2� 1 ���594
<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> �Cont�n��d} Page 8
<br /> Nr�te. The word ��N ote" means any and al! of Bvrrvw�r`s liabilities, vbligativns and debts t❑ Lender, naw exist�ng
<br /> or hereinafter incurred or created, including, wi�hout�imitation, all foans, advances, in�er�st, �osts debts, o�erdraft
<br /> indebtedness, credit card inde�tedness, lease obligatians, liabiiities and obiiga#ians under interest ra#e protection
<br /> agr�ements or fvreign cu�-r�n�y exchange agreemen�s or cvmmodity pri�e pratect�on a�reemen�s,vthe�vbligat�ons,
<br /> and liab��ities of Borrower togethe� with all modifications, in�reases, renewal�, and eact�nsions o� the
<br /> aforsmentioned. Additionalty, hereby inca�porat�d as if fully se�for�h herein are the term� and canditions �f any
<br /> promissory note, agreemen� or other do�um�nt executed by Borrower andlor Lender indi�a�ing this security
<br /> instrument or the prope�y described herein shall be considered "Cvllateral" securing suGh pramissory nvte,
<br /> agreement,�r other ins�rument, or any simi[a�-ref�ren�e.
<br /> Persona� Praperty. The words "Personai Propsr�y" mean al� equipment, fixtures, and o�her a�icles v� personal
<br /> property now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and nvw vr hereafter attached or affixed t� the Real Proper�y;
<br /> togethe�- with all acGessians, parts, and additions to, all replacements ❑f, and all substitutions for, any o� such
<br /> property; and together wi#h ali prnceeds �in�luding without limitation al� insuran�e pro�eeds and re�unds o�
<br /> premiums}from any sale or vther dispositivn of the Property.
<br /> Prop�rty. The wvrd "Praperty"means collecti�ely�he Rea[Prope�ty and the Personaf Proper�y.
<br /> Real Prvp��y. The wvrds "Real Property"mean�he real property, interes�s and rights, as further described in this
<br /> Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> Re[ated Documen�s. The wards °F�elated ❑ocuments" mean ali promissory notes, credit agreemen�s, loan
<br /> agreements, environmental agreemen�s, guaran�ies, securi�y agreements, martgages, deeds vf trus#, security
<br /> deeds, co!(ateral mortgages, and a�l other ins�rumen�s, ag�-eements and documents, v►rhe�her nvuv nr herea�ter
<br /> �xis�ing, executed �n connectivn wi�h the Indebtedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" m�ans all present and future rents, revenues, incvme, issues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> other benefits derived from �he Property.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trus�ee" means First National Bank of amaha , whose addr�ss is 8'�fl A�len Dr. , Grand �sland
<br /> , NE �88n3 and any substitute❑r su�cessor trustees.
<br /> Trustor. The word "Trustor" means MG��oud Sup�r 8 Motei, Inc..
<br /> A�REES��1T5 TERl11�S.
<br /> TRIJS�OR:
<br /> MC �U❑SiJPER 8 I�IOTEL, NC.
<br /> By• �
<br /> �
<br /> erald G�cCloud, President of McC�oud Super 8 Motel, lnc.
<br /> Sy ���
<br /> �atheran L Mc�laud,Se��e�a of McCioud 5upe�S Maitel, �n�.
<br /> ,
<br /> STATE 4F j
<br /> �55
<br /> C�UNTY QF j
<br /> �n this �^ . _ _ � day of ,�D � , before me, �he und�rsEgn�d
<br /> Notary Public, personally appeared Gerald � McCloud, P s�den� v� McCloud Super 8 Motel, lnc, and Catheran L
<br /> iUlcCl�ud, Secre�ary of NicC{vud Supe�r$ Motel, In�., and avvn t❑ m� to be authorized agen�s of the corpora�ion that
<br /> exe�u��d th� aeed of Trust and a�knowledg�d the ❑eed of Trust to h� th� free and voluntary act and deed of the
<br /> corpvration, by authority of its By�aws or by resalutivn of its board af dire�tors, fo� the uses and purpvses therein
<br /> mentioned, and on oath stated tha�they are authorized to execute this Deed af Trust and in fact executed the ❑eed ofi
<br /> T�-ust on beha�f of the�orporativn.
<br /> �y
<br /> �b��s1�a Prin#ed Name: ��' � �L�
<br /> � �
<br /> .S���e�� �� No�ary Public in a d for the State vf
<br /> � ������� ��L�� ��l$
<br /> ������ ����� �11��5��'� Residing at
<br /> � ��p� ������
<br /> �� �����'l�• My cnmmission expires
<br /> �
<br />