2� 1 ���� 13
<br /> Tran.sfer of�he Proper�y or a Bene�cial Intere�t in Borrower. �f al� or�.ny par�af the Property nr any interest
<br /> in it is �ald or t�-ansferred �or if a benef cial interest in Borrov�er is s��d ar transferred and Barrawer is no� a
<br /> natural persan} without Lender's pri�r written consen�, Lender may, a� its op���n, require �mmediat� payment �n
<br /> ful� of alI sums secured �y �h�s S�curi� �ns�rumen�. H��ve�er, this op�ion sha�� not be �xercised by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prah�b�ted by federal law as of the date�f�hxs Security Instrument.
<br /> If Lender ex�rcXses this option, Lender sha�X gzve Borrower natice of ac�elera�i�n. Th� not�ce shall pra�ide a
<br /> period af no� less than �he m�n�mum number af da.ys es�ab��shed by Applicab�e Law from �he da�e the �.otice xs
<br /> de�i�ered ar mailed wi�hin which Barrower must pay a�X sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrum�n�. �f Sorrower
<br /> fails �a pay these sums pri�r�� �he expiratxon nf this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permit�ed by �his
<br /> S e curr�y Ins�rument�vxt�a ou�fur�her no�ice ar d�mand on S�rrawer.
<br /> �orrowEer�s R�ght to Reins�ate. �f Barrower me�e�s cer�ain conditions, Borrower sha�� ha�e �h� rxbh� �o ha�e
<br /> enfarc��.en� of�his Security �nstrum�nt discon�inued a�any �ime pr�or to��.� earX�er of: �a} S days �or such other
<br /> ��riod a��ppl�cable Law m�.a��specrfy for reins�a�ement�before sale of the Pro�erty pursuant�a an�powyr of sale
<br /> can�ained xn thxs Secur�ty Instrum�n�; or �h� entry of a judgmen� enf�rc�ng this Securi�y �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> candi�io�s are that Bor�ro�er: �a� pays Lender alI sums whxch then wauld be due under�h�s Se�urxty Znstrum�n�
<br /> and the t�ontract as if na acceleratian had occurred;�b}cures any default of any o�her covenants or agreemen�s; �c�
<br /> pays al��xpenses incurred�n enforcing�his Secur��Znstrument, includ�ng,but not limi��d tfl,reasonab�e at�arn�ys'
<br /> fees to the extent per�n�tted by law; and �d�tal�es �uch action as Lender may reasonab�y require�o assure�hat th�
<br /> �ien af�h�s Securi�y �nstru�nen�, Lend�r's rx�hts in the Property and Barrow�r's ab�igatzon�to pay th� su�ns secured
<br /> - by th�s �ecuri�y �ns�rument shal� c�n��nue unchan�ed. U�fln reinstatement by Barrawer, this Security Instrument
<br /> a�ad the �bii�a�ions s�cur�d hereby shall remain fu�Zy effective as �f no a�celerat�on had occurred. How�uer, �his
<br /> ri�h�to��einstate sha�i not apply in the case of acceleratian under�he sec�zon tit�ed Transfer of�he Pr�per�y�r a
<br /> Benefic�al In�er�st in Borrower.
<br /> Ha�ard+�us Subs�anees. Borr�wer sna�l r�o�cause or per�n�t�he presence,�se, d�spasal, s�arage, or release of any
<br /> Ha2ardous Subs�ances an ar in�he Prapert�y.�orra��ver sha�l not do,nar a�lovv anyone else�o do,any�h�ng affecting
<br /> the Praper� �ha� �s zn v��lation af any Enviranme�ata� Lavv. The precedrng �wo sentences sha�� not apply t� the
<br /> presence,use,or sto�rabe on the Propet-�y of sma.��quantities of Hazardous Substances that are g�nerally recognized
<br /> to be appr�priate ta normal resid�n�xa�uses and��maintenance af�he Praper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha�l pror�ptly b�ve Lender vvr�t�en no�xce af any inWes�igation,��a�m,demand, lav�suit or o�her action b�
<br /> any gov�rnmental or reguiatnry agency ar pri�va�e parry in�o���ng the Prope�-ty and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Environrnen�al Lavv �f v�h�ch Borrower has ac�ual knowledge. If Borrawer learx�s, nr is notifzed by any
<br /> ���ernmen�a�ar r�gu�atory authority,that any remo�a� ar o�her remediatzon of any Hazardaus Subs�ance affec��n�
<br /> the Pro�er�y �s nec�ssary, Borrawer shall promp�I� �ake al� nec�ssary remed�al actians in accordance wi�h
<br /> En�ironmenta�Law.
<br /> As used in this para�raph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those su�bs�ances defned as taxi� or hazardous su}�stan�es
<br /> by Env�ronmen�al Law and �he f��lawin� substances: gasolin�, kerosene, o�her flammabie ar �oxic petraleum
<br /> products, toxic p�sticx��s and her��cides, vola.t��e saXvents, mater�als containzng asbest�s �r forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radi�active materxaXs. As used in�his paragraph, "Fn�iranmenta]Law" means federal laws and laws of the stat�of
<br /> Nebraska�hat rela�e tn heal�h, safety�r en��ror�men�ai protec��on. ��
<br /> Ac��lerat�an; Rem�dies. Lender sha�� give notice tv Borrower prior t�r a�cel�ratian follow�ng �arr��ver's
<br /> breach af any co�enant or agreement in th��Sec�ar�ty Instrument or th�Contract under which aecel�rat�on
<br /> is p�rm���ed �but no� prior to acce�eration �nder the sect�on t�t�ed Transfer of the Property or a I3enef�cial
<br /> In�eres� in �orrower, unless App�ieabxe La�v pro��des atherwise). The notice shall specify: �a} th� default;
<br /> �b} �he ac�ian requxred �a cure �he default; �c� a date, no� �ess�th�n the min�mum number �f days
<br /> established by App�xcable Law from the date�h�nat�ce i5 g�ven to Borrower, by whi�h the defau�t rnust be
<br /> cured; �nd (d} that failur� to cure the def�.ul� �n or before the da�e �pecif�ed in the notice may resr�X� in
<br /> acceleration of �h� sums secured by �his �ecur��ty In��rumen� and sale of the Property. To the e�cten�
<br /> permi��ed b� �aw, �he no�ice shal� fur�her inform Borrower of the righ�to reins�ate after a�celera�ron and
<br /> the righ:r�o br�ng a cour�actfan t�asser��he nor�-existence�f a defaul��r any other defense af B�rrower t�
<br /> ` accelera��an and sale. If the defauit xs not cured on or before the date�p�c�f�ed xn the notice, Le�der at i�s
<br /> op�ion r�ay requir� xmmediate payment �� fuli of al� sums �ecured by thi5 Secur�ty Instrument wi�hout
<br /> fu r�her de�nand and may invoke �he power of sale and any other rem�dies permit�ed by Applicable Law.
<br /> Tv the ext�n� permitted by law, Lender sha�I be ent�t�ed to callect aI� expenses �ncurred in pursuing �he
<br /> remedie� provided in thxs Section, includ�ng, bu� n�t ifmited �o, reasonable attorney�' fees and costs af title
<br /> e�xd�nce.
<br /> If the power of sa�� is in�oked, Trus�ee shail record a no�ice of defau�t�n each cou�ty in which any par�of
<br /> the Proper�y is Iocated and shal� mail cop�e�of such n�tice in �he manner pre5cribed by App��ca��e Lav�to
<br /> Borrow�r and �o the a�her persons prescribed by Applicable Law. Af�er the t�me required by App��cable
<br /> Law, Tr°us�ee sha�� give publi� no��ce of sale �� the persons and in the manner prescribed by ,A►pp��cab�e
<br /> Law, Trus�eey w�thaut demand on �3�rrowe�,sha�� se��the Prvperty at pu���� auction to the �igh�st �xdder
<br /> at the��me and place and under the�erm�d�signated in �he notice of�a��in one ar more parc�l��nd in any
<br /> flrder Trustee�determines, Trustee rnay p�stp�ne sale of aIl or any parce� of the Prope�ty by pub��c
<br /> ann�uncemen�at�he�xme and p�ace af any �rev�ously schedu�ed �a�e. Lender or�t�des�gnee rnay purchase
<br /> �he Pro�er�y at an�sal�.
<br /> Upon rece�pt af pa�yment of the price b�d, Trus��e shal� de���er to �he �urchaser Trustee's deed �o�veying
<br /> the Praper�y. The reci�a�s in �he Trus�ee's deed shal� be prxma facie ev�c�ence af�he truth of the statemen�s
<br /> C3 2004-2015 Compliaz�ce Systems,Inc,8C54-E4Q3-2a15.1 I.3.1098
<br /> Consumer fteal Estate-5ecurity Tnstrument DL2�35 Pa��4 af5 www,com�liancesystems.com
<br />