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� � 2� 1 ���572 <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'i�'i�9�'[39 �Continued� Page 5 <br /> No Modification. Trust�r shaff n�t enter int� any agreement with the h�lder �f any m�rtgage, deed �f trust, �r <br /> �ther security agreement which has pri�rity ��er �his Deed �f Trust by which that agreement is m�d�fied, <br /> amended, extended, �r renewed with�ut the pri�r written c�nsent �� Lender. Trust�r sha�� neither request n�r <br /> accept any fu�ure ad�ances under any such security agreement with�ut the pri�r written c�nsent��Lender, <br /> CaNDEMNATIQN. The f�ll�wing pr��isi�ns relat�ng t� c�ndemnati�n proceedings are a part��this Deed��Trust: <br /> Proc��dings. If any proceeding in c�ndemnati�n is ��led, Trust�r shall pr�mptEy n�t�fy Lender in writing, and <br /> Trust�r shall pr�mptly take such steps as may be necessary t� defend the acti�n and �btain the award, Trust�r <br /> may be the n�minal party in such pr�ceeding, but Lender shaFl be entitled t� participate in the proceeding and t� be <br /> represented in the proceeding by c�unsel �f its �wn ch�ice, and Trust�r w�f( deli�er �r cause t� be deli�ered t� <br /> Lender such instruments and d�cumentati�n as may be requested by Lender fr�m time t� time t� permit such <br /> participati�n. <br /> Application of Net Proce�ds. If all �r any part��the Pr�perty �s c�ndemned by eminent d�main pr�ceedings �r by <br /> any proceed�ng �r purchase �n lieu�f c�ndemnati�n, Lender may at its efect��n require that all �r any p�rti�n �f the <br /> net proceeds �f the award be applied �� the Indeb�edness �r the repa�r �r rest�rati�n �� �he Pr�perty. The net <br /> pr�ceeds ��the award shall mean the award after paymen� �f aff reas�nable c�sts, expenses, and att�rneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee�r Lender in c�nnecti�n with the c�ndemnati�n. <br /> IMPaSITIQN aF TA7CES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GaVERNMENTAL AUTHaR�TIES. The ��El�w�ng pr���si�ns relating <br /> t�g��ernmental taxes, fees and charges are a part�f this Deed��Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, F�es and Charges. Up�n request by Lender, Trust�r shall execute such d�cuments in additi�n t� <br /> this Deed �f Trust and take whate�er �ther acti�n is requested by Lender t� per�ect and c�ntinue Lender's lien �n <br /> the Real Pr�perty. Trust�r sha�� reimburse Lender ��r all �axes, as descr�bed bel�w, t�gether with aff expenses <br /> incurred in rec�rding, perfecting �r c�ntinuing this Deed �� Trust, including with�ut limitat��n all taxes, fees, <br /> d�cumentary stamps, and�ther charges��r rec�rd�ng �r reg�stering�h�s Deed��Trust. <br /> Tax�s. The f�ll�wing shall c�nsti�ute �axes t� wh�ch this secti�n applies: �1} a speci��c tax up�n this type �f <br /> Deed �f Trust �r up�n all �r any part �� the Indebtedness secured by this Deed �� Trust; �2� a specif�c tax �n <br /> B�rr�wer which B�rr�wer �s auth�ri�ed �r required t� deduct �r�m payments �n �he indebtedness secured by this <br /> type �f Deed �f Trust; �3} a tax�n this type �f Deed �f Trust chargeabfe against the Lender�r the h�lder �f the <br /> N�te; and �4} a spec�fic tax �n all �r any p�rt��n �f the Indebtedness �r �n payments �f pr�nc�pal and interest <br /> made by B�rr�wer. <br /> Subs�quent Tax�s. I� any tax t� which th�s secti�n applies is enacted subsequent t� the date �f this Deed �f <br /> Trust, this e�ent shal! ha�e the same ef�ect as an E�ent �f De�au[t, and Lender may exercise any �r ail �f its <br /> a�aifabfe remedies ��r an E�en� �� Default as pr��ided bef�w unless Trust�r either �1} pays �he �ax bef�re it <br /> bec�mes definquent, �r �Z} c�ntests the tax as pr��ided ab��e �n the Taxes and Liens sect��n and dep�sits with <br /> Lender cash�r a su�ficient c�rp�rate surety b�nd�r�ther securi�y satisfact�ry t� Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; F�NANCING STATEMENTS. The f�l��wing pr��isi�ns rela�ing t� �his Deed �� Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part�f this Deed�f Trust: <br /> Security Agre�ment. This instrument shall c�nst�tute a Security Agreement t� the extent any �f the Pr�perty <br /> c�nst�tutes fExtures, and Lender shall ha�e all ��the rights �f a secured party under the Unif�rm C�mmercial C�de <br /> as a mended�r�m ti me t�ti me. <br /> Security Interest. Up�n request by Lender, Trust�r shall take whate�er act��n �s requested by Lender t� perfect <br /> and c�ntinue Lender's security �nterest �n the Rents and Pers�nal Pr�perty. fn additi�n t� rec�rding this Deed �f <br /> Trust �n the real pr�perty rec�rds, Lender may, at any time and with�ut �urther auth�rEzat��n �r�m Trust�r, file <br /> executed c�unterparts, c�pies �r repr�ducti�ns �� this Deed �f Trust as a financing statement. Trust�r shal� <br /> reimburse Lender��r all expenses incurred �n perfecting �r c�ntinuing �his security interest. Up�n default, Trust�r <br /> shafl n�t rem��e, se�er �r detach the Pers�nal Pr�perty fr�m �he Pr�perty. L1p�n defauit, Trus��r shalf assembfe <br /> any Pers�na! Pr�perty n�t affixed t� the Pr�perty in a manner and at a place reas�nably c�n�enient��Trus��r and <br /> Lender and make it a�a�lab�e �� Lender wi�hin three �3} days afiter receipt �f wri�ten demand fr�m Lender t� the <br /> extent permitted by appE�cabfe faw. <br /> Addr�sses. The maiiEng addresses �f Trust�r �debtor� and Lender �secured party} fr�m which inf�rmat��n <br /> c�ncerning the security �nterest granted by th�s Deed �f Trust may be �bta�ned �each as requ�red by the Uni��rm <br /> C�mmercial C�de} are as stated�n the first page��th�s Deed�f Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTaRNEY-IN-FACT. The f�ll�wing pr��isi�ns refating t� further assurances and <br /> att�rney-in-fact are a part�f this Deed �f Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any t�me, and fr�m time �� time, up�n request �f Lender, Trust�r will make, execute and <br /> deli�er,�r will cause t� be made, executed �r defi�ered, t� Lender�r t� Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender. cause �� be filed, rec�rded, re���ed. �r rerec�rded. as the case may be, at such times and in such �f��ces <br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem appr�pr�ate, any and a�i such m�rtgages, deeds �f trust, security deeds, security <br /> agreements, financing statements, c�nt�nuat��n statements, instruments �f further assurance, certificates, and <br /> �ther d�cuments as may, in the s�le �pini�n �� Lender, be necessary�r desirable in �rder t� e�fectuate, c�mp�ete, <br /> perfect, c�ntinue, �r preser�e �1� B�rr�wer's and Trust�r's �biigat��ns under the N�te, this Deed �� Trust, and <br />