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2� 1 ���� 13 <br /> Paymer�t of Pr�nc�p�aZ and In�erest; �ther�har�es. Borrower shall promptly pay v�hen due the pr�nc�pal af and <br /> in�erest�an the d�bt awed under�he Contract and la�e charbes or any a�her fees and charges due under the Can�rac�. <br /> App��cable Lavv. As used �n this Security Ins�rument, the term "Appl�cable Law" sha�� mean a�l contro�lin� <br /> app�icable federal, s�a�e and local sta�utes, r��ulatians, ord�nances and adminis�ra�ive rules and orders ��hat ha�e <br /> �he effet�t of law}as vvell as a�l app�icab�e fnal,nan--app�aiabie jud�ciaX opiniflns. <br /> Charge�; Liens. Borrnwer sha�l pay alI �ax�s, ass�ssments, charbes, f�nes and xmposi�ians at�ribu�ab�� to �he <br /> Propert�� �hich may at�ain prior��y o�er�his Securrty �ns�rument, and I�as�hold paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> At the reques�of Lender,B�rr�vver sha��pro�ptly furr�ish to Lender receipts ev�denc�ng the paymen�s. <br /> Borrow�r shall promptly discharge any �ien�hich has priority over th�s Securi�y Instrumen�un�ess BorrovWer: �a) <br /> ag�ees 1I7 wri�inb �a the payment of the o�a�igatron secured by the lien in a manner accep�ab�e �o Lender; �b} <br /> contests in �ood fa��h �he l�en by, or d�fends abainst enfarcement �f the �ien in, lega� proc�edin�s which �n �he <br /> Lender's opin�an o�era�e �a preven� the enforcement af�he lien; or �c) secures from the holder of�he l�en an <br /> aareem�n� satxsfac��ry to Lender subordinating�h� �ie�.�o �h�s Secur��y �nstrum�n�. If L�nder determ�nes�ha� any <br /> part of�he Proper�y is subjec�to a l�en which may at�ain priority over�his Security �nstrument, Lender may bi�e <br /> Borrower a nflt�ce identifyinb the �ien. Borr��er shall satisfy the l�en �r take one or more of the �.ct�ons set for�h <br /> ab�ve vv x�hin 1 Q days flf�he�i�in�of no�ice. <br /> Ha�ard or Propert� Znsuran�e. Barrower�ha�l keep the impro�emen�s now existin�or her�after er�cted on the <br /> Property insured aga�ns��oss�y fire,hazards inc�uded v�ithin the t�rm "extended c�verage" and an�ather ha�ards, <br /> includin� f�oods or fl�adinb, far vvhich Lend�r requires insuran�e. This insurance sha11 b� mainta�ned �n the <br /> a�naunts and far the p�r�ods�ha�Lender requ�res. Th� �nsurance carr�er prov�ding the insuranc�shal�be ch�sen by <br /> Borrower subjec� �� Lender's approval wh�ch shall not be unr�asona�b�y withh�ld. If Barrower fa�Xs �a maintain <br /> ca��rabP descr�bed aba�e, L,ender may, at L�nder's flp�ion, o��ai.n coverage to protect Lender's r��hts �n �he <br /> Propert��in acc�rdance w��h sectian t��led Protecti�n of Lend�r'�Right�in the Proper�y. <br /> Ail Ynsuranc� palicies and renewaXs shall be acceptab�e to Lender and sha�l include a standard mflrtgage c�ause. <br /> Lender�hali have�t�e r��h��o hold�he po�icies and renewals. �f Lend�r requires, Borrower sha1l promptly b�v�to <br /> Le�.der all receipts of�aid premiums and renevvai riotxces. �n the event of l�ss, Borrov��r shal�g�ve prompt notice <br /> �o�h�in,�urance�arr�er and Lender. L�nder may make proof of loss if not�mad�pr�mp�ly by Btirro�er. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrower oth�rw�se abre� in wr��ing, �nsurance proc�eds shali be app��ed to res�orat��n or <br /> repair o:�the Properry damabed, if, �n Lender's s�Ie discreti�n, the restoratxon or repair is econamical�� feasible <br /> and �ender's securxty is no� lessened. If, �n Lender's so�e dzscr�tion, �he r�storation or repair is no� econamically <br /> feas�ble or Lender's se�urity would be Iessened,�he insurance praceeds shal�be app��ed�o�he sums secured by thzs <br /> Sec�rity Instrum�n�, whe�her or na� th�n d�e, w�th any excess pa�d �o Borrower. If Borrower abandans �he <br /> Property, �r does no�answer within the num�er of days prescrxbed by Appl�cab�e Lav�as set for�h in a not�ce firom <br /> Lender to B�rrower�ha��he xnsurance carrier has offer�d to set�le a cla�m, �hen�.ender may co��ect the insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �n repa�r ar res�ore the Proper�y or�o pay sums secured b� this Securxty <br /> �nstrumen�,whe�her�r no��hen due.The per�o�af�ime for Barrower�o ansvsrer as set for�h in the nat�ce will begin <br /> when the notice is g��en. <br /> UI7��55 Iaender and Borrovver otherwise agree in wr�t�nb, any app��cation of proceeds�o princxpal shali no�extend <br /> ar postp�ne�he due date of�he payments due under the Cantract or change the amount of th� payments. �f under <br /> �he section titled A��elera�ian; Remedxes, the Property is ac�uired�y Lender, B�rrower's ribh��a any �nsurance <br /> pol�c�es and proceeds resultin� from dama�e tfl �h� Proper�y pr�or�a �he acquxs��ion shal� pass t� Lend�r ta the <br /> ex�ent of`the sums se�ured by�hxs Security�ns�rument�mmediat��y prior�o�h�acquYSY�i�n. <br /> Pre�er���ion, Maintenance and Pra�ection of;�he Property; Borrowerts Loan Appl�ca��an; Lea�eholds. <br /> Borrovve.r sha1� no���s�roy, damage or impa�r the�'roperty, a��aw�he Froperry�o deter�oratey or camm�t�aste on <br /> the �'roperty. Borrov��er shal�be in defau�t if any forfeit�.re ac��on ar proceed�n�,whether ci�il or criminal, is bebun <br /> tha� in Lender's ��od faith j udbment cou�d resu�t in forfei�ure of fhe Prflper�y or o�herwise mater�ally impair the <br /> lien cre�.ted by �his Security Ins�rument or Lender's secur�ty in��res�. Bflrrower may cure such a defaul� and <br /> reinstate, as prn��ded in section�i�led �orro�er's R�ght to Reinstat�, by �ausing�he ac��on�r proc�ed�n�to be <br /> d�sm�ss�d with a ru�ing fihat, in Lender's�ood fa�th de�erm�nat�on,prec�udes f�rfe�tur�of the Borrower's�nter�st in <br /> the Prap�erty ar o�hcr nr�a�eriai impairm�n� of the �ien created �y �his Securi�ty �ns�rument or Lender's security <br /> inte�-est. Borrov�er sha��alsa he in defaul�if B�rrow�r,during�he ��an app�i�a�ion pracess,gave ma�er�a�Iy false or <br /> inac�ura��e informa�ion �r statemen�s ta Lend�r �o� failed to prov�de Lender with any ma�erial informat�on} in <br /> connecti�n with the �aan e�id�nced by the Coza�ract. If thzs Secur�� Znstrument is an a 1�asehold, �3arrower shal� <br /> co�np�y��ith al��he pro��sians af th� �eas�. �f Borrow�r acquzres fee t��ie to�he Property,the leasehold and the fee <br /> t�tle shal�no�mer�e un�ess Lender agrees to the merb�r�n�r�txnb. <br /> Pro�ec�i�nn af Lender's Righ�s �n �he Prop�rty, �f Barr�wer fails to p�rfarm the covenan�s and agreements <br /> containe�.in this Se�urity Instrumen�, �r�here is a I�ga1 pr�ceeding�hat may signifi�an�l�affect Lender's righ�s in <br /> the �rop�rty �su�h as a proceedin� in bankruptcy, praba�e, for �andemnation or farfe��ure or to enforce Iaws or <br /> re�u�ati�ns�, then Lender m.ay do and pay f�r whatever is necessary to pra�ect �he va�ue of�he Praper�y and <br /> Lender's ri�h�s �n the Proper�y. Lender's ac��ans may�n�lude payxng an�sums secured by a�ien vwh�ch has pr�ority <br /> o�er this Security Ir��trument, appearin�in court,pay�ng reasanable at�orne�s'fees and entering�n�he Proper�y to <br /> make repa�rs.A�thou�h Lender may take act�or�under�his section,L,ender does no�have ta do so. � <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his sec�i�n shail become add�tzanal deb� af�3arrower secured by th�s <br /> S�curity �ns�rumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agree t� other terms of paymen�, �hese amoun�s shail bear <br /> Q 2��4-2�i 5 C�rrtp�iance Systems,Inc.8C54-E4D3-2415.]l.3.1 Q�8 <br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate-Security In�trument DL2d35 Page 2 of 5 www, <br />