on ar to tl�e Property �r any portion of the Property. Vlli�hvut iimiting �he generality of the
<br /> foregvingr Trustor will not r�ma��er or grant tv any v�her party the right�o remv�e, any timber, minerals {including
<br /> oil and gas}, coal, clay, scar�a, ss�il, gra�e!or rock praduc�s wi�hout Lender's prior written cansent.
<br /> Remv�al of 1r�upra�ements. Trustor shal� no�dem�lish ar remo�e any Impra�emen�s#rom rhe Rea� Proper�y without
<br /> Lender's p�iQ�written cansent. As a condition ta the �emv�al af any impro��men�s, Lender may re�uire Trustor�o
<br /> make arrangements satis#actary ta Lender ta replace such Imp�a�ements with Impro�emen�s o� at least �qua�
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender'S Righ�tv Enter. L�nder and Lende�'s agents and �epresentat��es may ente� upon the Rea� Property at a�i
<br /> reasonable tir��� tv a�ten� to Lender's �nterests and t� inspect the Real Prvperty for purposes af Trustor's
<br /> compliance w#th�he��rms and �onditians o#this Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Comp�iance with Gv►�ernrr�enta� Requirements. Trustor shall promptfy comply with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regula�tions, n�w or hereaf�er in effect, of all go�ernmen�al authorities applicabl� ta fihe use or ❑ccupancy of the
<br /> Property. Tru�tar may can�test in goad faith any such law, vrdinance, or regulation and withhald comp[iance dur�ng
<br /> any proce�d�ng, incfuding appra�ria�e app�als, sa fong as Trustar has notified Lender €n writing priar #o doing so
<br /> and so Iong a�, in Lende�'s so[e t�pinion, Lender's interests in the Praperty are not Jevpardized. Lende�may r�quire
<br /> Trustar to post ad�quate security or a surety bond, reasvnably satisfactory ta Lender, to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Du�y to Pra#e�t. Trustor agreeC� neither to abandon ❑r fea�e unattended th� Pr�perty. Trus�or sha[I do all ath�r
<br /> acts, in additian ta�hose acts set�vrth abo�e in this se�tion, wh�ch frQm the Gharacter and use v�th� Property are
<br /> reasonably ne��ssary�o pratec�and preser�e the Prop�rty.
<br /> �]UE�N SALE-CQN�ENT BY LEND�R, Lender may, at Lender"s op�k�on, declare immediatefy du� and payable al1 sums
<br /> s�cured by�his Deed of Trust up�n tl-�e sale or transfer, withaut Lender's pri�r written cvnsent, of all ar any part of the
<br /> Real Property, or any interest in the ��eal Properfiy. A "sale or�ransfe�" m�ans the �an��yance of Real Proper�y or any
<br /> right, title or in�er�st in the Real Proper�y; wh�th�r legal, benefi�ia� or equitable; whether �oluntary or in�oiuntary;
<br /> ►�vhether by autright sal�, deed, inst�llmen�k sa�e cQntrac't, Iand cvntract, �ontract �or de�d, leasehv�d interest w�th a
<br /> �erm grea�er than three ��� years, le�se-�p�ifln contract, or by sale, assignment' ❑r transfer af any b�nefi�ial int�rest in
<br /> or to any land t�ust holding tit[e tQ �h� Rea! Praperty, ar by any other me�hod of can��yance of an inter�st in the Real
<br /> Praperty. Hawe��r, this op�kion shall not be exercised hy Lender i� such e�cer�ise is prvhibit�d by f�deral faw ❑r by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�ES AN❑ LIENC. The fo��awing pra�isions r�lating tv �he �kaxes and li�ns on the Proper�ty are part ❑f �his Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustar sha�� pay when du� �and in all e�ents priar to delinquencyy all taxes, special�axes, asssssrnents,
<br /> charges �inclut�ing water and sev►ier}, fEnes and impvsitions I��ied against or an acc�unt ofi the Praperty, and shall
<br /> pay when du� all �laims �ar w�rk dane vn or far services render�d �r material �u�nished ta the Property. Trustar
<br /> shall maintain�he Property free t�f al1 I�ens ha�ing privri�y o�er❑r equal t�the fnterest of Lender under this De�d �f
<br /> Trust, ex�epfi �or the �ien of taxes and assessments na� due, �xcept for �he Existing Indebtedness referred t�
<br /> belvw, and excep�as oth�rwise pra�id�d in this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Right tv Can#est. Trustvr�may vvithhald payment of any tax, assessment, �r claim in cannectian with a gvod tai�h
<br /> dispute aver�h� abligativn to pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Property is nat jevpardized. lf a Iien arises or
<br /> �s filed as a resu�� of nonpayment, Trust�r shall within fi�t�en {15y days af�er the lien arises vr, ifi a fien is filed,
<br /> within fiifteen �15� days af�er Trus�vr has na�tice of the fiiing, secure the discharge of the lien, Qr if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit v�ri�h L�nder�asN� ar a sufficient corporate surety bond vr ather security sa�isfaGtary to Lender En an
<br /> amount suf�i�ien�ta discharge the lien p�us any cos�s and attorneys' fee�, ❑r ather charges that could accru� as a
<br /> result❑f a�oreclosure ar s�le un�e�the lien� In any contest, Trus�or shall defend itself and Lender and shal�satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment before en�arc�m�nt agains�the Property� Trustor shall name Lender as an additiona�obligee
<br /> under any surety bond�urnished in the �vntest proceedings.
<br /> Evidence vf P�yr�ent. Trustar shal� upon demand furnish to Lender sa�isfactvey e�idence o� paymen�of the taxes
<br /> o� assessmen�:s and shall authoru�e �he appropriate gfl�ernmental official tv de�i�er to Lender at any time a written
<br /> sta�ement afi�the�axes and asse:�sm�nts agains�the Prop�rty,
<br /> Nv�ice ❑f Cnn�tru�tion. Trustor sha[f notify Lender a� least fifteen ��5� days b��ore any wark is cvmmenced, an�
<br /> ser�i�e� are �urn�shed, �r any materiafs are supplied ta �he Property, if any mechani�'s lien, mat�rialmen's lien, ar
<br /> other �Een �ould be ass�r�ed on a�count of the work, s�r�ices, ar materiais and �the �ast exGeeds $1,000.��.
<br /> Trustor will upvn reques�t af Lender furnish to Lender ad�an�e assurances satisfactary ta Lender that Trustvr can
<br /> and wfll pay�he �ost of such im��ra�emen�s,
<br /> I'RQPERTY DAMA�E �NSURAN�E. The fiollowing p�a�isi�ns r�lating tv insuring th� Pr�perty are a part of this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenanc� of i�surance. Tru�tor shall pracu�e an� rnaintain policies o# firs insurance with s�anda�d ex�ended
<br /> �v�erage endarsements an a repla�emen� basis far the full insurable �alue c���ring all �mpro�emen�� vn the Real
<br /> Property in ar� am�unt suf�i�i�n1: #o a�aid appiication af any coinsurance c�ause, and wixh a standa�d mortgagee
<br /> ciause in fa�a�of Lender,�oge�her with su�h vth�r hazard and liability insu�anc�as Lender may reasanably require.
<br /> Pali�ies shali be wri'tten in '�arm, amounts, c��erages and hasis reasvnab�y a��ep�a�le to L�nder and issued hy a
<br /> c�r�pany ❑r cvmpanies re�sQnaEaly accepta�ie to L�nder. Trustor, upan request of Lender, will de�i�er 'tv Lende�
<br /> from time ta �ime the palicies ❑r certi#�cates of insurance in farm satEsfactory ta Lender, in�luding stipulations that
<br /> ca�erages wi�l not be �anGef�ed ar dim�nished withaut at least thirty �3�y days prior written notice�a Lender. Ea�h
<br /> insurance poficy alsv shalf incluc�e an endorsernent pra�iding that �v�erage in fa�or of Lender �vill not be impaired
<br /> in any way �y any act, ornissian ar de�ault of Trustor❑r any other pers�n. 5hvuld the Real Pr�pe�ty be lacated in
<br /> an area d�signa�ed by the A�mi�istratvr vf the Federal Emergency Manag�ment Agency as a special flaod hazard
<br /> area, Trust�r agrees �to obtain and maintain Federal FIvQd lnsurance, if a�ailable, for �he maximum amount ofi
<br /> Trus�Car's �redit line and the full unpaid principal balance of any prior fiens on the prape�ty se�uring the loan, up ta
<br />