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2� 1 ���594 <br /> 13EE�3 �F TRUST <br /> �C��1�II�U�d} P�ge 4 <br /> Rrviceedings. If any praceeding in condemnati�n is fil�d, Trustvr shall promptly nvtify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trus�or sha�t pramptly�ake such steps as may be necessary to defend the activn and obtain the award. Trustor <br /> may be the nominal party in such praceeding, but Lender sha��be entitled ta par�ic�pa�e�n the proceeding and to he <br /> repres�n�ed in the proceeding by counsel of its vwn choioe, and Trus#or will deli�er or�aus�t� be deli�ered �o <br /> Lender su�h instruments and documentation as may be reques�ed by L.ende�from time to time tv perm�t su�h <br /> pa�ticipa�kion. <br /> Appl i catio� of N�t Prviceeds. If a!I vr any part of�he Prvperty is condemned by emi nent domai n proceedi ngs ar by <br /> any praceeding or purchase in Iieu of cvndemna�tion, Lender may at its election require that all ar any port3on of the <br /> net proQeeds a�the award be appiied tv the lndebtedness or the repair or res�oration o��he Prope�y. The net <br /> proceeds vf the award shall mean�he;award aft�r paym�nt of al� reasonable�vsfs, expenses, and attorneys'fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connectian wi�h the condemnatian. <br /> lI1�PDSIT��N �F TAXES, FEES AND CHAR�ES BY G�VERNIVIENTAL AUTHqRIT�ES. The follawing pra�isians re�ating <br /> to ga�emmental taxes,fees and charges ar�a part af this Deed af T�ust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. �pon request by Lender, Trustar shall execute suGh documents in addition t� <br /> �his De�d of Trust and take wha�e�er o�her acti�n is requested by Lender to per�ect and contEnue Lender's lien on <br /> �he Rea[ �roperty. Trustor shall reim�bu�s� L�nder for a�l taxes, as described beivw, together with al� expenses <br /> in�urred in recording, perF�c�ing or �ontinuing th�s Deed of Trust, in��uding without I�mitation ali taxes, fees, <br /> documen�ary stamps,and othe�Gharges�or recording or registering this Deed❑f Trust. <br /> Taxes. The following shall constitute� taxes to which this section app��es: �'�} a sp�cifiic tax upon this typ� ofi <br /> Deed of Trust or upon all ❑r any part af the Indeht�dne�s secur�d by this Qeed o�Trust; ��} a specific tax on <br /> Trustvr which Trustor is au�harized or�required to deduc�from payments on the Indebtedness s�cured by�his �ype <br /> �f Deed of Trus�; �3} a tax on this type of Deed❑�Trust chargeable agains#the Lender or�he holder a�the Nvte; <br /> and �4} a specific tax on all or any partion vf�he Indebtedness or on paymen�s nf principal and interest made by <br /> Trustor. <br /> Subsequeu�t Taxes. !f any tax to which th�s sec�ion appfies is enacted subsequent tv the dat� af th�s D�ed v� <br /> Trust, this e�ent shai� ha�e the same e�fect as an IE�en� of Default, and Lender may ex�rcise any ar ail vf its <br /> a�ailabie remedies for an E�ent �f I]efault as pro�ided below uniess Trust�r either �1� pays the tax before ifi <br /> beovmes delinquen�, or ��} �ontests the�ax as pro�ided aha�e in the Taxes and Lien�section and depasits with <br /> Lender cash or a su�ficient�orpora�e s�urety bond or other security satisfactory�v L�nder. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following prv�isions relating to this Deed of Trus� �s a <br /> security agreement are a part❑f this Deed o�F Trust: <br /> Secu�i#y Agreement, This instrument shafl canstitute a Securi�y A�reement to the ex�ent any af the Prvperty <br /> constitutes fxtures, and Lender sha�i have a!I ❑f the rfgh�s of a secured par�y under the Uni�orm Gommercial Code <br /> as amended�rom time t�time. <br /> 5e�urity l�teres�. Upon reques� iay Lender, Trustor shall take whate�er action is requested by Lend�r to perfect <br /> and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and �ersanal Praperty. ln addition t❑ recvrding this Deed af <br /> Trust in �he real p�ap�rty records, Lender may, at any time and withaut further au�horiza�ion �rvm Trustar, file <br /> executed caunterparts, copies ar repraductions of this Deed vf Trust as a �inancing statemen�. Trus�or shall <br /> reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting vr cvntinuing�his se�urity interest. �Jpon default, Trust�r <br /> sha[1 not rema��, sever or de�ach the Personal Praperty fram the Property. Upon default, Trustor shall assemhle <br /> �ny Personal Prope�ty not a�Fixed to#he Property in a manner and at a place reasonabiy convenient to Trus�or and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailab�e t❑ Lender within three �3} days a�ter receipt of written demand fram Lende�to the <br /> extent permitted by applicab��law. <br /> Addresses. The mai[ing addresses of Trustor �debtor� and Lend�r �se�ured par�y} frvm whi�h in�vrmati�n <br /> con�erning �he security interest granted by �his D�ed �f Trust may be ohtained �each as required by the Uniform <br /> Gommercial Code}are as stated Qn the�irst page o�th�s Deed ofi Trust. <br /> FLlRTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The follawing pro�isivns re�ating to further assurances and <br /> at�arney-in--fa�t are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and fram time to time, upon�eques�of Lender, Trustor will make, ex�cxrte and <br /> de[i�er, ar wi I� cause tv be made,executed or deli�ered,to Lender or�o Lender�s designee, and when requ�sted�y <br /> L.ender, cause�a be f[�d, �ecarded, �-ef led, vr rerec�rd�d, as th� rase may be, at such�i mes and i n su�h o�f ces <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and ail sucn martgages, deeds of trust, secur��y deeds, security <br /> agreemen�s, financing s�a�ements, cantinuat�on statemen�s, ins�ruments �f further assu�an�e, certif�cates, and <br /> other documents as may, in the sale op�n�on a�Lender, be necessary vr desirable in order fo effectuate, complete, <br /> per�ec#, continue, or preserv� �'1} Trustor's ob�iga�ions under the Nate, this Deed vf Trust, and the Related <br /> Documen�s, and �2} the f iens and security interests c�eated by this D�d of Trust vn the Prvperty,whether now <br /> owned vr hereafter aoquired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by law vr Lender agrees to the contrary in writing, <br /> Trus�o�shall reimburse Lender far all casts and expenses incurred in�vnnectivn wi#h the matters referred�o in this <br /> paragraph. <br /> A#torney-in-Fact. lf Trustor fails to da any af the things referred to in the preoeding paragraph, Lender rr�ay do so <br /> �or and in�he name of Trustor and a�T�ustar's expense. Fvr such purposes, Trustor here�y irre�ocably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trustor"s attorney-in-fact far the purpose of making,exe�uting,de�ivering,frfEng, recording,and doing al1 <br /> other things as may be nec�ssary or des�rable, in Lende€�s sole�pinion, �o aocamp[ish the mat�ers referred to in <br /> �he p�eoeding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RIVIANCE. If Trustor pays afl the [ndebtedness, fncluding without limitation al[�uture ad�anoes,when due, <br /> terminates th��ine of Gredit, and oth�rwise perfQrms al��he o��igatians impased upon Trus�ar under this Decd of Trust, <br /> L.ender shall execute and deliv�r to Trustee a reques� �or fuli r�canveyance and shall execu#e and de[i�er to Trustar <br /> suitable statement�a�F�erminativn of any financing statement on file e�idencing Lender's security�nter�st in the Ren�s <br /> and the Personal Prvperty. Any recan�eyance fee required by law shall be paid �y Trustor, if permitked �y applicab�e <br /> I aw. <br /> EVENTS aF DEFAULT. Each of�he f�llowing, at Lender's aption, shall canstitute an �vent of Detau�t und�r this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> �ayment Defau��, Trustor fails ta make any payment when due under the [ndebtedness. <br /> �ther De�aults. Trustor fails to comply with vr to perfarm any other �erm, obliga�ivn, ca�enant a� condEt�on <br /> contained in this Deed af Trust or in any of fhe Related Documents or tv �amply with or to perform any term, <br /> obligation, c�Wenant or condition contained in any other agreement�etween Lende�-and Trus�or. <br /> Comp6ian�e �efault. Fa�iur� to c�mply with any other te�m, ��ligation, co�enant ar �vndition contained in �his <br /> Deed of Trust,the 1Vote vr in any of the Reia�ed Documents. <br /> �e�aul�on��her Paymen�s. Failure of Trustor with�n the tim� required�y this ❑eed of Trust to make any paym�nt <br /> far�axes or insurance, vr any vth��payment ne�essary ta pre�ent filing of or to ef�ec�discharge o�any lien. <br /> 1De�aul� �n Fa�ar of Third �'ar�ies. Should Grantar default under any laan, ex�ens�an ❑f credit, security agreemen�, <br />